Fx Any Winter's Desires and Pleasures

  • Thread starter Cardinal Desires
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Cardinal Desires

Hey, howdy, yo, greetings!

I'm Augusta or Winter-lyn, I go by both, and I'm a newbie in the smut side of roleplaying but I have a few years experience in roleplaying over all. I have many different genres and fandoms I love and I'm open to suggestions, I'm also in love lore around many science fiction and fantasy stories and shows. Out of character discussing and brainstorming is fun and I'm open to do that.

Some things about me:
I'm a dom / switch but I like to be more of a switch.
I prefer to play female characters but I can play males, transgendered, intersexes, etc and I don't have a gender I prefer my partner to play as.
I'll be on daily or a few days a week for between a hour to 10 hours, depends on the day in question.
I have a preference for more of a 1 x 1 roleplay but harems can be discussed
Roleplays I like are romance focused with a good story and a great amount of smut.
Open to playing nonhumans like elves but also furries etc.

Persona A is my characters
Persona B are other's characters.


Heroes had come to her world to save them from the horrors of the demonic forces and the wrathful Dark King. They were summoned from another world on a mission to push back the darkness that plagues the lands of man and to bring hope to the world once more. The world is one of magic, of monsters, and power deities and unlike the one the Heroes were summoned from. They thought the world a game, a realm of fantasy were their actions had no consequences but they were blind to the aftermath that they caused. Under the King's decree the Heroes were sent around the Kingdom of Illos to train for the upcoming invasion and, to combat rebels, vagabonds and roaming orc warbands as well help the general population. Unbeknownst to the Heroes they were mostly helping the agendas of the nobles and the elites while harming the peasantry.
One of the Heroes would have a rude awakening to the reality they were forced into with the Sacking of Lavender Creek, a large town to the far north of Illos' Capital and on the border of another Human Kingdom, by the biggest orc warband Illos had seen. It was defeated but the damage to the town and the country side was done.
The seeds of discontent and disobedience was sown inside the Hero's heart and mind.
Persona A is an Moon Elf Slave the Hero bought as slavery is legal is the fantasy world they are in. She doesn't have a name as the master gives names to slaves
Persona B is the Hero that seen too much.

A HighSchool, hidden from the world, where creatures of the night go to study, to make friends and bridge the gap between the ghosts, the ghouls and monsters. It's close to end of the year with exams and prom night just around the corner for the Seniors. All eyes look forward to prom, graduation and to wonderful, relaxing summer.
The Highschool is of Victorian design with all the students living in dorms with independent dorms for the genders and grades. The classes are mixed genders with, of course, separate grades.
Persona A is a sophomore Neko girl that's named Cherry Hill. Alternatively Persona A is a senior Vampire girl named Adrasteia.
Persona B is a classmate or a friend.

The Rosenberg Dukedom is situated in a favorable place within the Empire of Isleovia in both influence in the courts and location of the Dukedom's territory. With mountains and hills to the west of Rosenberg's lands shelters them western storms and the Dukedom of Dena, another vassal of Isleovia, to the North is the Arid lands with many mines and bandit camps, to the east is the Great Central Sea and its untouched potential, and in the south is the population center with a tropical climate. The Dukedom is one of the richest under the Empire so many look at it in jealousy, envy and greed. However poverty is everywhere in the lands of Rosenberg as self serving elites party away the night as the middle and lower classes break their own backs. Like the rest of the Empire rampant racism and human supremacy plagues the downtrodden, leaving many non humans to live in the slums or turn to crime to make a living. Slavery is legalized with slaves having no to little rights of their own as they are just property to be bought and sold at the highest bidder. The courts are run by men with woman being seen as secondary civilians, men fight and die for Isleovia so only they can vote and so on.
Person A is the Duchess of Rosenberg and eldest daughter of four other children to the Duke and Duchess; Sir Herny and Lady Netto, respectively. She's Lady Lav (Lavender).
Persona B is someone that can be discussed. Some initial thoughts are a Foreign Prince(ess) or higher-up, her Butler/ Maid, a Friend from another Noble family, a bodyguard. A nonhuman would be a good twist.

It was a cold and rainy summer evening as thick storm clouds hang over the city, dulling the light of the sun. A thick fog filled the places between the tall skyscrapers of glass, steel and concrete. The downpour outside battered the windows in what seemed to be waves that washed over the skyscrapers. It was pure chaotic nature but it was weirdly calming. Up in the skyscrapers, the CEOs and high officials could watch the storm in the comfort of their heated offices. One of these CEOs, the CEO of a upper managements company that deals in R&D, was the owner of the infamous company called Amadeus (name is negotiable). The door to the CEO's office and a woman worked in with a tray with coffee and sweets on it.
Persona A is the CEO's secretary, a Miss Melissa Adams, who had been working with her CEO for six months. She's a hardworker, friendly with both higher officials and lower workers from the lower floors, smart, focused and a music lover. She was also young and, some would say, beautiful; which was a benefit all of its own.
Persona B is the CEO, Melissa's Boss.

Persona A is an up and coming Pokemon trainer with a can-do spirit and the skills to really her dreams of becoming the best through the lands. She'll have to prove herself to rivals, other trainers and the masters, capture weird and wonderful Pokemon to be her friends and to make her name knew by all.
Persona B is negotiable.
This is a standard Pokemon adventure but with more smut.

The Aisuru Hoshi Onsen is a legendary hot springs and Ryokan that dates back to the 16th century. It's had many different owners but the lastest ones have had it for 150 years so it's a family business through and through. Recently it's under the management of the former owner's three daughters. Yuri, the eldest daughter, Ai, the middle daughter and Tomoyo, the youngest. Their ages are 21, 20 and 18 respectively.
The Onsen is a getaway for couples that want to just have some time together, to relax in the calming hot springs, to walk around the beautiful gardens of western and eastern design, or to simply rest in peace and comfort of a Ryokan room. There are many services there such as but not limited to massages, local tours, exotic foods and if lucky; a festival or two. It's state of the art comfort with a old time feel. The Aisuru Hoshi Onsen is a special Onsen as it has the blessings of Musubi-no-Kami, the Japanese god of Love and Marriage, with a shrine devoted to that God.
Persona A is Saito Ai, the middle daughter of the Saito family.
Persona B can be a customer, or a new worker there. Is negotiable.

This can be shifted into modern fantasy with the deity actually existing.

Crown's International Academy is a a school for the children of the rich and famous and a school that comes to you. With many Academy around the world, the UK one is by far the best, largest and with the most history. The Academy is both a highschool and a university so students will spend a lot of time there, learning and growing to be a true heir to their family's wealth as well as a place for people to meet, fall in love and strengthen the families.
Persona A is Song Eun-Kyeong, a daughter to the rich CEO of a South Korean Tech Conglomerate who wants her daughter to have the best.
Persona B can be a fellow student or a teacher.

In the summer time of the near future a unknown illness swept across earth causing people to get very sick. Hospitals were filled to their limits and new temporary medical camps were created. It was so bad most countries on earth declared Martial Law and a National Emergency with countries working together to find the cure. Everyone on earth was infected but the range of symptoms was too random with some the infected having a day or two of symptoms before they were better. The symptoms could last a few days to weeks to months but those were the lucky ones. Seven months into the illness's progress the once that still had it fell into a coma and over the next few months would start to be encased in a cocoon like structure made of a unknown material. After a year the 'cocoons' would hatch to reveal the person inside.
Persona A is someone that was inside a cocoons and emerged from it as a biological female where they were a biological male before the illness happened.
Persona B is negotiable.

This is a simple roleplay that's about the love between an older man and a younger woman. The initial idea is a step dad/ step daughter roleplay but neighbor, teacher, coach, business man, boss are other roles that can be used in place for step dad. Also the younger woman is around 18 to 19.
Persona A (NSFW) is the younger woman
Persona B is the older man

Randoms roles I'm open to but not limited to
Knight X Princess
Knight X Mage
Prince X Princess
CEO X Secretary
Boss X Worker
Step Siblings
Best Friends
BFx GF etc
Met Online
Rental Girlfriend
Demon x Human
Interracial Couple
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