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LilBread looking for a rp!

Mar 5, 2019
Hey hello! I am going through and updating my thread. After a bit of experience on BMR, I figured it was needed. A little introduction of myself: stereotypical 18 year old girl with never enough time for the things I wanna do. I'm on here for entertainment and to work on my writing, get new ideas, or just kill time when I can't sleep. I love satirical TV shows, anything horror, and 80s slapstick comedy movies. I don't think I could go a day without writing but I need to be engaged in a story to be able to properly help in telling it. I'm also pretty passive, so I'm really sorry if it takes me a bit to reply, sometimes I just drop off. But! I always try to tell my partners if I'm losing interest or if I'm busy, I cannot just ghost.

Anyways. Here are my interests/cravings (those in bold are particular cravings right now)

DDLG- this is like a mega ultra craving for me right now. I just want that cute ass romance shit. Yes smut is cool too but dick mc down then snuggle the fuck outta her and tell her she's pretty
Monstergirls- I have very little experience here and really just wanna play around with it a bit more
Historical settings- I wanna experiment a bit more with, like, Victorian women, or older setting in general
Demon/victim- if you want straight smut, this would also be good for me

Tbh I'm really tired right now and that's like my main cravings. But if you have something in mind, it doesn't hurt to message me. I'll either say yes or no or maybe, but it at least puts you on my radar.

RP Details:

~ I tend to roleplay in third person, and it's really my preference, but if you're inclined to first, I'm sure you could convince me.
~ I like at least two or three paragraphs, but please don't overwhelm me with eight. Happy medium here. Enough room to describe the scene, character actions and dialogue, but I don't want to feel like I have to go into so much detail just to meet your length expectations.
~ I really want to find a partner that prefers or at least is okay with posting via threads on BMR. Right now I've only got one going on and I would like to get a bit more of my writing out there and public. If that's not even an option for you, alright, Discord works as well (contextuallylacking#4998), or PMs here, but I would like to be a bit more public with my work
~ Brainstorming is important. I expect at least some OOC communication to establish a plan, and idea of a beginning and ideally some sort of end so that we have a goal to work toward. I'm not gonna go on a run without knowing where I'll end up. I like to discuss characters, setting, scene, goals, wants and needs, and so on. The more we brainstorm, the more I can get into character and the more you'll get out of me as a partner.
~ I'm not picky on faceclaims. If you don't want em, we don't need em. But please communicate with me so we know. I like to pick out something so I can picture our character, or make a little storyboard of their color schemes, likes and dislikes, etc. I can do irl FC, drawn, or just a collection of photos that make up your character's personality. I just like to get a visual, but it's not necessary.
~ I also actually really like photo references during a rp. They, again, aren't necessary, and sometimes can break up a scene depending on your writing style, but like if we're doing some kinky shit in a smut scene and yc whips out a toy, a link might be nice to know what exactly you're talking about or get a visual for an especially pretty toy.
~ Also here's my F-List

Anyways. Thank you much for the read and feel free to message me here, via Discord, or not at all! Happy roleplaying my friends!
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