- Joined
- Mar 5, 2019
Welcome to the world of Pokémon! This world is inhabited by creatures called Pokémon! For some people, Pokémon are pets. Other use them for fights. And now your very own Pokémon legend is about to unfold! A world of dreams and adventures with Pokémon awaits! Let's go!
Perhaps you were expecting something a little smaller. A little more fuzzy. A little more companionable. Or even dreamed of something even more massive, frightening and dangerous. One's first Pokémon is rarely what they expected. Nonetheless, most trainers soon come to find that whatever their shape or size, their new companion comes with surprising benefits and expectations beyond their wildest dreams. While Pokémon might at first glance appear to be nothing more than men or women themselves, it soon becomes clear just how different from humans they truly are. Some are wild, vicious and feral. Others are nearly codependent with their eagerness to follow orders. They're friends, companions, confidants, and equally they are the dangers that lurk on the fringes of society and nature, allies to those who would do harm. There are more varieties of Pokémon than can be cataloged, though several have made it their goal to try. Boiled down to their base similarities, it might even be said that altogether every species of Pokémon only has a single thing in common with one another.
Pokémon fuck.
It's been observed time and time again that sexual acts are the driving force behind most Pokémon behaviors. Whether it be breeding, training, fighting, to show dominance or submission, a Pokémon grows closer to its trainer when an open bond is vigorously fulfilled as often as possible. Wild Pokémon are at their most dangerous when humans step off the beaten path without heeding the warning signs of territorial beasts lurking beyond the shadows. Withholding, giving, or simply business in trying to raise stronger successive generations, the animal urges that overtake and drive most Pokémon is their greatest separation from humanity. While they may look superficially human, a sexually mature Pokémon will grow in strength, bonding, and even evolve into newer forms faster the more commonly they are satiated.
Which raises the question: what kind of trainer will you be?
Welcome to yet another world where the Pokémon are all gijinka and the points don't matter. Look, most of us are of a certain generation. You get it. I'm interested in the same things that many folk are interested in; an irreverent and yet simultaneously more serious take on the silly world so many of us have come to love over the past few decades. One that's had a healthy injection of sex, yes, but also one that's not afraid to shy away from how bad a terrorist Team might be in one corner while also trying to figure out the economic logistics of running a gym in an idyllic little starter town on the other. Or one that's just all about Pokéstuds knocking up a successive series of day-care companions.
So let's lay some ground rules here: I'm a guy. I primarily play guys, in this case, Pokémon. Pokéboys if you prefer. Pokéymans if you're nasty. I'll also play female Pokémon on occasion; maybe because you don't care who's behind the keyboard of the character you're sticking your dick into, or maybe because I feel like playing a wider variety in a doubling situation, or maybe because I like to feel pretty so fuck you. Following that up, I'm bisexual. So I'll play male with female, male with male, and female with female with a slight caveat. I'll get into actual kinks and yesses and nos and blah blah blahs soon enough if I can muster up the energy to get past the necessary boredom of jotting all that down soon enough, but I'll heads up it here: I'm the apparently rare dude who doesn't like anal. So I don't really want to include it in my male with female play, and my boy's love sticks to mouths and handies. Hope that's cool with y'all. If not, there's like a hundred other Pokémon players on BMR.
Also in my little corner of this world, yeah. Pokémon are pretty much hyper sexualized. They can fight, they can love, they can hold a conversation, but their attention spans are pretty much always going to be flitting toward the next thing that's going to get them laid. Think of it as their way of gaining experience. They fuck hard, often, and well enough, they get to level up. There's lots of different personalities and ways to swing that however, and thus as a follow-up, I'm a pretty loosey goosey switch. Want a badass dom who pushes his trainer around? A rough and tumble wild Pokémon who's been sending trainers back home crying and weak-kneed? Sure, I can play the alpha. Want something softer, more give and take, romantic, a real companion? No need to throw a 'who's on top' routine into the sitch if you don't want to. Want to order around a whipping post? .. eh. The one thing I don't really go for is the "cowed subby" sort of angle. My submissive characters will be more along the lines of the obedient knight or samurai who know how to do what they're told, or the smirking asshole brat types who always want to push someone a little bit further. And of course, this being Pokémon, sometimes the former will turn into the latter with enough training or enough badges on the backpack.
And here we reach the characters I'll be offering up to play. Don't see a favorite type? Have an idea? Hustle me, no questions asked. These are just some of the fellas I'm coming up with on the spot to peruse, but I'm open to lots of suggestions. I figure one from each generation'll at least give some fun options.
Koffing is poison to everything he touches. And with good reason: thanks to his poisonous skin, anything that comes into contact with him for long will soon find themselves dizzy, lightheaded, and susceptible to suggestions they might be smart enough to deny were they still in their right mind. Frequent contact with a Koffing in small doses can build up an immunity to his particular toxicology. Naturally carefree and lazy from his toxins doing half the work for him, a well-trained Koffing can nonetheless be devastating when pushed into action.
Typhlosion is a classic firebrand. Arrogant, brash, flashy, and violent, anyone who hopes to keep a Typhlosion under control had best start strict when he's still a Cyndaquil if they don't want to constantly be under threat of having their eyebrows singed off. These Pokémon run hotter than even many other fire types, so it's suggested that their over-the-top personalities and quick-to-anger demeanor are a coping mechanism with finding ways to literally let off enough steam to cool their tempers.
Metang is analytical, thoughtful, and guarded. He knows that the best offense is often a good defense, and tends to extend that to all walks of life. While it can often be difficult to discern exactly what's going on behind his eyes, it always seems as though the opposite is true for him. One good stare from a Metang can make one feel as though their every secret has already been revealed, as easily read as the pages in any book.
Honchkrow is a consummate casanova. More concerned with his appearances than almost anything else, Honchkrow will spend energy largely on finding others to run errands for him, bringing him back food, fashion, or whatever they find entertaining. While Honchkrow will be quick to tip his hat to anyone he finds attractive, he's as flighty towards loyalty as he is towards his makeshift underlings: any one mistake made on his watch, and the laissez-faire charmer turns ruthlessly vindictive.
Serperior is nearly as elegant as a Pokémon can be. Fastidious and loyal, he can be known to be arrogant or haughty if his worst impulses are not kept in check, but his desire to keep everything in the world running smoothly will often make him a companion who will always make his ideas seem like your ideas. Cunning and manipulative, but rarely malicious, Serperior will attempt to cultivate a comfortable environment for himself and for anyone who he considers a worthwhile compatriot.
Tyrantrum seems intimidating from his sheer size, his voracious appetite, and his commanding presence, but those who understand his ways will find almost no one better to protect them. Simply used to getting his way and quick to anger when it's denied to him, bonding with Tyrantrum is a surefire way for him to become an unstoppable protective force who will do everything possible to make the world better for his 'little' friends. There's an old seeming quality to Tyrantrum's eyes that make some see him almost as a father figure .. at least, those who had stern fathers.
Mimikyu wants nothing more than to be adored. He will see himself as hideous, unlovable, grotesque, hiding away from the world as much as possible, but no amount of hiding will keep the jealous gnawing at bay. Mimikyu will often disguise itself as other Pokémon, wearing clothing similarly to them or styling itself to act as them in order to invite the adoration it expects they receive in his stead, but whenever he encounters those more "deserving" Pokémon Mimikyu can quickly become vindictive and ruthless toward them.
Hot Bodies Pokémon are generally peak or better than average when it comes to humanity; whether male or female expect hard and lean, lithe and beautiful, big and muscular. Expect more impressive endowment. Expect surprising stamina. Obviously if you'd prefer something of a less "ideal" format, that just means I'll be fulfilling your different sort of ideal.
Casual Sex Wild Pokémon like to be nude or nearly so. It's not unusual for chaste training to turn into public displays of overenthusiastic affection. While the world's far from a free for all orgy and decorum still exists, humanity's hang-ups don't reflect much on the Pokémon themselves.
Connections I'm not opposed to a wham-bam "A Wild Pokémon Appears! And Bangs You!", but whether it's an intense hate-fuck or a loving moment of togetherness between Pokémon and trainer, the connection and bonding experience between two individuals who are inextricably bound makes things that much hotter.
Perverting Traditions If you've got a way of kinking up game mechanics or storyline tropes, I'm absolutely all ears. I've dabbled at least in almost every generation of the games, and what I'm not aware of I can pretty easily research for the purposes of making it that much more unseemly.
The Hit List Oral, Vaginal, Fingers, Lips, Kissing, Biting, Hair Pulling, Spanking, Dominance and/or Submission, Interesting Temperatures, Creative Power Involvement, Size Differences, Passion, Vocal Sex, Public Situations, Clothed Partners, Clothed Partner / Naked Partner, Animalistic Behavior, Scratching, Literacy, Multiple Pokémon, Heat, Tested Patience / Denial, Nudism, Mutual Pleasure
A few simple starting point suggestions for us.
The Starter: This is your first Pokémon. This is his first trainer. It's easy enough for a bond to grow over time when two newbies are trying to figure out the world and themselves.
Welcome to Daycare: A formerly wild Pokémon has been drafted into going out to stud at the local breeder's. While it's hard to complain about endlessly providing the necessary framework for a whole new generation, the itch to escape into a less pampered lifestyle is sometimes hard to scratch. The grass is always greener ..
The Big Time: Being a grunt for your region's local Team isn't exactly prestigious. You're mostly running around doing the work for the higherups and taking the blame when things inevitably go south. But you've got an ace up your sleeve: a Pokémon with the power, cunning, and drive to take you from a nameless grunt up to a criminal who's name will send every trainer scurrying when they hear it. As long as there's plenty in it for him, of course.
Best in Show: Your dream has always been to have your name in lights, your prowess in fashion, grooming, and training known from one region to the next. A true Contest superstar. Someone who can make even the most rough and tumble, brawling-focused Pokémon preen on stage for long enough to pretend to be civilized. .. but well, there's still an awfully long way to go to take the wild out of this Pokémon.
In conclusion: smutty Pokémon gijinka shenanigans. If pressed one way or the other, I like to write in threads slightly more than PMs. I'm not the quickest to respond generally, so adjust your expectations accordingly. My muse is a fickle bitch. Sometimes you'll get a fun back and forth across an entire day, sometimes it'll be a few before I get back to you. I'll do my best not to drop you without due notice, so even if I disappear for a little while, give me a moment to mosey on back before assuming I've forgotten all about you. And above all else, let's have some fun with this.
Perhaps you were expecting something a little smaller. A little more fuzzy. A little more companionable. Or even dreamed of something even more massive, frightening and dangerous. One's first Pokémon is rarely what they expected. Nonetheless, most trainers soon come to find that whatever their shape or size, their new companion comes with surprising benefits and expectations beyond their wildest dreams. While Pokémon might at first glance appear to be nothing more than men or women themselves, it soon becomes clear just how different from humans they truly are. Some are wild, vicious and feral. Others are nearly codependent with their eagerness to follow orders. They're friends, companions, confidants, and equally they are the dangers that lurk on the fringes of society and nature, allies to those who would do harm. There are more varieties of Pokémon than can be cataloged, though several have made it their goal to try. Boiled down to their base similarities, it might even be said that altogether every species of Pokémon only has a single thing in common with one another.
Pokémon fuck.
It's been observed time and time again that sexual acts are the driving force behind most Pokémon behaviors. Whether it be breeding, training, fighting, to show dominance or submission, a Pokémon grows closer to its trainer when an open bond is vigorously fulfilled as often as possible. Wild Pokémon are at their most dangerous when humans step off the beaten path without heeding the warning signs of territorial beasts lurking beyond the shadows. Withholding, giving, or simply business in trying to raise stronger successive generations, the animal urges that overtake and drive most Pokémon is their greatest separation from humanity. While they may look superficially human, a sexually mature Pokémon will grow in strength, bonding, and even evolve into newer forms faster the more commonly they are satiated.
Which raises the question: what kind of trainer will you be?
Welcome to yet another world where the Pokémon are all gijinka and the points don't matter. Look, most of us are of a certain generation. You get it. I'm interested in the same things that many folk are interested in; an irreverent and yet simultaneously more serious take on the silly world so many of us have come to love over the past few decades. One that's had a healthy injection of sex, yes, but also one that's not afraid to shy away from how bad a terrorist Team might be in one corner while also trying to figure out the economic logistics of running a gym in an idyllic little starter town on the other. Or one that's just all about Pokéstuds knocking up a successive series of day-care companions.
So let's lay some ground rules here: I'm a guy. I primarily play guys, in this case, Pokémon. Pokéboys if you prefer. Pokéymans if you're nasty. I'll also play female Pokémon on occasion; maybe because you don't care who's behind the keyboard of the character you're sticking your dick into, or maybe because I feel like playing a wider variety in a doubling situation, or maybe because I like to feel pretty so fuck you. Following that up, I'm bisexual. So I'll play male with female, male with male, and female with female with a slight caveat. I'll get into actual kinks and yesses and nos and blah blah blahs soon enough if I can muster up the energy to get past the necessary boredom of jotting all that down soon enough, but I'll heads up it here: I'm the apparently rare dude who doesn't like anal. So I don't really want to include it in my male with female play, and my boy's love sticks to mouths and handies. Hope that's cool with y'all. If not, there's like a hundred other Pokémon players on BMR.
Also in my little corner of this world, yeah. Pokémon are pretty much hyper sexualized. They can fight, they can love, they can hold a conversation, but their attention spans are pretty much always going to be flitting toward the next thing that's going to get them laid. Think of it as their way of gaining experience. They fuck hard, often, and well enough, they get to level up. There's lots of different personalities and ways to swing that however, and thus as a follow-up, I'm a pretty loosey goosey switch. Want a badass dom who pushes his trainer around? A rough and tumble wild Pokémon who's been sending trainers back home crying and weak-kneed? Sure, I can play the alpha. Want something softer, more give and take, romantic, a real companion? No need to throw a 'who's on top' routine into the sitch if you don't want to. Want to order around a whipping post? .. eh. The one thing I don't really go for is the "cowed subby" sort of angle. My submissive characters will be more along the lines of the obedient knight or samurai who know how to do what they're told, or the smirking asshole brat types who always want to push someone a little bit further. And of course, this being Pokémon, sometimes the former will turn into the latter with enough training or enough badges on the backpack.
The Pokérap
And here we reach the characters I'll be offering up to play. Don't see a favorite type? Have an idea? Hustle me, no questions asked. These are just some of the fellas I'm coming up with on the spot to peruse, but I'm open to lots of suggestions. I figure one from each generation'll at least give some fun options.


Hot Bodies Pokémon are generally peak or better than average when it comes to humanity; whether male or female expect hard and lean, lithe and beautiful, big and muscular. Expect more impressive endowment. Expect surprising stamina. Obviously if you'd prefer something of a less "ideal" format, that just means I'll be fulfilling your different sort of ideal.
Casual Sex Wild Pokémon like to be nude or nearly so. It's not unusual for chaste training to turn into public displays of overenthusiastic affection. While the world's far from a free for all orgy and decorum still exists, humanity's hang-ups don't reflect much on the Pokémon themselves.
Connections I'm not opposed to a wham-bam "A Wild Pokémon Appears! And Bangs You!", but whether it's an intense hate-fuck or a loving moment of togetherness between Pokémon and trainer, the connection and bonding experience between two individuals who are inextricably bound makes things that much hotter.
Perverting Traditions If you've got a way of kinking up game mechanics or storyline tropes, I'm absolutely all ears. I've dabbled at least in almost every generation of the games, and what I'm not aware of I can pretty easily research for the purposes of making it that much more unseemly.
The Hit List Oral, Vaginal, Fingers, Lips, Kissing, Biting, Hair Pulling, Spanking, Dominance and/or Submission, Interesting Temperatures, Creative Power Involvement, Size Differences, Passion, Vocal Sex, Public Situations, Clothed Partners, Clothed Partner / Naked Partner, Animalistic Behavior, Scratching, Literacy, Multiple Pokémon, Heat, Tested Patience / Denial, Nudism, Mutual Pleasure
The Pokédex

A few simple starting point suggestions for us.
The Starter: This is your first Pokémon. This is his first trainer. It's easy enough for a bond to grow over time when two newbies are trying to figure out the world and themselves.
Welcome to Daycare: A formerly wild Pokémon has been drafted into going out to stud at the local breeder's. While it's hard to complain about endlessly providing the necessary framework for a whole new generation, the itch to escape into a less pampered lifestyle is sometimes hard to scratch. The grass is always greener ..
The Big Time: Being a grunt for your region's local Team isn't exactly prestigious. You're mostly running around doing the work for the higherups and taking the blame when things inevitably go south. But you've got an ace up your sleeve: a Pokémon with the power, cunning, and drive to take you from a nameless grunt up to a criminal who's name will send every trainer scurrying when they hear it. As long as there's plenty in it for him, of course.
Best in Show: Your dream has always been to have your name in lights, your prowess in fashion, grooming, and training known from one region to the next. A true Contest superstar. Someone who can make even the most rough and tumble, brawling-focused Pokémon preen on stage for long enough to pretend to be civilized. .. but well, there's still an awfully long way to go to take the wild out of this Pokémon.
In conclusion: smutty Pokémon gijinka shenanigans. If pressed one way or the other, I like to write in threads slightly more than PMs. I'm not the quickest to respond generally, so adjust your expectations accordingly. My muse is a fickle bitch. Sometimes you'll get a fun back and forth across an entire day, sometimes it'll be a few before I get back to you. I'll do my best not to drop you without due notice, so even if I disappear for a little while, give me a moment to mosey on back before assuming I've forgotten all about you. And above all else, let's have some fun with this.