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Dawn's Fanclub (Pokemon RP, East x Garnet)


Mar 17, 2012
Veilstone City
8:19 AM

Tyler had been a competitor in contests, for a while, but had actually stopped competing a few months ago, around the time that he had met Dawn in his final contest. The two had seemed to get along well, and started dating shortly after. He had been a fan of hers forever, so for him this was like a dream come true, of course he didn't tell her that he didn't really want to scare the girl. He was sitting atop the department store, looking out towards the ocean, sitting on one of the chairs out here.

His girlfriend was doing some sort of Photoshoot, and while he wanted to be there, he had woken up late, the studio hadn't believed him when he had said he had been Dawn's boyfriend and thus wouldn't let him go into the building. He was fuming, and so had come up here to the public observation lounge he was nursing a lemonade at the moment and looking at his Poketch to pass the time, glancing down at his cellphone, three messages sent in the past 15 minutes. Since security hadn't let him past the door.

'didn't let me in, security doesn't believe I'm your boyfriend'

'I bet you look cute right now'

'Waiting for you at the top of the dept store, I saved you a drink'

He was starting to feel kinda nervous how long did these things normally take? He looked at his phone maybe one more message wouldn't hurt.

'Hey sweetie when's your lunch break, I meet you, and you can take me back with you, sucks out here alone'

He wasn't actually alone of course. Nessy his Espeon was with him, long ago the smaller creature had been the number one contest in the cute catagory, but now a days he was more focused on trying to be a manager than a contestant. Even so Nessy had stuck with him, and was almost never in a pokeball, it seemed like a waist to put away someone that had always been helpful and loyal. He brushed the felines long ears for a moment, watching as the cat was eating. He was so bored. He glanced at his phone, he rocked back and forth in his seat, maybe he should try calling her? no she was working, he was just nervous cause he knew all those people would be watching her.

and he was over here missing the whole thing.
Dawn lay sprawled over a light blue sunbed, arms raised above her head and one leg bent giving a glimpse at the curve of her ass squashed against the sun bed. She was wearing a bikini that was perhaps a little too tight while sucking on a blue ice pop. If it wasn't for the heat of the shoot lights, she would be shivering. Modelling hadn't been on Dawn's radar when she first started competing professionally as a coordinator but it had become a regular part of her life. Speaking of other unexpectedness additions to her life, the dark haired coordinator had been asked out by one of her fellow competitors. It was strange to think that she could call Tyler her boyfriend and it still brought a smile to her face to think about it.

"Alright Dawn switch to your stomach." Called the photographer who was snapping away at her. This photo shoot was going to promote the Hotel Grand Lake just in time for summer even if it was too early for her to go out in something so skimpy. "And tug those bottoms down a little more."

"You'll have to speak to my manager if you want me to show anymore skin." Ugh this photographer was notorious for trying to get girls to show more skin. He had even convinced some to do nude shots. Well she wouldn't be one of them today. Dawn rolled onto her stomach showing that peach of an ass straining against her bikini bottoms slowly swinging her legs up and down. The man looked irritated with her but thankfully just laughed things off and continued with the shoot.

Soon he had a full reel of Dawn posed and stretching out that plush body of hers. It was good to finally take a break and curl up with her loyal Empoleon, Navy, who had been patiently waiting for her. Now that Navy wasn't a little Piplup, he didn't feature as much on the photoshoots or at least in the sexier ones. Dawn smiled and nuzzled up to the water type with a grin after she slipped into a light blue dressing gown. Just as she was ready to curl up for a little catnap, she felt her cellphone buzz in her pocket. Oh dear... that explained why Tyler hadn't turned up.

"Hey sweetie, we just took a break for lunch. Sorry they didn't let you in. Hm? Haha Navy is sorry too." Dawn didn't bother texting choosing instead to call him up and giving a giggle at her partner's crooning. Navy was pretty protective of her, especially during shoots so he seemed to get on well with her equally protective boyfriend. "It's boring here without you, I want to steal your jacket and snuggle up before the shoot starts again." Dawn would be the first to admit it, she had gotten a little bit love sick. It wasn't like she really dated guys before Tyler anyway, Barry had been the only guy her age who are hung out with before becoming a trainer after all.
The fear and concern that he was feeling when he wasn't getting her texts melted the moment he heard the familiar ring tone he had designated for Dawn's number. He practically jumped up out of his seat as he answered the phone and heard the elated happy voice of the woman he was love struck for. Instantly his demeanor changed from depressive and moody, to warm and excited as he stood up, his green hair flowing slightly as he did. There was a bit of a sense of virtago as he stood up. "Yeah the security guys at your work are buts, i mean I can't blame them, they are just keeping you safe from ravenous crazy fans."

He joked, but was already heading back towards the department store's elevator. "If your on a break why don't you step outside of the hotel, I can catch you on the street, and you can get me back inside." He pet the Espeon that followed him as he dinged the elevator and waited for it to come. "I just crossed the street and went to the top of the department store, so I should only be like two minutes, that way instead of just snuggling my Jacket you can snuggle me."

There was a ding as the elevator arrived. "By the way what are you wearing for these shoots? I know we are dating so I can't like manage your case and all, but they aren't putting you in anything too lewd are they?" He would be lying if he didn't admit that she looked good in lewd costumes, he remembered a few of her photo shoots that were lascivious, but now that he was dating her he kind of wanted to protect her image, not that Dawn needed protecting from anyone.

"I guess I'll see soon enough." He said stepping out of the department store. "I see the hotel, so I'm gonna hang up now." He pressed the end button and walked towards the entrance of the lobby he could at least get this far without a pass or Dawn, and now he was waiting for her with a drink in hand. When he saw her he waved towards her. Practically running up to her, before pulling her into a tight hug, his lips capturing hers in a quick yet passionate hello, his hands running over her soft plush curves.
"Hehe aw sweetie I'm sorry. The security really is too strict. It's not like I have any crazy fans in the first place." Dawn gave a little laugh about someone fantasising about her of all people. She admitted she was popular but only idols and celebrities really had those kinds of fans. Dawn didn't envy them one bit. It was hard to imagine someone being so obsessed with someone like that.

"Sure I'd love to. I might be a little late though, I don't think going out in my current costume would be too comfy. I can't wait to snuggle..." Dawn said with a giggle and scratched Navy under his chin leaving him to stand guard outside her changing room. She had her phone against her shoulder while she slipped her normal clothes over the bikini.

"Heh the outfits aren't so bad but the photographer is a bit pushy. It's fine though, just a little blue bikini for the first shoot and I think the second outfit is a summer dress." Dawn slipped the call to speaker while she slipped on her pink heeled boots, black mini skirt and white blouse. "See you soon sweetie." The coordinator hung up happy to see her boyfriend as she shrugged on her coat. "Are you coming Navy?" She asked while exiting the changing room and laughing when she caught her partner filling his face with poffins done of the staff had provided. "Okay enjoy."

Dawn slipped out of the studio and headed downstairs to the lobby immediately spotting Tyler. He always brought a bright grin to her face so seeing him waving at her made her laugh and rush over to him. She gave a little squeal of delight as she was caught in his arms before melting against his kiss. Her own arms wrapped around his waist as she returned the kiss breaking it after a few more moments.

"Shall we head to?" She asked tugging him towards to elevator with flushed cheeks.
The feeling of hugging Dawn was immensely satisfying. Tyler felt her plush curves press against his body as her arms wrapped around his waist, he felt his chest press against her full breasts, and he couldn't help but breath her soft flowery scent in as he held onto her. The kiss she returned and the feeling of her lips against his own made him moan slightly, and as the kiss broke he found himself panting slightly, watching her with blue eyes he couldn't help but smile as she invited him to come along back to her photo shoot.

"Is this your last shoot for a while?" He asked as he walked into the elevator his hand quickly sliding into Dawns as he fell in beside her a wide smile on his face as he passed her the lemon aid he had promised her. Nessy fell in behind him, the pink feline brushed up against Dawn's thigh as it walked around her. It's dark eyes looking up at her blinking slowly as the elevator doors close and they started moving.

"I kinda want to get on the road again, not that I don't love the big city, but honestly I'm a small town kid, and I'm starting to feel a bit cramped up inside the city." He squeezed her hand. "You're the one making it worth while to be here."

He was from the Kanto region, born and raised in lavender town. So Vielstone was about as different from his upbringing as possible. He bounced slightly on his heels as he looked at Dawn, a bit of a mischievous look coming across his face as he looked at her. He moved in a touch closer so he could whisper into Dawn's ear even though the two of them were the only ones in the elevator. "How long before you have to do the next set of pictures? Do you think Makeup would be mad if we made a bit of a mess before you go back on stage?"
Dawn's smile grew brighter seeing her kiss have such an effect on Tyler. He was so cute! She couldn't deny that her cheeks were flushing either as she reluctantly moved away from the kiss. Tyler had really helped her through her transition to modelling and was always there to give her a hug and pamper her silly. Along with some other... naughtier things. She was happy to have him tag along for this sort of work, it helped keep that randy photographer in line. Still, camping and traveling with Tyler and his partner Pokémon was the most fun.

"Yeah at least until the next contest. I want to train my team up while we travel a bit more." Dawn face him a smile looking forward to having some quality time with him and their Pokémon. "I know what you mean. I miss being in nature. Growing up somewhere as small as Twinleaf town really makes me want to travel. That wanderlust is quite powerful." Said Dawn with a giggle squeezing his hand and taking the lemonade.

"You're too sweet. You make dealing with all these people so much easier. " Dawn rested her cheek against his shoulder affectionately while giving Nessy a pet. She looked up at him curiously seeing that familiar expression on his face. That sweet expression had gotten her into all kinds of embarrassing and heated situations. "A-an hour..." She mumbled already flushing at the warmth of his breath. Dawn squeezed his arm against her soft chest already knowing where his train of thought was heading.

"Well they have to put more on anyway. What did you have in mind? You always get so naughty when we're separated. You'll get me in trouble." She mumbled flushing a deeper red. Still there was a timid smile on her face.
"Well it's just you've been posing and dancing around for this camera man." He tried his best to hide the venom behind the words camera man, someone else taking pictures of his dawn was not exactly a thing he liked, but he also didn't want to direct that annoyance at Dawn. It wasn't her fault that she was so beautiful as to be a model, she was just that perfect. He felt her press against him and he leaned his head against her body, feeling her large breasts against him he moaned softly as he looked at her.

"I just kinda want to take a few of my own, in a more intimate way." He said softly. A smile on his face as he spoke, Dawn was his, and he wanted to make that known. He wouldn't let other people take pictures of his Dawn. He held up the camera on his dex for a moment leaning over, and pressing his lips to her cheek as he snapped the selfie catching the act of him kissing her. "You know kinda like this only, less innocent."

"I want to capture that side of Dawn that only i get to see." He said with a soft smile, and a low whisper, his eyes looking into hers for a moment. He touched his bag. "Do you think you could humor me with such a request? or would I be taking work into the bedroom?"

they had an hour, that was plenty of time for them to do a little photoshoot of their own. He held dawn close as the elevator door opened, and they walked back towards her changing room.
"Hehe are you jealous? It's cute to see that side of you." Said Dawn with a giggle feeling a pinkness spread across her face. It was nice to have someone feel so protective towards her. Normally it was just her Pokémon who watched her back. "I was hardly dancing though..." She mumbled with a little pout. Still, she was more than happy to snuggle closer to him and stroke his ego of that's what he needed.

"More intimate? I'm definitely open to taking some pictures that are just for you but what we're you thinking of?" Asked Dawn tucking a stray lock of hair behind his ear affectionately. Being in the spotlight should have had a negative effect on her shyness but she could still shrink away from things that weren't related to contests or Pokémon training. The sudden kiss and snapshot sent her flooding to her cheeks making for quite the startled but cute expression in the photo before she glared up at him red faced. "G-give me some warning! It's embarrassing to be caught in those poses."

She looked up at him, the glare on her face softening back to flustered blushing as he spoke. If it was just for Tyler then maybe it wouldn't be so bad but how 'less innocent' did he wasn't these photos?

"If it's just for your eyes only then um... I'd at least try it." She mumbled looking away to snuggle up against his shoulder just in time for the doors to open. She unlocked her changing room and let him in. The room was only small with a full length mirror on one wall and a dressing table squashed into the far corner. In the other corner was a small loveseat draped with her other costumes.

"So what sort of photos did you want? I guess you're the director here." Asked Dawn timidly. While their relationship has been heated due a while, she still got shy when he introduced her to something new. Most of the time she ended up loving it but getting passed that shyness was tricky.
"Oh but those poses are exactly the kind I want to take pictures of." Tyler explained looking at the blush forming on her face it was adorable, and as the two went to her dressing room his first instinct was to walk around and check it out for cute or sexy costumes. A lot of the times these rooms had old stuff laying around from either previous models, or future shoots that were going to be taken at the same studio. He knew Dawn had a few different costumes here as well, so he went to digging for a moment.

"Well I know how you feel about nude photo shoots, So i'm gonna give you something to wear, but." he paused for a moment as he found it, and immediately he tried to hide the costume behind his back. It was barely considered clothing so it was easy enough for him to square away as he turned towards Dawn with his camera in hand. "But first things first, you should take off the stuff you are already wearing." He said

His eyes glinted for a moment with mischief whatever he was planning wasn't something she would normally sign up with. In fact it was probably something that her actual camera man had been trying to pull all morning with getting her to undress or show more of her skin. He on the other hand just smiled warmly, moving up to his dawn, and planting a soft kiss on her cheeks before moving back so that she could take off her dress.

As she did his eyes were on her the entire time, enjoying the sight of her body, and once she was standing in her underwear he actually shook his head. "The costume I have in mind doesn't really allow for panties." He said softly. As he was still holding it behind his back she would see the tail of the costume when he 'accidently' let it slip from his hand.

The devil tail was something from a costume she had worn a year or two ago, it was a halloween type event he couldn't recall the exact details, but it had been before they had been dating, and he had recognized the costume immediately when he had seen it. Knowing dawn she probably thought the thing had been destroyed up until now as he held it out to her to finally give up the surprise. "I actually still own a copy of the magazine where you wore this get up... that's creepy i shouldn't admit that." He said with a blush. "But would you wear it for me again?"
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