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Fx Any Craving a modern or historical RP

Mar 4, 2019
I'm new here, but I've been writing for over a decade and roleplaying for about as long. I like to think of myself as literate, but I'll let you be the judge of that.

I don't have a list of plots all ready to go (yet!), but brainstorming is half the fun, so I figure we can work something out together. I'm mostly interested in realistic RP, either modern day or in a historical setting. I can do romance, but fair warning, I'm not very good at it. My idea of what is romantic is... very pragmatic.

I can do short, medium-length or epic RPs, depending on the plot and the mood. Usually I start with a first short-ish RP when I'm writing with someone new, and then we move on to a bigger idea if we click. My post length is anything from one paragraph to 'that's enough now, calm down', if you could match me that'd be awesome.

I'm sure I'm missing tons of interesting information, I'll update this post when my brain reboots.
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