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Mx Female The Trust Test


Mar 25, 2012
Mike is dating a sorceress named Zhehlina, young, beautiful, accomplished woman, working in a large office to blend in and hide her true identity. She wants to marry Mike, and knows he's looking for the same thing, but she wonders if he really trusts her, if he's mature enough. Therefore, just before a dinner date, she transforms Mike from a fit, handsome guy in his twenties into a gruff, balding, obese guy in his fifties. At the restaurant, she tells everyone, including those that know them, that he's Harry, and she's taking him on a pity date because he's a colleague from work and her boss asked her to take him out as a favour. She flirts with young guys at the restaurant, right in front of Mike, testing his trust and resolve. Will the experience make or break their relationship?
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