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Question So, I'm confused?


Feb 4, 2015
I've been on this site since 2015 and I haven't ever had any issues with replying or messaging anyone before, and I KNOW I had more than 2 posts on this site, but somehow my profile only says I have two posts and all of my privileges have basically been revoked? Can't PM, can't reply to search threads. I don't understand what happened.

Edit: My problem was resolved by posting this, since it brought me back up to 3 posts, but I still don't get why it dropped down to two in the first place?
If you delete a post or thread, your post count goes with it. Your post or 'message' count reflects current content on the site, not removed content. You are set though, having 3 or more posts. If you want to give yourself a safety net of posts, go and greet a few new members in Intros, that way you'll have a bit of a buffer should you delete a post or thread.
I didn't delete anything though. I KNOW I had an intro thread, and at least a few replies to intros and I think even some games, and now that I'm thinking about it, I think I had a couple request threads too, but they're all gone, except for two request threads. Maybe you guys did an old thread purge or something?
We did a MyBB to Xenforo conversion some time back and did an auto absorb for posts that took place within 24 hours within certain sections. You might have had some posts absorb or not make the Xen conversion. You're in good shape now though.
Maybe that was it then. All I know is it was weird to come back to after being away for a while. xD
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