Fx Male T.A.O has a new Request Thread...


May 3, 2014
Hello Reader,

My name is Tiffany. I am home alone a lot. My husband is a pilot for the Navy. So if he's not deployed he's training. He and I have an understanding that this is purely entertainment and that it won't get much further than that. He does have my password because I gave it to him and I have nothing to hide. This is my first thread so I really don't know what else to say. I am sure if I missed anything someone will let me know sooner or later.

Now that you know who I am, I am sure you want to know what I like. Well, my imagination has run wild a little bit but I like adventurous things and the opposite mundane things. Honestly, anything that will keep my attention. I also would like a partner who puts as much dedication into it as I do. If I send you a paragraph or three I would like the same in return. Also, grammar is important. I am not asking for perfection but I am asking for legibility. I will not be a part of a scene that involves animals in a cruel or sexual manner, rape, people who are no longer living or are older than 30 (for women) 40 (for men) or younger than 18 (both sexes), absolutely no incest. As for what I like in a scene it varies on the type of scene we are doing and the kinks of my partner. I like to add both of our thoughts in the scene so that we both end up playing something we like. I think that's it for kinks and not kinks so now we can move on to scene ideas.

Scene Ideas (they are long term even if they don't seem like it. Just your input about what you want to happen.)
1. Partner's for Life (Cop and Cop)
This would be based off the music video for if I Was A Boy by Beyoncé. Our characters work together as cops. They go on patrols together and spend a lot of time together day and night. At first, they are just friends. She has a boyfriend and he is single. It seems like they have a better relationship than the actual relationship she is in. He is the one that makes the first move. It's not that she isn't happy in her relationship. She just wants something more but she can't figure out what. The partner doesn't want to be in the friend-zone any more so he takes her in the locker room shower stall and gives her exactly what she wants.

2. Cowboy and City girl. (I know it's overplayed but damn cowboys are hot.)
She is visiting her family who live in a small rural town. She got away from that little town and moved to New York City where always knew she belonged. She promised her mother she would come back for Christmas so there she was. She had to get out of the house though. She was tired of hearing her family call her stuck up and ask about her boyfriend who didn't join her on the trip. The truth is her boyfriend broke up with her and she didn't want to tell her family. The only reason she was in the small town was to get out of the city for a while. She goes to a local country bar and looks like a fish out of water. She wanted something fruity and delicious but beer was placed in front of her instead. She is in no position to turn it down so she sips on it and waits for the alcohol to take effect. The Cowboy walks over and spills a drink on her. She flips out on him and goes home wishing she never came. The next day people come over, including the cowboy and she learns that he is an old friend that she grew up with but didn't recognize. Because he went from dorky to hot.

An of course if you have ideas I am open to hearing them. I havne;t been on here since 2014. So this is wild to me. I forgot I even had this account. So forgive me if I am a little lost.
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