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Fx Any To Serve The Fairy Queen (CYOA-inspired concept looking for a GM!)


Feb 19, 2019
Okay, I know I said I'd be limiting myself to one collective request thread per section, but honestly I just have such a burning need to play this particular concept right now that I don't want to risk it being overlooked among my other ideas. So, hi! If you want to know about me and what I'm into in general, feel free to check out my main female request thread here and my male one here (everything but the particular concepts is the same between them).

So, I recently came across a certain choose-your-own-adventure prompt set that's really seized my interest--particularly the archfey sub-path. Now I'm in desperate need of a GM sort of person to play out a story based on it with! To be a little clearer about what I mean, I'm not looking to make this into a system game; I think the point system suggested by the prompt honestly provides a perfect amount of structure for the story. Also, when I say I'm looking for a GM, I don't mean to suggest I want someone else to do all the creative work and make things happen to my character while I just write about her sitting back and enjoying it--I wouldn't want to be that player. My primary character will most definitely be an active, dynamic agent in the story, going out and doing interesting things of her own accord that would move the situation forward; on top of that, I'm more than happy to share responsibility for side characters, though I do think it would work best if my partner maintained more or less full control over a certain core cast. My hope is that we can find a balance that's comfortable for both of us and doesn't leave you feeling like you're just servicing me for no benefit.

Now, a little more detail about what I'm picturing for the actual story. While I want to use the prompts as a guide, there are certain things I'd like to do differently, most notably the initial intro. Here's what I'm thinking: my character is an archaeology student at a US university who, during the summer before her senior year, gets accepted to one of her dream study programs, working as an assistant at a Neolithic dig site in Ireland. Unfortunately for her, a new excavation in progress collapses with her inside, trapping her and crushing her nearly to death. It's then that she hears a mysterious voice offering to save her life if she's willing to pay the price, to which she agrees, seeing little alternative. The voice is Oona, queen of the daoine sídhe, and true to her bargain, she heals my character's injuries, buying her time to be dug out, and also throws in some...extra benefits. Of course, Oona wants something in return: namely, a mortal to serve her agenda in the modern world and help her rebuild the power she lost centuries ago.

The other big twist I'd like to put on the prompt is that my character wouldn't have access to the full scope of her powers right away. In the beginning, she'd be limited in her selections, but she'd be able to gain new gifts and invocations from the selection available over time, spending more points in the process and requiring her to offer more payments and services in exchange. Make it a gradual progression rather than her suddenly getting everything and having all these obligations right away. I feel like that'd give the story a more natural arc, and allow my character more agency, with her having to actively decide how much she's willing to pay for the greater power she wants.

Among the main characters I think it'd be most natural for the GM to handle, Oona herself would be one, though I'm open to negotiating her personal level of involvement in the story--perhaps she keeps her distance from my character, expressing herself through intermediaries (more on that in a second), or if you want, she can be around in person, interacting with my character face-to-face. Also, to clarify, while I'm using female pronouns for the character, the prompt does suggest that the archfey be a shapeshifter, so I'm totally fine if you'd rather play the character as typically male (could be Finvarra instead of Oona, in that case).

The other thought I had was to take advantage of the "familiar" gift option in the prompt. The figures of the cú sídhe and cat sídhe seem like perfect fits for the role to me; perhaps my character could have such a being as her companion, an emissary from her patron sent both to inform her of said patron's will and serve her own? In that case, I could easily see that character serving as a central partner of sorts to mine.

I have more thoughts about how this could work, but I don't want to overload with detail right away, so if this concept piques your interest, please let me know and I'm happy to discuss it further. Let me know if you'd like to give it a shot!
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