Mx Female A Royal Petition (Doubling Friendly, Craving Drama)


Feb 21, 2019
So here we are... myself, and you my potential partner. Firstly, you can call me whatever you want. Royal, Knight, Roy, RK, Sugar, Sally or Franklin, whatever makes you happy. Give me a nickname if you want, I'll probably give you one.

It's been quite a minute since I've been here. I ended up finding some partners pretty quickly and just sticking with them for a few months. It was fun, but now I think my break is over and I'm ready to jump back into roleplaying. This thread is old, and my goodness did I like to ramble. I still do, actually. So some things never change.

The most important thing you'd probably like to know about me is my writing style. I'm usually a third person, past tense kind of guy. I can switch it up if you want, doesn't really matter. Secondly, I will have to admit I'm a bit rusty. I did this for years, but haven't done it for a couple years now. It might take me some time to fully land back on my feet.

As for length, I will admit I'm a bit inconsistent. I can write pretty much any length. My minimum is a few paragraphs, and my maximum might as well be a novella. It really just depends on my passion for the roleplay and the pace we're going at. Admittedly, I think the hardest part about writing long replies is a simple one-on-one conversation. In those times, I don't mind if the roleplay shortens responses in order to facilitate the plot. My only promise is that I will try my best to give you something to work with, and all I ask is that you do the same. Five to ten sentences is not hard, and if you need more time feel free to take it. I also will need time sometimes. Occasionally my interest in a single topic will die down and I'll need a few days to get the juices flowing again. If this happens I will inform you, and if there's problems I'll be straightforward but polite about them. We're all adults here, we can discuss this.

My Petition
You made it through my rambling introduction, congrats! Now we can talk about what I'm looking for in a potential partner. It should be stated out of the gate that it does not matter to me who you choose to be in real life. Male, female, non-binary, flying spaghetti monster is all the same, I'll roleplay with you. As long as we both agree on which roles we're taking. I am a writer familiar with playing both male and female, and against both male and females. But since I'm a bit rusty as I stated, right now I want to fall back on something familiar. My male character, to your female character.

I would prefer to roleplay over PMs, I am a guy who likes my privacy. I do have confidence in my writing but I'm not exactly ready to throw it out to the world to see. At least this way if you're laughing at me, not everyone can see it. (Not that you ever would, right?) If you're super persuasive and silver tongued I'd consider doing it over another thread, but that's another story.

If my name didn't make it painfully obvious, one of my favorite settings is the fantasy genre, specifically medieval but also modern. (I'm also into history, but that's the secret part.) For the most part I enjoy my stories grounded in some sort of reality it's simply what I'm the best at writing. This doesn't mean I'm not down for the more fantastical elements such as long-bearded men throwing balls of fire or transforming into a terrifying beast when the moon comes up. After all, I am also a huge D&D nerd. (Go figure.) On that subject, world-building is one of my favorite aspects of roleplaying. I would like it if and when we decide to be partners if we could just sit down and hash out an outline for this setting, some character motivations and a general semblance of plot. Of course anything decided on the fly is acceptable as well. (This world has two moons, why not? Are they blue?) If it's not abundantly clear by now, I enjoy talking so probably expect some OOC Chatter as well.

Now possibly the most upsetting thing you'll hear me say today is... I'm not a huge fan of playing characters pre-made for me. This mostly applies to fandoms. I understand the appeal of playing against a guy or gal from your favorite show or series, but I just cannot do it justice. It's a failing of myself as a writer, one I'm just not ready to tackle. Feels to confined for me. But I am ready to correct this one day! I will learn how to play a character not created by myself, and do it well. Just give me some time.

Now we are on an adult website, and we are adults here for a purpose. I am not at all opposed to a an entire story involving no sex, but that's not what everyone's here for. Luckily for both of us, I also enjoy smut. But, (and this is a big but) it has to be backed by plot. I need to know why it is where it is, and who's doing it. People like their ratios around here, so depending on the plot we have 70/30 and 80/20 in favor of plot seem like safe bets for me. As well, since I know people will ask, I tend to play character with a dominant tilt. I'm not picky about who you're playing, a submissive innocent girl, or an even more dominant mature woman or anything between.
As I'm given to understand face claims is also a thing, never done it personally I always just described my character, but if that's your thing I'd be happy to oblige.

Kinks... This one is hard for me to describe. I've yet to make an F-List. (Or if I did, I have long since forgotten.) At the risk of sounding supremely vanilla, I enjoy cute shit. I can't lie. Dorks being dorks, trying to make love work. I love taboo subjects, age gaps, incest, forbidden love. Drama in general, anything to make the story interesting. I like writing action scenes. Not really a topic that comes up much on a site like this, but it's true. I'm a huge horror movie fan, and thriller fan. Darker subjects, kidnapping, non-con, dub-con are all a yes from me. The only things that would be a hard no are things that belong in a bathroom, and extreme sexualized violence. I'm okay with blood, but I would prefer to keep it away from the bedroom, if you catch my drift. Hopefully if anything, you should be able to glean what I enjoy from my plot ideas below.

My Passion
If you have somehow made it this far, I congratulate you. Honestly. You've earned the exclusive right to all of my plot ideas. The only thing I shall explain is this...
In general, the pairing is what I care mostly about the two characters who are going to be going through whatever we put them through, and their dynamic. I will throw out some themes of the story that pop into my head and push out a small plot synopsis as well. The plots are not set in stone. I want to make that clear. It's simply an idea that you can accept or we can work on together. Also, the little stars are how interested I am in a given story at the moment. (Scale of 1-5)

My character will be on the left. These will be updated as time goes on. PM me if you're interested.


Love is the Death of Duty
Knight x Princess
★ ★ ★
Times are dark in the kingdom. Monsters roam the countryside attacking any who dare stray from the road. Bandits strike villages and terrorize travelers, robbing them of valuables and sometimes their life. The King is old, his eldest son will succeed him soon. But one day the Crown Prince is viciously slain. The King is heartbroken, he has other children certainly but none are fit to rule, not like his son was. A few days later a sorceress visits in the dead of night with a proclamation and promise for the king. An artifact exists that may yet revive his son, or at the very least bring prosperity for the kingdom should it be found. However only someone of royal blood may lay claim to it. The royal children are assembled by their father and sent to every corner of the kingdom, including his youngest, a princess by his third and final wife. Often neglected by the rest of her family as unimportant, she is determined to be the one to find the artifact and bring it home. She bears the smallest entourage of the entire royal family, filled with inexperienced or poor knights. Among them is a knight who's father almost ruined his family, and he was given a final chance to prove his family's worth. Sadly, fate would not be kind to them, ambushed on the road, chaos all around them. The two manage to become the only survivors. Instead of wisely turning back, and both with something to prove, both agree to move forward with the plan to recover the artifact, but the dangers of the world and their own emotions threaten to ruin everything they've worked for.

Themes: Romance, Fantasy, Medieval, Adventure, Action.

Notes: The dynamic can be played with. And older knight and a younger princess, a caustic relationship that slowly turns more sweet, anything is imaginable.


Will You Still Be Here in the Morning?
Police Officer x Runaway
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A police officer in a big city. When he took the job he didn't realize what it would do to his life. His own family alienated by his choice to not continue the family business, his friends got married and excluded him. It was hard to be a part of the group when you worked the night shift. His dreams of getting promoted and being a popular guy around the office weren't shaping up and his girlfriend decided she couldn't take him anymore. Called him "depressing to be around.". It was a shitty situation all around. He lived by himself, in a decent part of town, slept all day and worked all night. It was beginning to drain on him. With no friends and family to talk to he keeps to himself, his only real acquaintance being his partner, another loner. He needed a change in his life, and it was coming.
She was a student, under the protective care of a family she hated. Forced to do things against her will, her life was going in a direction she didn't want to go in, a trajectory that she just couldn't wrap her head around. She decided she had enough. She packed what she could and what she thought was important and hopped in her car. She's smart so she left her phone behind and hit the road. She spent the first few days going as far as she could, following the roads, but being careful not to run out of money. Unluckily for her, fate was conspiring against her. Now she's sitting in a parking spot, in the middle of an unfamiliar city with a car that won't start. The December air is doing little to persuade her she made the right choice. As she sat there thinking about her next move, a bright light suddenly shines through her window, she recognizes the uniform easily.

Themes: Modern Day, Romance, Age Difference, Keeping Secrets.

Notes: Naturally you can come up with whatever backstory you wish and we can move from there. The age-play is definitely a choice you can take or leave, a high-school or college student makes the most sense, but full grown women have things they need to run from too. This is a quieter idea than my other ones. The roles can be swapped if you're into playing police officers.


No Tomorrow for Tyrants
U.S. Paratrooper x French Rebel
★ ★ ★ ★
June 6th, 1944. The famous day that would go down in history as one of the defining moments of the second world war. High above the beaches, planes carrying the troops that will fall behind enemy lines to ease the advance of their ground troops. Cramped and filled with tension, the soldiers look to each other for guidance and comfort. From below, the flak cannons start firing. Explosions and panic grips the paratroopers in their steel coffins in the clouds. They wait, the lights change and they assemble to get ready to jump. Around them others aren't so lucky. The sound of steel being rent to pieces like paper and the panicked screams of those within. The light turns green and they start to jump. Boom, an explosion. Half have jumped already, some are thrown clear and the unfortunate rest descend from the sky in a fiery mess. Chaos as the world twirls and the ground gets closer and closer. Desperately, they fight for their cords to deploy their parachutes. With a tug, the ground becomes hazy and the world dark.
Elsewhere, a French town under the German's occupation lies in the way of an important control point. A particularly cruel officer runs his forces with extreme prejudice on the locals. A young woman there organizes her friends, her family and anyone they can find to free themselves of their oppressive control. they have stolen weapons, they have dug tunnels and formulated a plan. However the time to enact it has yet to come, the local officer rarely revealing himself. With the advancing forces of the allies, it becomes clear something must be done soon, lest their entire town be destroyed, and all their planning being for nothing.
Meanwhile, a U.S. Paratrooper separated from his unit makes his way across the countryside. Soon enough the two stumble upon each other. He needs allies and she needs help. With little else to do, they decide that for the time being they are allies. Soon enough, the officer is slated to make an appearance.

Themes: Historical, Action, Desperate Romance/Lust.

Notes: Possibly a shorter plot than my others. A tale of two people who need help and find each other. It could be something real they form or perhaps they just want some physical comfort before they both die. Of course, my idea for the girl is completely just an idea. You are free to choose who she is and what she does. Regardless after the initial conflict is over the story could be over, or it could continue is some capacity. Any ideas just let me know.


Break My Mind and You Can Have My Body
Kidnapper x Victim
(Currently, very full on this one. )

A dangerous criminal is at large. Responsible for the disappearances of several women in an area near a large city. Despite their best efforts, the police have not been able to apprehend the person or persons responsible. Sometimes the women are found alive later, they say the man never spoke to them and they were blindfolded the entire time. Others are never seen again. The city is on edge, crime rates have been going up the last few years and the resources to deal with the kidnappings are low. Pressure from the media and the families of the women and girls is high. Despite this, they aren't aware of the kidnapper's final intent. His true target. He has been stalking someone for weeks. Those other girls were practice, techniques to learn how to truly break someone's spirit, truly make them yours. This would be his magnum opus, a girl he would fully turn into his. A woman he could keep and make his. Then he would vanish with her, nothing but a creepy footnote in history, another uncaught criminal.

Themes: Modern, Dark, Non-Con, Dub-Con, Rough Sex/Abuse, Mind Break, Enslavement, Possible Age-Play.

Notes: This one's a little dark, but a little more straight forward. A Girl gets kidnapped and the guy tries to break her to the point she's his forever. Still not looking for gore, but torture to a certain point, striking, filthy mouths are all over with me. This one can go a lot of ways, he can succeed or he can get his just desserts in the end.


It Was a One Time Thing, I Think
Brother x Sister
★ ★ ★ ★
The end of high school is a desperate time for a lot of young men and women. A time where other's opinions matter and you need to fit in and be the best you can be. On the verge of adulthood they stand on a precipice and only the best survive. At least that's how they feel, it's not nearly as dramatic as that. But for a brother and his sister that's how they felt. Inexperienced through high school and afraid of moving on and away from home before they had experienced it all, they committed a sin, a taboo that few would break. They were together once, for one night. The increased confidence fueled both of their endeavors for years to come as they went one with their lives. Dating, college, a job and responsibilities. They grew apart, as siblings are like to do after so long, but soon they find themselves both coming home for Christmas. Taking a break from their adulthood to remember what it's like to be a child at home again. When they see each other, memories and feelings start resurfacing, and they have to keep it a constant secret from their family. Where are they now? Life is hard, another confidence boost might do wonders. Perhaps they just want to relive the night. The secretive and taboo nature of it all could excite them, or maybe they'll deny it and try to move on. Whatever the outcome, it's sure to be interesting to watch unfold.

Themes: Modern, Incest, Possible Age-Play, Secret Keeping, Romance/Smut.

Notes: Another one that could go a long time or be very short. Maybe they already have significant others either with them or waiting back home. Maybe the attraction has become one-sided? Lots of ways this can go, hit me up with any ideas you may have. (Hilariously, I wrote this plot years ago. Christmas time was already in there, but seems topical. Thought it was funny.)
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