Fx Any Short term smut cravings.

Heavenly Huntress

Wolf Charmer
Feb 22, 2018
Bitch here looking for a partner to play out dirty fantasizes with me and doesn't mind someone who isn't very experienced. I love writing in general and enjoy some details but sometimes i can be a bit slow at trying to type it all out so do please try to bear with me. If you don't mind that then lets get into a few things I would be into and see if there might be a thing or two we can use to dive into this rabbit hole called roleplaying.

Kinks I love: None of these are required but you'll have my interest if you choose any of them
Playing as an Elf
Sexy looking males including monsters

Kinks I enjoy:
Rough sex
Many Orgasms
Dominate partners
Breaking my character

Kinks I might be willing to play:

Kinks I refuse to play with:
Playing as multiple girls at the same time during sex.
Being older than my partner
Scat/piss/vomit. None of that EVER

Now that that is all done and you should have a good idea of what I am looking for how about we move on to some generic roles and see what we can come up with yea?

-Elven exiled huntress or druid traveling the land. Use to be royalty and now has to fend for herself taking on jobs and hunting for her own food.
-A girl of royal blood lives among the people of a dense populated city. It is unknown that she is royalty of any kind but she isnt human and she has always hid that but now someone saw she is (Insert race in here) and the one who finds out runs off telling their family about it. That night the doors of her home is ripped open and a mob has been formed dragging her out in the open ripping her fine clothes away and revealing her to the whole city.
-living on your own as a woman can be hard but when your landlord sets up cameras so the world can watch suddenly life gets a lot worse as guys you know in your life all secretly know exactly what you are wearing and what you do.

Here is just a few ideas and i left them open ended so you can check them out and figure out what you'd like to use them for. None of these need to be used but I wanted to supply something to work off of for those who might wanna rp but have no ideas.
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