Fx Male Craving that Devil May Cry or Castlevania


Night-elf demon hunter
Feb 12, 2019
Heads up, yo. This is Fem!OC X canon here.

First off Hi. I’m Lobo (or Emery) and I am a female writer in her twenties. Recent college graduate and job seeker. My life consist of World of Warcraft when i’m Not slaving away at the job search. Can’t work retail forever yo.

So i’ve been craving both Devil May Cry & Castlevania (either the Netflix show or the original games, i’m not picky).

I do have a female OC for both fandoms, and I only feel comfortable playing them. Sorry if that turns you away.

With Castlevania i’m craving either a modern day Alucard or my boy Trevor. We can plot, as i’m looking for a long term thing (smut? Sure why not.)

With Devil May Cry i’m a bit more open. Cool with either Dante (DMC4 would be hella great) or Nero (Pre-DMC5), And with this one yeah, smut would be sexy. I mean, look at these men. Who wouldn’t wanna hit that??

Alright! My replies normally come in paragraphs (i’d let you know ahead of time if something changes/if not I’m feeling it that day) and I expect the same from you! Typos don’t kill me (as I reply via my phone most often) but at least spell correctly, know when to use punctuation, etc. we all make mistakes.

I’m hoping this can be over discord if all possible? But i’m cool with DM here or via the boards as well. (Kinda new with this site so bare with me.)

Hope to hear from you guys soon!!
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