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What does "Corruption" as a kink entail?


Feb 12, 2018
I see "corruption" tossed around, and I thought it had a distinctly negative connotation, related to evil machinations, since I often saw it paired iwth demons and other nevarious entities. It was about making the character into a prostitute, or a drug addict, or doing fairly evil things--you know, the classic idea of being corrupted.

But now I'm seeing it tossed around as basically giving more sexual experience and finding kinks the corruptee loves.

So I'm wondering what most people mean when they use it. Because I'm not interested int he first one, but am intot he second, and I want to be clear when communicating that.
I’d have to say it is a very broad category. Hell even one person can think of it in a lot of different ways. Perhaps it should/could be broken up in terms of kink vs. plot device.

As a plot devise it would be more in terms of the former that you mentioned. The slow descent into whatever has been deemed “bad” or “evil” in the play.

As a kink I would say it is the later of what you said. In an extreme example a chaste, virginal character learning s/he is not only a sexual creature but enjoys more and more “depraved” acts. In the case of kink it could also be a purposeful corruption or...I suppose accidental. The characters never meant for the corruption to occur but one character finds more and more they desire rougher, harder acts.

I suppose in general summary: “corruption” is a painfully sweeping term that could cover a multitude of scenarios and is strong proof as to why effective communication is key between partners. So there’s my tuppence on the matter.
I think it often goes with either controversial kinks, or something the society doesn't accept. I love that arc, though not if it's stereotypical.
To me it is making someone do something they normally wouldn't do. It can range from making someone drink a beer to making them have sex with you or someone else, they wouldn't willingly have sex with.
I tend to think of corruption as a two person endeavor. First, corruption to me is by sheer definition the act of getting someone to do something that is intrinsically against their better judgement and ultimately a bad choice that spirals them down into a place where they've lost some sense of who they were. Peer pressure is probably one of the most generally persistent forms of corruption that I can think of. Try this, you should do that, everyone else is doing it, all those triggers need someone to speak em, and someone to hear them. So on one hand you have the role of the corrupter whose looking to influence someone in a negative manner, but the actual corruption only works if the target of it is drawn in by the allure of whatever was offered or presented. Sometimes its a willing choice, other times not so much a consensual affair, but ultimately its up to the subject how the efforts to corrupt play out depending on how strong willed they want their character to be. So like Gunner said, communication is key with partners on exactly what corruption is going to mean in a play and how it's generally going to be handled in a story.
I feel that at the very core a roleplay focused around corruption is about one character shifting another character from a mindset where they say 'no' to something, to saying 'yes', and then to independently requesting that something, or even demanding it.

It could be certain sex acts, substance abuse, or even more esoteric ideas like cruelty itself, and the methods could vary from seduction, to blackmail, to force, but that core element of changing their response to an enthusiastic 'yes' when they previously would have refused stays the same.
Corruption to me is generally the corruption of the mind. Being turned into a broken mind/sex slave, doing things that you consider immoral to please someone else, et cetera. But like others have said, it’s a really broad kink.
Ah, corruption. This is one of my favourite forms of mind control, hypnosis fetish subsets. It can be warm and cruel all at once, depending on how you wish to do it. Generally, for me corruption is enticing a pure or good thing to become a dark or bad thing in a consentually dubious way. If anyone is willing to discuss it for roleplay, check out my threads for rules and then come see me.
Usually for me this would be the conversion of someone naive, innocent or non-kinky into the opposite. Slowly but surely being drawn into a darker and darker situation where her morals and what she thought she/he was is changed.
Thought about starting a new thread but my subject is similar to this one. I've been disappointed when I see a thread containing dark or darkness in the title and then the post itself isn't about the same dark or darkness I was expecting.

To me dark or darkness subject has to include corruption and or non con. Occasionally, I'll start to read a post that had dark or darkness in the title only to encounter that the poster doesn't want to do non con. It's similar to how I view corruption and non con going hand and hand.
Well, that's a heavily biased stance since darkness is so broad. Even corruption doesn't necessarily imply noncon. In fact, the opposite is more implied, because corrupting something changes it, usually from a state of innocence, often through choices.
I agree. You are consenting because you are changed to want and need it, corruption is something dark that you cannot resist as opposed to mind control, which layers a new mindset over your old one and another’s your own wants and needs.
Dark can definitely not be noncon, imagine two villains in love? Corruption can start as noncon, dubcon, or seduction.
I'm with LilG that you really have to discuss it. It's too broad to say it has to be one thing or another. But that's how I think about most kinks, anyway!

Personally I don't believe that getting used to (partly) enjoying something different or bad has to mean you commit to it or approve of it fully. So I part ways with the people who want a definite positive consent or 100% character shift (what I'd call a "wipe" of personality). Not saying there's any right or wrong to playing one or the other. I just like more conflict and even confusion, rather than some linear transformation to "end" at a perfectly different set of values.
I hate the 100% shifts. Much funnier if the character had the right "seed" for corruption to take hold of. And of course confusion and conflict
I agree with the seed mentality, in some ways I see it as something you can often find in certain games where it provides an opportunity to take the darker path, but the initial steps require some convincing of a situation that causes a character to follow that bent which engenders bigger steps as you go along.
It can only really work over an extended period of time. As others have stressed, it's a seed that requires time to germinate and spread. Most, IMO and experience, want it to be a jarring snap. But I guess that makes sense if you want something short-term. Of course, this is my opinion, and I am a tad picky when it comes to RP partners nowadays, so take it with a grain of salt.
The way I see it is this.

A gradual erosion of moral and personal values. Each small step takes YC further from 'who they were' to whom I want them to be. But more.. there is an element of gradual acceptance end even willingness. It's not enough to force the behaviours, it's making the person feel like it's acceptable and even desirable.
It's pretty awful when you think about it, it involved gaslighting, manipulation, coercion, and subtle 'reprogramming'. It's an abuse of power, or superior knowledge, for instance, a psychologist making a sweet naive thing think she wants or craves kinky BDSM.
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