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"Can't Unsee" - Test Your Attention to Detail and Visual Design!


certified princess™
Aug 24, 2017
United States
This is a fun browser based game called "Can't Unsee" that tests your attention to detail and visual design. Essentially it tests your skill (or intuition) about what looks better in relation to visual design. Attention to detail, technically, and how it affects design. It's also interesting to see how non-designers do as well, based on "gut feeling" on which design looks better or worse, but they may not know exactly why.

Keep in mind that it's not arbitrary; visual design follows a set of standards and metrics. After each question, it will give you the opportunity to compare between the choices, making it clear why one was the better choice over the other.

It scores it as you play the game, so the goal is to get the highest score possible.

Can't Unsee

Have fun!

I got 7930, but I also spent close to 18 minutes on it, lol.
This was a pretty fun way to kill time at work today, I won't lie. Scored a 6030 for my efforts.

I managed to get a fair number of the Hard choices right on pure luck. I thought I was picking an image for one thing, when it turned out to be something completely different.
This was a pretty fun way to kill time at work today, I won't lie. Scored a 6030 for my efforts.

I managed to get a fair number of the Hard choices right on pure luck. I thought I was picking an image for one thing, when it turned out to be something completely different.

Nice! Even for designers, some of the hard level ones are difficult or hard to pick out. Do you do any sort of design or art as a hobby or profession?

4830. But considering my sight is horrible to begin with, I'm not as embarrassed as I normally would be.

Don't be embarrassed at all! This is a game intended for visual designers, so a portion of it is definitely an acquired skill. It was actually linked in my work chat, and that's where I got it from ^^
Nice! Even for designers, some of the hard level ones are difficult or hard to pick out. Do you do any sort of design or art as a hobby or profession?

I do some sketching here and there as a hobby. Mostly landscapes and things I think would make neat tattoo designs (which I'm not brave enough to get myself. lol).
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