
Feb 6, 2019
I know, fancy word. I'm varyingtastes, cool guy extraordinaire. Professional stud. Very unprofessional at most other things.

About me
I am twenty three years of age, bisexual, and dominant leaning switch. I prefer to write in third person, but if need be I'm willing to adjust. It's a pretty minor thing. I also prefer PMs to public.

I can write a decent amount, I think. About two paragraphs, minimum, even if you give me nothing to work on, thiugh, obviously, i wouldn't be too incljned to keep posting thst without it being returned. For the most part, I'm not dead set on mirroring your posts. Sometimes, I can respond with a lot less, sometimes with a lot more. I just write whatever comes naturally.

For frequency, I'm rather random. Sometimes I'll post several times in a day. Sometimes, once in two weeks. I have work, I have people I have to deal with, etc etc. I'll get to you eventually, don't you worry, but I might take a little while. If frequent, brief hiatuses are a hard pass for you, my apologies.

About you
...Or my expectations/requirements for my own partners, but that's not nearly as pithy. I don't have many, really. If I only spoke to my peers I'd be a mute. That being said, I do require adequate grammar. I'm not a huge stickler for it, but proper punctuation, at least, is required.

I also require you to contribute to the roleplay. Post frequency/amount means a whole lot less to me than actually moving the plot, to some degree or another. You can write two lines that actually say that you're doing something for me to play off of, and I'd prefer that over two paragraphs of someone reacting. Not that I dislike reactions, just that I also do need something to reply to, you know? Initiative is important.

For the sex itself, I'm not fond of being dismissed. What I mean by that is, my character should be the best yours has had by a mile. The biggest dick, the tastiest cum, etc etc. I'm just not interested in being just one more.

About roleplays

My F-list.

I know I said at the top that I preferred third person - and I do - but for ease, and because I much prefer it, I'm using first person for these.

'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
The windows were shuttered, the owner alone,
Knowing that St. Nicholas would not be shown;

You were nestled all snug in your bed,
While visions of nothing danced in your head;
Christmas spirit had failed you, a flaw to correct,
For I snuck down the chimney, list double checked.

"The nice list," I muttered, eyes awful weary,
"But this house, this home," I said, "Looks far too dreary."
"No stockings hung by the chimney with care,
"No love in this home, no cheer in this air!"

This will not do, I thought alone, with force.
The nice list you were on, your virtue endorsed!
I sneak up the stairs, to spy upon you
And opened the door, till a soul into view.

Christmas magic was gone, and all that was left
Was a cynical soul, of cheer you'd been theft.
I thought to myself, "The best gift I can give,
Is a night of passion, for you to relive!"

Stealthy as I could, I stripped of my robe,
And your interests and loves, I started to probe.
Minutes to hours, before we were done
But presents to give! I had to run.

I sprang to my sleigh, to my team gave a whistle
And away we all flew like the down of a thistle.
But you heard me exclaim, as I drove out of sight,
"Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!"

I wrote that in a haze. Only really relevant one month of the year, but when that month comes, hoh boy.

I always tended to wake up earlier.

What can I say? I'm a morning person, and it worked well for me, having the house to myself for some amount of time. In return, I made breakfast, using my astoundingly mediocre cooking skills to make something just above edible.

Indeed, today was no different. Today, I was making pancakes (out of a premix, don't give me too much credit) and started thinking about, naturally, you.

I wasn't the greatest roommate. Crude and sometimes rude, but you had learned to deal with me. You were unlikely to wake up before I woke you... So I decided to take the time to enjoy myself.

Which is to say, I took out my dick. I split my attention, just thinking of ravishing your body as I wrapped my hand around it, jerking myself off oh so slowly. It wouldn't do to have the pancakes get burnt! So one hand was focused on that, the other on pleasing me, gradually more and more focus dedicated to the latter, until the pancakes were all but forgotten.

I was fucking my fist before too long, unable to fully wrap my hand around my shaft, but enjoying myself nonetheless. And enjoy myself I did - until I heard a door opening. You had awoken, slightly earlier than normal.

Uh oh.

In a feat of brazen bad decision making, I turned around. And then came on your own pancakes, pushing my cock forward to press it against the flesh of them, so that the creamy surprise would be hidden slightly, rope after rope sent inside. The downsides of being so virile were how drenched your pancakes got, even glazing the plate itself!

But, I had been as subtle as I could manage, putting my dick back in my pants and drizzling your plate with just the slightest bit of syrup, mixing with the cum so it looked instead like I'd drowned it in that. If you didn't look too closely. And, just in time, you come downstairs.

"...Hello," I say, more politely than usual, pulling the last pancake off the pan, setting everything to the side of the sink for later.

You look at me with the slightest bit of suspicion for my unusal cordiality, but don't pay it too much mind, too tired to do such a thing. You had some pancakes to enjoy, it seemed.

And enjoy you did. I was pretty distracted from having my own, but you were licking your plate clean, literally.

"This is incredible." I could see your nipples poking through your shirt. You were panting. I blink. And then smile. This could be an excellent turn of events...

I know I said a bit from your own perspective, but bare with me.

Or your own plot ideas. I'm an open dude. It's a privilege to serve me, so come be privileged, ;v.
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