Fx Any Looking for dark gritty snuff RPs


Jan 27, 2019
Hello! My name is Kari, I'm 21F, and I'm looking for some friends to write some dark, gory snuff RPs with.

I am happy to play either the dom/killer or the sub/victim for most scenarios. I can play either gender as the dom :)

My main interest is pain and violence. Whether the victim wants it or not, causing pain leading to bad ends/snuff is the main thing I'm looking for right now. Pain of all kinds is great, but my favorite is a stab to the stomach. I love pretty much every variation of stomach injury: a simple stab, arrow, bullets, gutting, even getting hit/crushed. I like how slow and painful of a death it leads to. I also like to focus on the victim's reaction to getting hurt, the fear and realization of their predicament...

I'm fine with incorporating almost whatever else you may want into it, including more smutty stuff of course. I like my RPs to have some sort of plot/story, but not be overkill. I'm fine with consensual death or non-con, but I particularly like having my character do whatever she can to survive and fight back when able.

As for limits - I really don't have any; there are just some things I like more than others. Anything you want to throw at me is on the table, as long as the story is good and dark (I will do more light/fluffy RPs on occasion if the scenario is right).

Here's my f-list. It's not very complete, but anything not listed is totally fine to include.

I'm honestly game for any setting. If you have any specific settings you want to use, let me know and I'm probably down. Here are a few genres that work well:
- realistic / college campus / beach party
- post apocalyptic / dystopian society
- fantasy / medieval
- supernatural / demon hunter

Here are a couple basic scenarios. Don't have to use any of these, just ideas to get thinking :)
- A young woman is kidnapped by a ruthless agent, who has been hired to kill her and make it extra painful to make an example out of her. There could be backstory like the woman or a family member of hers got involved with the wrong group

- A psychotic killer goes on vacation to where college students are getting wasted on a beach for spring break. He waits in the shadows for one of them to wander away from her friends...

- A girl who's a total masochist decides she wants to experience what it's like to die painfully. Maybe she has a friend who's always wondered what it's like to take a life. Or maybe she finds someone online who offers to kill her

- A wicked sorceress gets her power from the pain and suffering of her victims. Could be modern day or medieval

- A group of friends are thrown into a "Saw"-esque, or "hunger games"-esque game where they have to fight for survival and even betray each other

- A dystopian future where killing women is normal and encouraged. Some women fight for survival, others seek a glorious death. What will your character do?

- A combat based RP, perhaps in a gladiator arena setting? Two characters forced to fight to the death

I mostly like to play OC, but in terms of canon universes, these are the ones I know the best and could do a fun RP with:
- fire emblem
- pokemon
- kingdom hearts
- game of thrones
- witcher

I usually RP in third person, and use this site's PM system. I'm also in the middle of a couple RPs right now, but I'm hoping to get into a few more. Hope to hear from some of you! :)

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Reworked my thread to make a little more sense. Looking for one or two more :)
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