Mx Female An assortment of ideas


Jan 16, 2019
Hello Blue Moon citizens,
First of all, thank you for taking a moment of your time to go though this post. Hope you will find what you are looking for. Or maybe some twist on one of my ideas you want to discuss with me?
Secondly, I am very clumsy on my best days. And downright disorganised on my worst. So please be patient with the post. As they say, every dark cloud has a silver lining. Maybe this jumbled up post has a plot that tickles..err..I was going for your imagination, but imagine what I was really trying to say.

Now that we are done with niceties, let's go through a few rules together.

1. I respect the rules of the forum and expect my partner to do the same. Afterall it is there to ensure the safety and comfort of the members.

2. I love to build male characters with a darker shade for a long term roleplay. And I love to add more flesh to my character as the story progresses, based on my interactions with my partner. A slice of Life is the one which draws my attention. But I am always up for experiments. So if you can think of something to add to my existing plot, do let me know.

3. Kinks : My limits are blood, Scat, gore, vore, children and animals. Anything other than that and I am game for that.

4. Post length : I don't find any reason to dictate a length for that. I usually mirror my partner and can write between 1 to 5 paragraphs at a go. All I expect is both of us to put in efforts to take the story forward.

5. Smut-Plot ratio : Again, I don't put a boundary here. You like only plot? Great. All smut fun? Why not. Anything in between? Hell yeah!

6. Response rate : I am fairly active and can write multiples responses a day. But I understand if I partner is not able to do that. At the end of the day role play is an escape from reality, it's not the reality. Just communicate and let me know if you are gonna be off for more than a day. It's common courtesy, or so I would like to think.

That's it for now about the rules, will update if I find anything else at a later time.

Now to the fun part : The Plots!!

Bachelorette gone wrong:
YC was the quintessential queen bee back in college. But things has settled down in last three or four years. She tamed her wild side and settled down. Even found a nice guy to marry.
But last has a way of sneaking up.
When she finally revealed her marriage dates to her bff, she decided for one last hurrah. A bachelorette trip for you two in Vegas. A trip that would end with a private strip show at YC's suit.
Little did they knew that the stripper, MC, is the boy who dropped out because of the merciless bullying YC and friends dished out at him.
And now is his time to take revenge. Or will be let past be just that, past?

Tell me your dreams:
YC is the big shot at a mid level firm. Strong, confident and powerful.
But that had a cost of its own.
All the bossing around, late nighter's and client meeting started to take a toll on her.
Each mistake of her was heavily scrutinized. And it wasn't long before self doubt crept in. And soon, some dark thoughts followed.
That's when she decided to see MC, a prominent psychologist with an ulterior motive.
Surely, he will help her get a better hold of herself. But at what cost?
Will she be reminded that power is everything? Or will he encouraged her to hand over all the power to him inside the room, submit to him?

Yes Boss:
MC is the senior manager YC's husband report to. And all the while working for MC, YC's husband felt he was never appreciated for all the hard work he did put in, day in day out. So when the annual office party date was set, he was hell bent on impressing MC, his boss.
Will he use his charm or calibre? Or will be encountered YC, his loving wife to make the impressing on his behalf?
When MC walks upto YC and whisperes in her ear, "I want you." Will she be put upto it and teach her wimp of an husband a lesson or will she just ignore and leave the party?

Freedom at last:
YC is the good girl. The typical good girl. High grades, sports team, respect and love for all - the whole deal.
MC is the outcast. Recently released on parole. Even his parents weren't happy when he called them and asked if he could stay with them for a while. But nonetheless, they agreed.
It was one fine day YC was going door to door for some charity fund raising when she met him.
And something changed.
Will she find him to be repulsive, against everything she stands for? Or will he unlock a side on her she never knew existed, a side that craved everything forbidden, ugly?

A fight worth fighting
As long as she could remember, she was the love of his life since they met. They met when she was looking for a counselor after her divorce and the bond only grew stronger. She was the only woman he ever wanted.
Or so was the case till her daughter from her first marriage reached 18.
Suddenly he seemed too focussed on her daughter. Showering praises and gifts, just like he used to do when they started dating.
And it seems their daughter also picked up the signal.her dress became shorter and her tone much more vulgar.
Which made it clear, neither mother not daughter is ready to let go the power they had. Will either of them yeild or will they just keep on trying their best?

I am sure I will be keep adding plots as and when I come up with any.

Hope to hear from you. :)
Happy roleplaying. :)
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