Fx Male Stuck in the virtual world


Shadows Guide
Jun 20, 2015
So the idea I had based on something’s ive been reading and chatting about lately has led me to an idea I found interesting. Videos games with RPG roles often have healers as weak characters who need defending. To try and do things on your own is suicidal and if you group up with others you rely on them and need to keep them alive.

In this idea it would be a lot like SAO where everyone gets trapped after making their character but death is a loss of experience and possibly loot. To add to that death is the easy way out, stronger monsters will actually capture and torture you if they can, for most adventurers this isn’t a problem they die fighting and go down fighting if that happens. For healers this is an issue, not that many players roled as a healer so it’s an aspect of many people realize is a thing. To be caught alone and to get defeated as a class that’s only role is to keep people alive the monsters can rape and abuse her till she allows her health points to drop from hours of exhaustion. Because of this healers are lower level and weaker so in order to level up they join powerful groups who may abuse or enslave them. The game is turned into a hell for healers who either submit to those who can protect them or fall victim to monster and man alike.

This doesn’t have to be noncon but I wrote it up that way to show how truly scary a world like this can be for someone whose main skill is keeping herself and her friends alive.

Some of the main kinks we can use:
Provocative outfits
Group sex
Insertions to be worn for extended amounts of time
Forced nudity

If you fancy this and have ideas do hit me up
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