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Mx F or NB Fantasy, Scifi and alternate history prompts


Let me be the demon to your evil queen
Nov 25, 2017
About me
Call me Thomas, small business owner, lover of politics and rps

Me and RP
I only rp one on one. Tried group rps and they are not for me.
3rd person only
I tend to do MxF pairings but I am open to pairings with futas, femboys and transwomen
I'd rather rp in the threads but I am happy to rp over discord, email or PMs.

What I’m looking for

Someone who enjoys playing confident characters in authority, or characters who have a smart mouth. I enjoy playing characters that need to loosen up in some way and are used to taking control of situations.

Some Plots

Chaos Reigns
Chaos...Roarax hated chaos. Since the fall of the Westcrown the empire had been in turmoil. Anyone with a strong claim to the throne was dead and the rest of the royal family could hardly be called impressive. Roarax himself was from a proud duchy on the border. Dealing with northern barbarians and monsters in the name of the Empire and his father, Duke Firebrand. There was one good thing about this chaos. Roarax's family no long had to send tribute and in many ways functioned as their own nation. Their capitol and largest city Kaimane now being the only bastion of civilization in the North. Unless you were foolish enough to call what the elves and orcs had built a civilization.
Roarax cut a striking figure, at 6'7. His dark hair contrasting against his bright green eyes. Had the Empire not fallen he would no doubt be a great general. Now he was forced to deal with petty bands of Orcs, elves arrogant enough to claim human lands, and human barbarians seeking to take what was his. Though...there were rumblings of something...worse... Something not coming from the wilds but back from the human heartland. Tales of demons walking the streets. Of stranged horned figures taking over cities and of new cults pushing aside the old Gods. Roarax had at first dismissed such claims until the refugees came... All had the same wild look in their eyes... and it was then that Roarax started to get a creeping sense of dread up his spine.

The Drow Matron
Roariax slowly moved through the cave, the sound of his his boots echoing against the walls. Any other place in the world he'd be silent but here...everything he did seemed to make noise. He had his sword out, his eyes scanning the area. At 6'7 he was large for a human...though as many were fond of reminding him he wasn't fully human. Being the bastard son of a noble gave him a chip on his shoulder...something to prove and now he was going to prove everyone wrong by bring back a mate and wife that could kill most with a look!
He had heard tale of a former Drow Matron living in this part of the underdark. A woman so beautiful and dangerous other Drow had exiled her. People were terrified of her and with good reason. She was known for killing anyone foolish enough to enter her domain. Roariax was here to do one thing, bring her back to the surface as his wife. He was going to do that with his silver tongue...or by force if needed

Futa World (Rome)
Anneza stood in her tent, smiling to herself as the barbarian warlord was brought in front of her. She savored this moment, standing tall at 6'3. Her olive skin contrasting with her bright green eyes. Her nearly black hair showing only a handful of grey in it. At nearly 40 she was considered a bit young to be a general, and an unmarried one at that, but she savored war far too much. She adjusted her helmet, pulling it off and handing it to one of her slaves. She slowly approached the man, moving a hand over his well muscled frame. "It's a shame I have to sacrifice you. You'd look good a slave outfit, a gag in your mouth." She said with a laugh. She took a step back, watching as he was stripped, smiling at his pale skin and blonde hair. "cage him, and send him back to Rome. He can be the sacrifice for my triumph. As he was escorted away one of the local barbarian girls approached, a collar on her neck and a cup in her hand. Offering it the general she began sipping it ideally.
In this army the soldiers are all men and futa. Relationships between them are encouraged with only two rules. It doesn't interfere with your duties, and no solider gets pregnant. As such oral and anal sex are quite popular. The general herself adores her bodyguard as well as her favorite slave. She is also planning on marrying when she returns home. If you'd like to play in this world or explore it or a different era message me.
I'd like to do a historical Futa rp and I have a few eras in mind. This prompt is set during a chaotic time with Rome attempt to stabilize itself while barbarians move in from every direction. Anneza is a Roman general with large ambitions and appetites. As for the changes that have occurred, the first biggest is that there is a 3rd gender. They make up a 3rd of the world population. Because of this it made a patriarchy much harder to form since there was no way for the to be enough men to control women and Futa. As such it is VERY common for Futa to be in traditionally male roles. So a Futa ruler, general, even Pope, are 100% possible. It also created a much vaguer line in gender roles. Futa are generally taller and stronger than women, but shorter and weaker than men.

More generic parings I like.

Female or femboy / Male or maybe futa
Nun / Noble
Monster girl / noble or adventurer
Villain / Hero
step mother / step son

My kinklist
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