► DON'T BE A STRANGER ( search )


Aug 28, 2013
name: Lux / Cole / Dan
pronouns: he / him or they them
literacy level: tell me how you like it bby, i mirror.
idgaf about word count or how much you write, just keep the plot moving :>
nsfw friendly + Smut
please let me know your limits, and what you're comfortable with so i can respect that
also i love smut i won't lie — BUT i gotta have some kind of plot or characters i care about.
If you want to cut to the spicy stuff - cool you better have a good pairing / convince me ~

roleplay venue: Private threads, PM, Discord are my usual haunts
I always screen before giving out my discord, so don't expect to get it right away.
I'd like to make sure we vibe first and all that jazz !

who do i play: I'm trash, I'll play anything regardless of gender. Consider me a Switch.
I also do f/m m/m and f/f and I would love to have nonbinary and trans characters included!
I don't care about your gender, I care about the characters and writing.
if you prefer to play certain genders that's fine, just lmk.

face claims: any, although i prefer anime or descriptions.

activity: you'll see me on more to OOC and have fun. I like to take my time
I'm super chill, so if you're expecting daily post it isn't happening.
if you think it isn't working out I am also ditch friendly, and will do my best to not ghost.

samples: HERE THEY ARE.
I will say I can get carried away with intros, and recently I've been spoiled with a
partner who lets me just write with no limit. SO, if you'd like less, please lmk.
I can always adjust!

aye, you still here pal?
g r e a t.
let get down to it!

i'm just posting some outlines of my characters i love.
if you read through their stuff and like them, got some characters
you want to throw at them go for it!! i am also open to creating new
characters, bring me your ideas / pairings / cravings!!

Is there anything required of you?
not particularly, i like getting to know my writing partners~
tell me a little about yourself, and what you're interested in.
provide kink lists, or give me a general idea of what you
like to include. please come to me with plots and ideas
i probably won't be interested in responding to anyone who
doesn't seem to put in some sort of effort.
so if you hmu with nothing to offer, i'm probably just gonna ignore it.
feel free to pm me, discord will be earned, i like talking with someone first before
adding them out of the blue to plot. i've see chats die so quick
with this approach.

my oc babies, if you like any of them throw any of your ocs or ideas at me!

this is very d&d inspired, but i welcome any sort of fantasy!
► Mildryth aka Milly
► halfling / bard
► personality: a cinnamon roll, so sweet it hurts, altruistic, sensible, doting,
passionate, vivacious, loyal, flustered, indomitable
milly basically comes from a small rural area.
halfings lead what some would call a dull life, and they tend to
be a lot more pragmatic and grounded to a sense of reality.
Milly clearly longs for an adventurous life and she finds her escape
in books. She's well read, and is what you might call - a fangirl of heros.
her passion is in those written pages of perilous adventures, and the plights
between good and evil. it's like songs etched into her heart.
she never dreamed she would become part of it...
milly has the talent of being a true born bard, her voice having the power
to enchant and enthrall everyone around her if she exercised the ability to
do so. She's not yet aware of what she's fully capable of, as her parents
want her stay out of trouble and keep other halflings from gossiping too much.
her soft hymns might do little things like heal a trick ankle, or help boil water,
but nothing ever too grand - it makes everyone a little uncomfortable
and while not forbidden it definitely seems frowned upon.
so if she ends up traveling she's eager to see what the limits of her
abilities and strengths like the heroes she's read about.

possible plots:

a) milly's little village is over run by something evil.
she's one of the few survivors and he journey might be to find someone
to help her destroy what brought destruction to her quiet life.

b) an usual individual visits this little sleepy town, and milly
is very much excited to poke and prod them for information about
the outside world. something might end up having milly tag along,
whether it's by force or her own volition.

c) milly has a bad habbit of ditching her farm chores to run off
into the forest nearby. sometimes she likes day dreaming, other times
she likes to explore and see what she can find. she might stumble upon
something very life changing.

► tika
► orc / warlock
► personality: meek, practical, reserved, hard working,
dependable, amicable, sincere, polite
in short her clan is nomadic, and they travel over the desert plains
cleansing the lands of bad aurora. an ancient evil was let loose,
and tika young and aspiring - stood up to this evil and died.
her clan had an ancient pact with a phoenix long ago, and has not
seen anyone bond with the spirit in this lifetime, it was only ever stories passed
down from generations. to everyone's surprise the phoenix rose
and resurrected tika - with it she was able to seal away
the demon temporarily. the demon is still very much a threat
thus she must leave her life and venture forward to find away to destroy
this evil so that it may never have a chance to hurt anyone again.
before that ordeal tika was the daughter of the clan leader,
and she felt an expectation to be much like her parents as they were
always loved and revered by the clan. in her own eyes she feels she
is a failure, she's not like them and struggles to measure the achievements
that they set. her parents never expected her to become like them,
and they encourage her to be and choose her own path. it only makes
her all the more self consciousness. the one talent she seems to process
is that she has a very deep passion for making vases. she loves molding
the clay and using her magic to kindle it into a finished piece. she's sold
many of her works in her travels, even earning herself commissions from
time to time. she thinks poorly of her own talents and skills, feeling as
it doesn't exactly contribute to helping her clan and is more of a hobby
to indulge in. oddly, as if by fate, she trapped the demon in one of
her pottery made cooking pots.


tika is traversing passed her deserted home and over the lands.
she must find some way to destroy this demon or find a more stable
way to lock him away for good. she will likely meet a number of different
individuals and opportunities to experience different cultures.

b) possibly work in an arranged marriage?
they day she was the be wed the demon could have attacked,
she might have sacrificed herself to save her betrothed. together they
could leave to complete this task together.

c) there is a possibility that when she died and the trapped the demon
that she could have magically been teleported somewhere else.
she could reawaken and struggle to remember what had happened,
in strange lands and helpless she aimlessly tries to figure out what she should do.

d) someone could take the pot with the demon trapped inside,
and now she's on adventure to take it back and then once that's
achieved continue to look for a way to destroy the demon. she could
end up traveling with the thief if she can convince them or other means
happen, or she might try to hire someone to help her go retrieve it.

e) option to play the demon, maybe they try to talk to her.
whether it tries to seduce her to the darker arts of magic or there
might be a misunderstanding... it can explore their relationship
and what might become of tika under demon's influence, or maybe
she has power to change the demon's nature and bend it to her will.

► Alfonse House: Camellia
► human turned revenant / ranger
► personality: accident prone, curious, optimistic, endearing,
courageous, magnanimous, charming, up beat, rash
alfonse was not born a royal, generations of his family earned it.
he was set in an arranged to marry to a princess from
another kingdom. this marriage was to help the public officially
accept alfonse's family as new monarchs to the region.
his family rose from merchants selling the profitable camellia flower
which processed many uses: it could be used as tea, cooking oil,
a perfume, or the oils could even be used to cleanse weapons.
climbing the social ladder with their lucrative business they were
able to buy their titles. this might have angered / offended some
political figures, and they may have made a number of enemies.

the night alfonse was wed his life ended abruptly as he had been killed.
oddly, he did not stay dead. he awakes in the crypts and an undead.
he doesn't remember who killed him, it seems his spirit has found no rest,
and he is compelled to find the killer and the answers that ended his life.
he has in fact been reborn as a revenant, one who will seek justice in any means.
the nature and darkness of his revival is that in away alfonse becomes
filled with primal desire to hunt and kill, to avenge. but as the person
he was formerly he is sincere, humble, passionate, altruistic
and that conflicts with the revenge aspect.
the more he tries to prevent himself to giving into the undead desire
it seems that he loses a piece of humanity. he wants answers, and
he wants to be laid to rest, so he travels trying his hardest to be

note: alfonse is likely the only "straight" character i have
but i will say he is bi-curious, he just might need to build a deeper
relationship to end up with a male companion. so that's optional.

a) what if an event happened, and it basically broke everything.
time keeps repeating. alfonse keeps dying, and waking up dead.
he gets to a certain point and then everything resets.
basically ground hogs day.
alfonse isn't bound exactly to the same things like everyone else
- everyone sort of repeats exactly what they do. and while al could,
he seems to have the ability to deviate from what he was doing that same day.
like maybe he doesn't die sometimes, or he ends up dying differently each time.
either way no one can get past that day. and so he must try to find what is causing it,
stop it, and try to restore the balance. the possibility that this all occurred was
that someone may have tried to use magic to stop alfonse marriage, but it got
stuck in a time loop instead. maybe they think killing him will break the spell.

b) alfonse might have to seek answers from a necromancer / wizard or warlock

c) ignores his quest to help himself, instead getting distracted by helping
those who are suffering with their own problems. constantly stopping to
try and set their lives straight. he's dead, he doesn't really need to rush

► Kilian & Lothar
► bearkin / K: paladin L: barbarian
► Kilian personality: reserved, loyal, duty bound, honorable, reflective,
focused, proud, stubborn, merciful
► Lothar personality: conceited, ill tempered, vulgar, aggressive,
impulsive, crude, lustful, proud, vindictive
growing up they lost their mother and their land to the witch king,
becoming refugees. the twins were dependent on one another,
lothar looked after his smaller and weak twin, while kilian always
did his best to keep lothar out of trouble. lothar was particularly
hard on his twin pushing him to fight and get stronger so that
he wouldn't be a victim of bullying and manipulation. while
kilian did grow bigger and stronger is made him retain a different
set of ideals from his brother. where as lothar used his strength
to openly challenge anyone and was much more destructive, kilian
used it to protect and aid others. lothar often berates his twin for
being too soft hearted.

years passed, and their clan began to dwindle, some even reverting
back to dumb beast the longer the stayed outside the realm of their forest.
angered by lack of action, lothar challenged their leader wanting to take back
their land and fight the witch king. lothar, in his unkept rage
attempted to kill the chief - a taboo in this tradition. kilian tried to stop
his brother, realizing he had lost control of his rage but failed and lost
one of his eyes. with kilian's help the chief was able to over throw lothar
and was about to deliver the killing blow as punishment for breaking tradition,
but kilian begged him not to, instead pleaing for mercy that his brother was all he
had left in this world. hearing kilian's plea he instead exiled lothar,
not before taking out his eye so that lothar would have a reminder
to reflect on in his days to follow.

much later...
kilian eventually left his clan, his chief knew that they couldn't linger
forever. that their rightful place was back in their woods, but
they were no match against the witch king. he asks that kilian to leave
on a pilgrimage and search for an answer, if he can bring them hope of destroying
their enemy then they can reclaim what was taken. if not they are
likely to waste away forgetting all their history, and slowly become
mindless savage beasts.

lothar ends up in the cities among humans and other beings
taking his pleasures, he's usually found pit fighting, or looking for mercenary work.
he hasn't forgotten his desire in reclaiming his lands. he fully believes that if he can
find the solution to defeating the witch king he can rub it in his kin's faces
when he returns. his motivation is to make his clan great again,
seeking any means in doing so, regardless of wrong or right.


will add later.
you have the option of choosing between them or both
they don't have to be bear kin, but it was fun an interesting to create them!
although i do imagine lothar getting in a bar fight would be pretty fun.

i'm really obesses with this game right now...
i've played origins and DA3 the most, i've dabbled with DA2
i would prefer to play ocs but depending on the pairing i might be convinced to play canon characters.
i'm also open to playing modern aus, the world / themes of DA, or just taking characters and adapting to plots.
anything game, so please feel free to suggest. atm i'm going to offer my warden lark.

► Lark Brosca
► dwarf / warrior
► personality: loves to party, has a tendency to drink a lot , smug, deviant,
morally ambiguous, self-serving, belligerent, unruly, stubborn, quick tempered, promiscuous
Lark was born casteless, her life has been nothing but unforgiving
and harsh. She's grown up with a thick skin,
doing whatever was necessary to survive. she's treated like dirt, practically
invisible to the caste above her. For a long while she worked as a bar
maid - earning her drinks by challenging patrons to drinking contests.
she ended up picking a fight with the wrong person and made enemies.
a known thug in the seedy underbelly of the criminal world offers her protection
if she'll work for him. she takes his offer and from there her life takes a very
dark turn.
she might not be savy enough to pick locks but she can kick a door
in with her immense strength. she may lack the grace to sneak in the
shadows, but her presence is felt in a room. She'll gut you like a fish
and not think twice about it. she's a bandit type, hired to do whatever needs
to be done. she lives by the bottle, and often gets into trouble running
her mouth off. very vulgar, very aggressive. she does have soft spots,
if you can find them, she just tends to be prickly when you get too close.
she'll hurt you, before you hurt her, that's a promise.
her greatest fear is being forgotten and ignored, she wants and demands
attention in any means she can get it. she wants to make a name for herself
to stick in everyone's minds and she'll go to any lengths of achieving that.

* notes: lark is a big gal, if you have a problem with plus size individuals
then you likely will not be compatible to play with lark.

she is also poly, so that's optional if you'd like to explore that.

a) lark wants to over throw the current leader of the carta guild she works
for. she's aiming to take over and be in charge. she can either succeed,
or fail. the options of success or failure can go in many different directions.
one option is that failure forces her to flee to the surface where she has
to adapt to the new world.

b) she could meet some of the upper class at a party or special event.
she might be up to no good, and either she's persuaded out of doing what
she came to do or she finds a new interest. she might crash the event just
to have fun, pretending to be someone important. all fun and games until
she gets caught.

c)lark went to the surface, deciding she would rather take her chances
in the world above then slowly rot and be forgotten by her own clan. she could
become a mercenary, or hang around bars picking fights and winning her meals
and drinks, she might become indebted to someone.

so i am not a super fan, just some one who casually likes this franchise.
but i do so badly want to play in it, and have fun cuz it just breeds for interesting
characters and fun adventures. i only have wookies to offer, but there's concepts
for other characters. i'm will double and play multiple characters if you'll let me
play any of my wookie ocs. but i can give into creating new ocs.
i don't really want to dabble to heavily in the current story / timeline characters.
i'd rather have fun and come up with our own bullshit.
but toss ideas at me!

► Kallatha aka Kalla
► wookie
► personality: ill tempered, somber, vindictive, loyal, protective, motherly, hostile, stubborn, hard working, committed, honest
- At a young age Kalla was separated from her family and enslaved

- over the years of working hard labor she came to know another
Wookie intimately named Gratobuck ( Gra )

- Gra wasn't a strong, fearless wookie, he was rather opposite,
quiet, kind hearted, hopeful and carried strength in a different way.

- Kalla was drawn to his kind nature, he had a talent for singing and it soothed her

- Kalla and Gra were eager to leave their slave life
as Kalla had become pregnant. fearing her children would be taken
away just like she was when she was young they planned an escape.
she managed to rally together a group of wookies to stand against their slave drivers

- bad timing on both ends
the day they acted on their escape was the day the rebellion
chose to show a little back bone, wanting to help free the wookie slaves
and possibly gain new allies in the process.

- this confusion led to them being spotted,
storm troopers were brought in to shut down the attack and
teach a lesson to any wookie that attempted to escape.
no mercy was given and it soon turned into a blood bath.

- Gratobuck was shot down and killed, enraged Kalla charged
and attacked, ripping apart the soldiers. she was eventually shot down.

- good news, she survived. bad news, her survival was due to being
shot in her abdomen, mortally killing her children but sparing her life

- the rebellion held their ground and eventually the soldiers of the
empire retreated. Kalla was spotted and immediately transported to
an intensive care unit.

Kalla has a very strong hatred for the Empire,and anyone associated with
them. but specifically Storm Troopers. if she sees one she flies into a
vengeful rage and will kill any on sight - even going so far as to hunt them
down. there is no mercy in her mind and no way of talking her out of it
if she gets into those rage fits. she also has strong animosity towards
the rebellion. she's not very grateful for her life being saved, or for their
rescue, believing if they hadn't meddled with things that her children and
Gra might still be alive today.


prison escape
i can easily see Kalla getting locked in a prison.
i mean if she was in the wrong place and attacked some troopers,
or hell just caused trouble in general (cuz fuck the rules, she
does what she wants ) then yeah, probably landed her in some
hot water. so maybe she could meet another prisoner?
maybe they bust out together, but probably not as quietly as
the hoped. now they got a bigger target on their back, and unfortunately
they seem to be stuck with each other.

you're hired
she could possibly be a body guard / bouncer / mercenary.
i'd say more like a mercenary, just being hired to do whatever.
although people that know her hiring history joke that she's likely
to end up killing her hired employer in most situations. cuz she has
bad habit of killing anything that gets in her way when she's out
to get her revenge against a storm trooper she's spotted.
(although those might be rumors).
if not she she could work with transporting something or someone for protection.

relationship with a droid
Kalla does have an incredibly huge soft spot for any droids,
regardless of their intelligence or lack there of. she seems
drawn to their less emotional states, but enjoys the company
of someone bluntly honest. also unlike people, if they get hurt,
destroyed, they're easier to repair. take them to a shop, spend
some credits, bam they come back brand new. no real loss to
worry about.

extremist movement
i got inspired by rogue one with Saw Gerrera
i wanted to play with Kalla possibly going the ultimate dark route,
where she has little morals. she did agree and support that the rebellion was fighting
back against the empire. but she didn't like their dance with politics,
and their hesitation. so she goes and does things her way.
except her way gets more people killed, sometimes innocent people.
but it's for a greater purpose. so maybe a bounty is on her head?
maybe she's working with a group? maybe she's been captured?

...ooooor maybe she's just a crazy hermit wookie
that's done some crazy shit. sort of spent most
of her youth being angry and running around with groups fighting
for some bullshit causes. as long as she killed the empires dogs
she didn't think much about it. but the empire is gone and there
seems to be a short time of peace. but now the The First Order
has risen, and their shadow is quickly casting itself over the
galaxy. maybe someone seeks out Kalla, she's got a crazy
way of doing things, but if it got the job done before maybe it
can get it done again.

personality: amicable, cunning, cocky, playful,
hopeful, easy going, cocky, spirited, energetic, determined, boisterous, and prideful
alright so. Ji was originally Kalla's younger sister.
she was smuggled off the planet by her parents, who also planned
to smuggle Kalla off. but their plans were foiled, and Ji was
separated from her family.
it really doesn't matter if they are related or not, unless we want
to like have Ji confronting her rage quitting sister later.

- so her back story is simply that she might have been a lucky
wookie to escape the hard labor slavery of the empire.

- but that's where her luck ends.
she ends up on a junk planet, and either she's scavenging for
parts to sell. or she's actually a slave and has a master that
she works for.

- she does seem to have a natural talent towards mechanics,
machines. and good reflexes, she might do small races.
might even have a force sensitivity, that acts as her instincts.


adopted by smugglers

if she was smuggled maybe she doesn't end up on a junk planet
at all. maybe like in Guardians of the Galaxy, she may end up
staying with the smuggler band. they sort of adopted her as their
pet. possibly hoping that having a fierce wookie with them might
benefit them in the long run as they travel through the galaxy.
she might not be the biggest, fiercest wookie, but does have a
knack for fixing things, and being useful when they least expect it.

subservient solitude
if she is sold as a slave, she might have a kind master.
or she might have a cruel one. she might not have the will
or chance to escape. so her life seems to be on whatever
their whims are.

finders keepers
Jikit might have been scavenging when she comes across something she wasn't
suppose to get her hands on. and now it's drawing a lot of attention.
she has a gut feeling that whatever wants this, wants to misuse it's power.
so she's naturally protective, and is doing her best to not let it fall into the
wrong hands. she just didn't imagine it was going to nearly cost her her life!
but hey if it gets her off this wasteland planet, it's worth it right??

Arriji or Arri
Arri is actually the son of Kalla.
what. plot twist!!
so Arri actually has force abilities.
specifically healing.
his brothers and sisters in the womb were kinda like a shield,
and while he did get injured in the blast ( loses his legs )
the distress of his mother, and his own injuries awakened his abilities.
he was actually drawing on his mother's life force keeping himself alive.
which in a way was consequently killing Kalla.
when she was taken to the medical ward it was discovered that
Arri was still alive, just barely and he was placed in an intensive care unit.

it was decided to not reveal to Kalla about Arri simply because they
were not sure he would survive. Kalla was already grief stricken, and they
were afraid getting her hopes up only to have bad news would cause
further commotion. as the wookie was clearly lashing out and
spiraling in her current state.

he did survive seeming to have a very strong will power,
it was heavily discussed to inform his mother about his survival.
in the end they opted to keep it a secret, Kalla needed to recover
mentally and physically, and if she failed to do so they didn't want
her anger and vindictive nature corrupting Arri.

Arri has cybernetic legs, to replace the ones he lost at birth.
other than healing, his other force abilities he gains as he gets older
is a psychometry. it comes sort of like a headache to him and he
can't control it. he only gets glimpses, and sometimes it gets really
confusing because he might be seeing the past, present, or future.
since there are so many paths one can take in their journey through
life, some future visions might be fickle. with more training he might
be able to have longer visions, and sort or understand them clearly.

soft spoken, meek, and empathetic, passive, charismatic, stubborn.
he's the kind of person that hates violence, and would be willing
to help anyone, even if it was an enemy.
death has left a huge impact on him from birth, he has a natural
fear of it, creating an extreme anxiety towards loss. with the use of his
healing ability he tries his hardest to spare anyone he can from death.
he might be viewed as emotionally unstable at times, but if he can learn
to control those states, and grow into a more mature being he might
unlock more power he didn't know he had in him.

i don't even know. he's still very new to me.
i do know that i'd like to play him as a younger wookie.
might be a child / to a very young "teen"
just because i want to see what happens as he's growing
into his adult years. he's gonna make mistakes, and those
are gonna weigh on him and effect the outcome of his future.

a new generation
he could be noticed by a surviving jedi, or a force user.
there he's trained or least shown how to feel and understand
the force.

the butterfly effect
it would be interesting if he could time travel, possibly alter events.
he might have visions, and sets off to prevent them. but in doing
so he might be setting into motion things he's trying to stop, or
completely changing things.

another alternate idea to the above.
imagine if someone discovered Arri's ability, and they wanted to
use it. possibly the first order / empire might want to go back
and alter past mistakes. if they could control Arri to their will
a new terror might occur.

these are more concepts on star wars races and ideas.
nothing super solid but i'll toss it here just in case.
she'll likely be an entertainer, famous singer / pop-star / idol
she might get into some trouble, some one demanding she be their
bride, or lover. her refusal sparks a rage, and if they can't have her
no one can. she may have escaped, but she's marked by their wrath.
either she hires a guard, or tries to lay low for the time being.
zeltron - male / female
would like to play a rogue / con artist.
using their charm and wiles to beguile unsuspecting victims.
they likely have a record, possibly a bounty on their head.

enhanced clone
the idea is actually really inspired by the fifth element.
i was thinking that with clone experiments they might try
to recreate force users. trying to mimic whatever genes
in other jedi or force users. but maximize it. possibly
trying to create the perfect jedi, or apprentice to the dark
lord. maybe they are trying to bring about the prophecy
of the one that would save them. and thus they are born.

i'd really like to pull inspiration from the characters and fairy tales.
i'd love to aus, or build our own worlds. i'm going to be picky about
what i'm looking for. but it will be dark and very adult, i want to push
these characters to extremes and really develop them.
i am down for genderbending and gay shit, and doubling.
you can suggest your own pairings and ideas!

i do have some pairing thoughts if you're interested.
rapunzel + sleeping beauty
perhaps instead of the young princess aurora being punished,
it was rapunzel and her kingdom. maybe the young princess
sets out to change her fate, and have the curse reversed by
the evil faerie maleficent.

one angle is actually runpuzel x the maleficent which maleficent
could be male. but there could be a different pairing too.
romantic or platonic

cinderella + sleeping beauty
what if instead of a faerie godmother appearing it was maleficent?
what if she granted cinderella the opportunity to get revenge?
the two could go the ball together, and wreak some havoc together.

quasimodo +rupunzel
preference: quasi
cuz i'm trash. and i think these two fucking adorable.
i actually was thinking, quasi could be like a servant to the captured
princess. he's ordered by gothell to look after her while she's away.
so he does the chores and the upkeep, makes sure she eats,
and gets her anything she could possibly request. only he and gothell
are allowed to leave the tower. he's also under gothell's whim believing
that he's a monster that she's made him out to be over the years.
so he's always obeyed her every command.
but seeing rapunzel locked away all these years, and her one request
to just go out and see the lanterns... what's the harm? so maybe he
thinks they can sneak out for just one day, and make the most of it.
and their adventure begins, both ignorant and in awe of the world in their venture

Tramp & O'malley
having some wild life on the streets,
teaming up and cause a bunch of trouble.
these two rascals might have been childhood friends,
practically inseparable. or maybe they parted ways in
their youth, maybe they in cross paths again and rekindle
what they had before. optional romantic / platonic
platonic or romantic

beauty and the beast & frozen
the idea was that an ice princess exiling herself takes refuge
in an abandon castle. only to find a cursed beastly individual.
they end up finding they have a lot more in common and embrace
their differences. it could be platonic / romantic

beauty and the beast & tangled
so. idea was that rapunzel escapes her tower and ventures out
into the world. one night though she's ambushed by wolves or thieves.
a beast comes out and fights them off, saving her life.
maybe he demands that she now to live her days in his castle.
she might agree if he is willing to take her to see the lights...
just kinda makes me laugh if a beastly character is trying to walk
around and be normal. in the end she could bring out the humanity in him.
platonic / romantic

i have an infinite soft spot for her.
any au, likely any pairing - even ocs if i like the idea of them.
please toss anything at me, i love her to pieces.
would love to do genderbending and play male!peach

if none of these fandoms or plots are your interest you can suggest your own stuff.
i'll throw a word bank down. i suck at constructing original ideas / concepts without it
sounding too complicated. got plenty of ideas, but mostly just ask!
anything bolded is something i might be craving currently.

slice of life, fantasy, adventure, sci-fi, love-hate relationships, soul mates, oteme theme?? , rivals, merpeople, nagas, orcs, super natural creatures, monsters, apocalyptic/surival, drama, pain, betrayal, angst, height differences, royalty, werewolves, vampires, exes, A.Is, grudges, time travel, in your personal space, campy, fluffy, silly, super heros, fairy tales, beards, body sizes of all kinds, not typically beautiful ppl, quests, save the world, prophecy, brothels, arranged marriage, steam punk, aliens, twins, jealousy, power struggles, revenge, after life, high school, cafes, punks, flower shops, good boys / girls, bad girls / boys, nerds, party, single daddies, witches, magical girls / boys, incest, m//. f//, mxf. bi. poly. murder. space opera. starcrossed lovers. runaways. gangs. orphans. established relationships. platonic relationships. bromances. femme fatales. road trips. what stays in vegas. sugar daddy.fate. disney au. over the garden wall. pokemon. harvest moon. animal crossing. dragon age. resident evil. silent hill. dragon ball z. wolf's rain. inuyasha.

...idk why my thread got moved to request by females, but whatever.
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