Mx Female A Corrupting "Education (Very intense Education themed role-play requests) and Darker Requests (Part Two of my requests)


Jul 2, 2009
These three role-plays are inspired by multiple sources, but embody a common theme: the distorting of education into the corruption of a female.

1. Teaching Hard Lessons: One is a teacher at a very exclusive private school, one where the young leaders, thinkers, and such of tomorrow are supposed to be learning to deal with the "hard lessons of life". In reality, while they do learn their subjects, the school is also a playground for those with intense sexual appetites, drives, and desires. The other player is a student, and at this school the bounds are nonexistent between the teachers and their of age students. In what way does it happen? Does the teacher force/blackmail/coerce the student, or is it the other way around? Perhaps it is totally consensual for the most part, just that certain ideas are played out? Or... is it all a massive "role-play playground", and in reality it is where people with certain desires wish to play out their intense "school themed" passions?

2. From Urban Legend to Reality: The student hadn't really studied for the exam, so an attempt based on a prolific college-based urban legend is tried. The student writes a glowing letter about the professor in an exam book to show off better penmanship to a parent, then puts it in at the end of the period . The student , having memorized the exam, puts in all of the answers, deliberately missing just enough to avoid a perfect score but better than needed to get the grade needed and intends to mail it to the professor. The problem is.. the student still has the letter, and then realizes that the exam booklet didn't have the letter, but an intensely detail recounting of a dream about the professor that was supposed to go to the Psychology department where she was participating in a sex study. What happens when the professor reads it? What will transpire when the call to the student happens? What if one.. or both.. act on it, especially the bondage and very rough aspects of the dream? What if the student races to get it back, willing to take the failing grade if only... but then things happen where "if only".. "just isn't possible"?

3. Study Abroad/Internship: The student is out of the country on an exchange program or is doing a work internship dealing with the student's field/one of the student's fields of study, and the student and the professor/teacher come across each other. Where they are, as they are no longer in the bounds of a student/professor (teacher) relationship, things are different. They see each other in different circumstances and in a new light. Things happen, and then something else opens up doors and windows where things neither would admit to others they admit to each other. Perhaps, also, one doesn't intend for things to happen, and the other pushes the issue.. hard.

Now for a bit on the Dark Side.... (the ones I am craving most of these marked with +s.. the more the stronger the craving...)

Sometimes, the craving is dark, deep, a bit more depraved and certainly intense. For those ideas, concepts, and the like, this request thread is about. These delve into the much deeper psychological and physical intensities in the various interests shard among those here...

(this are very deep cravings.. and looking for any number of females to play them out...I am willing to play multiple parts as well in these)

The Phoenix Foundation: She honestly thought she had destroyed him, a man whom she just saw as a trophy.. a notch on her belt as it were in the world of the business she conducted. She had raided and gutted his company, or the company he worked for, and thought it was over. She even threw in the sensational threat of a harassment suit scandal into the mix so she thought it was over and done with... until... She made the mistake of trying to get control of a company that was part of the The Phoenix foundation, a mostly non-profit owned and run by the reclusive and eccentric CEO.. but the very obvious reality escaped her overly "clever" corporate raider mind. At the meeting that she thought was a sure deal, she would learn the truth, that the trap was sprung... and that she now had years to pay back to the man she left in ruins or thought she did.... This one is VERY HEAVY in BDSM, particularly oral and anal training, and may involve public disgrace, deep levels of humiliation and degradation, as well as breast bondage, cock and ball worship, slutty and constrictive clothing and costumes. ++++++++++

No Angel Nor Demon Can.... : Whether just a little dark or fully so, this is based on the Count of Monte Cristo. He was young and had it all: a bright ahead of him, the woman he loved there ready for commitment, friends and associates... till the accusation that ruined and imprisoned him. After a dark road into his own personal hell, he has come out the other side a totally different man: dark, mysterious, brooding, and very much focused on retribution. This time, however, it was a woman.. or a conspiracy of women, that did him in. Why did she/they do it becomes evident over time, but what is clear is that part of the retribution involves doing what he was accused of to her/them and so much more... This will involve imprisonment, bondage, intense non-con (at least at first), thorough humiliation/degradation/disgrace, anal gaping, and use of machines. +++++++++++

The Heritage Club: One of the oldest private clubs in the nation, to the point that they have very exclusive propertys for members to live at, the Heritage Club is shrouded in silence and mystery as to what benefits its wealthy, powerful, and influential as well. Women desire to be connected to the inner circle of its members, craving to be the center of attention at least from one of the men within.. but for some strange reason those who get what they want either become lest prone to being in the spotlight, fade into the background.. or disappear for long stretches at a time or all together. One determined female, not necessarily a feminist or anyone trying to expose the secrets, wants the questions answered. The deepest and most important question is.. is she REALLY prepared for the answers she finds?? This one is special, as the partner has to bring a good bit into this, especially the ideas of what the female's motive is, what has really gotten her interested, and what the potential endgame is. (this one may be modified still further....) How that comes about also affects the kink focuses as well as the development and direction it goes. +++++++++

Private Screenings: WARNING: This is partly inspired by four separate film and television sources(one episode of Law and Order, the films 8 mm and Eyes Wide Shut, and a real life incident involving Charlie Sheen), so PLEASE READ THOROUGHLY before going to ask or comment to myself or anyone on its outline It was so shocking, that the city was absolutely stunned. What looks like an urban legend, an amateur looking porn bordering on snuff film, was found and delivered to the proper authorities. The search had been on for weeks... until the girl in the film.. the one everyone thought was dead and buried... turns up very much alive... and doesn't recognize the film at all even though it is obviously her in the film. She has no twin, and she has been with friends somewhere she couldn't be reached. Is she telling the truth, and if so, what really is in the film? A partner has to bring a lot of herself to this one, but the long and short of it is that this has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with snuff at all, and everything to do with the most intense skirting of the bounds of kink without actual harm in that direction. Breathe play, as well as intense bondage, discipline, marking, tattooing, and perhaps branding are negotiable for this one. ++++++++

Vacations Unlimited: Inspired by aspects found in Total Recall, Surrogates, and Westworld/Futureworld The future has provided the ultimate in vacation options: leaving your body at home while you are able to experience your ultimate fantasy: Being someone else. A new body and a different life are all part of the package, and you can spend the time for as long as you wish if you have the resources. But what really happens at the the resort that is the man made domed place that is a gigantic cities in what used to be the arctic desert of Antarctica. The weather allows for the system to run without getting overheated... so is that the reason why people have gone and not returned??? Why is your character there? Do you have something or someone specific in mind for your three, six, nine, twelve, or eighteen month stay? If so, did you sign up for the Platinum package? Did you read EVERYTHING in the forms on the tablet you signed? VERY open ended and VERY intense, as this is dealing with state of the art technology and all of it's abuses and uses. No extremes involving those things I have already said no to in my extended list of things I said I will not do. ++++++++++

Club Diablolique: Hamsa. Heather, Annabella, Rachel, Stephanie, Roberta, Maddie, Kailey, Roxanne, Alexandra, Sasha, Anastasia, Yuriko, and Lily are lifelong friends, from grade school sleepovers to dance team through to college competitive activities and sorority life. Where they are, now they are bored. Life has been easy because they are all very beautiful and have the world at their feet. One day, though, they are all invited to the hottest and most intense resort in the world. No one who has come back has been the same, and even people they know are very mysterious about what goes on there, but there is rumor that the proprietor(s) can make your wildest, deepest, and most hidden fantasies come to life. The price is mysterious, but everyone who comes back seems to come back raving and going back for more... almost everyone... Before they go, each girl gets a strangely specific warning that before boarding the private jet to the atoll island escape that they think before getting on the plane and make certain they wish to go... I am thinking on this one that you, if you would like, get to portray each of the women eventually, and the fantasies get played out in intense ways. The name is all I am providing, as the other details are for you to add. This is, in my head, a Fantasy Island inspired idea with just a bit of intense BDSM on a Twilight Zone meets Outer Limits in a way mixed in. They all have intense fantasies, but all of them eventually find out that all roads lead to them spending time serving in the inner most part of the atoll within atoll resort... labeled very accurately in one way or another Agony Island. +++++++

Special Training:Karen is a young college girl who has scored the best chance of her young life. She has gotten accepted to a special program where she gets an all expenses payed summer interning with one of the most brilliant men in a specific area in her field of study, Applied Behavioral Psychology. She is told she honestly will be expected to participate and that the course will count as a full three course credits to her degree. What she doesn't find out till she gets there is that she is the only student who will be there at the vacation home of the professor... and that the Applications she is studying will change her life forever... and take her places sexually that she never anticipated going ever in her life. This one can be dark, light, or anywhere in between. There is no black in this one, with many shades of gray involved I would think. +++++++++

National Velvet:Velvet is one of the most famous young women athletes in the world. She is beautiful, talented, capable, wealthy, at the top of her game... and far too arrogant for her own good. She is not a bad person, rather she is used to always getting what she wants. That is until she loses a horse race and discovers that the Thoroughbred that she lost in the race is herself. What is an even greater shock is that the man whom she lost to has some extremely desirous intentions for "breaking the Filly known as Velvet This one can have Pony play if wanted.++++++++++

Breaking The Rules: There are always rules to any game, especially rules to a fling. That was what it was supposed to be, just a fling. Two people who didn't really know each other, just taking advantage of an opportunity to have a bit of fun. But that is not what has happened. It is not a creepy stalker thing, rather the man tapped into a secret need that the woman never told anyone about. It is dark and hidden, and was only supposed to be something she indulged in in a fling. Now, though, he is well aware she needs more even though she wants to try and avoid it... and doesn't plan to let go. She knows almost nothing about him, but he fills a hunger in her that has never really been filled ever before. She could be married and have kids, or just be a woman with a career and/or reputation to protect. The problem is, either way, is her life is built on a lie. She craves, wants, and needs this, a relationship that is about submitting to her desires.. which in fact are to submit to the lustful and dominant wants of a man who she has yet to get to know.++++++

Red Moon:Some say that crazy things happen on a full moon. Some religions talk about dark and mysterious things happening when a full lunar eclipse happens, and it is called by some Blood Moon. This lunar eclipse, a party happens that is to last the entire Blood Moon. At the party, blood boils and awakens desires with the pounding music with pulsing beats making gyrating bodies stir with the primal needs rising from the primitive depths of their seething libidos... This one is about a wild and intense party, but I leave this open for input... *smiles* ++++

Wild Hearts and Tight Fitting Jeans:He is a working man who made good who spots her in a bar that she looked totally out of place in from his view. She was used to wearing designer clothes and fancy jewelry, but she wanted to be a "good ol' boy's girl" for a while. How long that was supposed to be may depend, but then something stirs and changes. Perhaps the husband finds out... or knows. Perhaps he doesn't care or does very much. Perhaps there is more than they think on all sides. Whatever the case, it becomes something more.. more intense.. more moving.. more dangerous... just more. But is it even that simple... or is someone lying and playing very dangerous games with emotions... and how love can spiral down into the most intense hatred..... This one (I hope does not sound bad that this is the case) is inspired by two country songs, Tight Fittin' Jeans and Does He Love You (though I have flipped it to She). This can get very dark, and perhaps have violence in it but only if that is cool. +++++++

The Armory:It is one of the most infamous places in the world, where the hottest BDSM themed adult entertainment happens. But also there are stories.. stories of those who go behind the walls and get involved in the action. Only some of it goes on camera, and the stories that go into some of the most intense "fantasies" that get recorded are not always those of the top stars.... Another open ended one idea-wise, this is, I admit, inspired by and all of their websites... How this one goes depends on what can be contributed here... *smiles very wickedly* +++++++++

As always, any interested parties PM me directly for inquiries.

Modifications can be made to any of these can be modified for much more dark and intense ideas, but these are the more Con slanted descriptions. If you are interested, or interested in the darker slants either of these can take, feel free to message me.
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