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Fx Any [[ casual fantasy/modern, kinks and taboos a plus ]]


Dec 17, 2016
Hello everyone! I’ve been itching to write lately, so I’m in search of a someone to help me fulfill some fantasies of mine while helping keeping the plot adventurous. I have a hard time keeping track of PMs here, so we can roleplay via thread, email, or a messenger of your choice.

My posts vary in length, so my partner may reply in whatever way makes them comfortable as long as we move the plot along and are happy.

I’m not looking for any particular pairings, but I would like to explore various BDSM kinks in a fantasy setting (knights, elves, dragons, ect ) and i love taboo elements being thrown In. I am looking to play a headstrong female knight character, and she is a dominant personality outside the bedroom and needs to embrace her submissive side in the bedroom.

Current wants: kidnapping, non-con, magic mind control, slavery, fluff, bondage, female futa partners, non human partners, taboo pairings,

I would not oppose a modern setting with an interesting enough premise, so feel free to bring me some ideas. They do not need to be fully fleshed out before we begin, I’m not much of a planner.

Anyway, I’ll write up a proper request thread later. Thanks for reading and I hope to hear from you!
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