Fx Any Crepuscular's Commercial 1.0

Crepuscular Choir

Jan 7, 2019

Hello Everyone and welcome to my request thread!
I'll try and keep this updated and as clear as I can, no one wants to be wading through oceans of convoluted text.
If in doubt of anything ask!

An flist will be forthcoming.

The Basics
  • This says 'Fx Any' to be honest I am more of a 'Any x Any' person, but with a preference for playing female roles (followed by all other permutations, then Male).

  • RP is an escape from reality, and an attempt at fun for me. Because of that I need any RP to be divorced from reality on some level...so that means no pure 'modern' settings, no celebrities (face claims are okay though). Every now and then I may break this precept, and that will be for exceptional RP partners or a celeb that has driven me crazy.

The Expectations
  • Be chill. This is meant to be fun. No one can have fun if either of us start to get uptight and pestering each other about replies.
  • Real Life Comes First. No if's no but's. I'll need to get plenty of stuff done in the real world, you need to respect that. I need to respect what you've got on too.
  • Communication. Things not working for you? Let me know, you need to dip out for a few days, let me know. I'll do the same.
  • Being online, and being able to post are different things. Some days I can be online, idly chatting and posting in 'off topic' shit, and have no energy to respond to an RP, no matter how good it is. Please respect that.
  • OOC. I like OOC chatter, I like to have a friendly feeling to an RP partnership. If you don't like OOC talk, let me know.
  • Gender. I don't care what your real life gender is. I don't even need to know it. I reaffirm your right to present as whatever gender you feel, in real life, or just online.

What I'm looking for

  • RP's with an element of the fantastical. Be that transformation, furrys, outrageously large body parts or tentacle beasts...If it's not realistic, it's of interest.
  • RP's preferably through PM's I'm happy with a slow response rate. Once a week would be fine, especially if the posts were of a suitable length.
  • RP's with a flexible post length. I aim for three paragraphs. But some times that goes up, and sometimes that goes down. I'm happy to discuss and agree on post lengths, but with the understanding they are flexible.
  • Favourite kinks include: anal, transformation, non-human species, large sizes, pregnancy, monsters, exotic cocks and furry.
This is not an exclusive list, as long as it's not a 'no' I've stated, then bring it up. I don't care how weird it is. In fact usually the weirder something is, the more I'll be interested.

What I'm not looking for

  • As above 'modern' or 'realistic' scenes.
  • Male muscle and feet are a big turn off for me. Obviously your character can have them and they can be mentioned, I just don't want any focus on them.
  • Fandom's I have no familiarity with.
  • IM RP's. Plotting on discord is fine, I just won't RP over it.
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