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Nadia’s cool zone for talented chill people

Tinkerer Nadia

Armageddon Pilot
Sep 28, 2016
Hey everyone! I decided to make one of these journals too! I warn you, it’s mostly going to be good lewds, my moods, meme dudes, and opinions most crudes!

Well, let’s start! I recently had a mouse problem at my house, and became a killer.

I was using traps to catch the mice that were non-lethal, then toss the buggers outside. However, when I was catching one, I accidentally dropped the trap on him. Needless to say, it was a TOTAL ANNIHILATION. It was not good.

I like playing yugioh duel links, and recently I made a deck revolving around the silent magician, and realized how cool the art is. She has some curves too. Nothing beats Ishizu though.
Oh my fuck I made a pizza tonight and it was so good! It was bocconcini cheese, chorizo and Calabrese slices, worh a tomato sauce. I had half on my own and my brother had to drop me from eating it all! I am going to be working out for days to make it up and I have NO REGRETS.
Oh shit, a dragon marked for death comes out this Wednesday. Here is hoping that I get to play a fun and super cool game before I die of homework overload this week
Uuuuagh! I had a nap today, slept from 4 to 9 pm and now I can’t sleep! I’m totally screwed for school tomorrow in the morning, and I can’t miss! Ah! My only hope is to believe in the heart of the cards and hope to god I can fall asleep.
Been playing resident evil 7 with my brother lately. He as I just find the game to be silly, not sure why everyone was so scared of it. To be fair, I’m fairly weird worh what scares me. I’m terrified of role plays dropped because I’m not doing a good job : ()
Applying for jobs is hard. It’s way stressful, I always feel like I’m not going to get it, and my resume never feels perfect. While I am a superior, goddess like being, it’s no big surprise to me that finding a new job is super, turbo hard. Canada is a decent place to live and all, but without work, i will be toast before I finish school!
Test tomorrow! I studied a lot, so if I fail it’s all your fault! You know how you are!

That being said, I’m Hoping that when I calculate the transformer it’s assuming 100 percent perfect. If not I’m in trouble
Oh fuck yes. The six samurai deck of mine is still good even even though it’s pulled as shit. I am doing really well in ranked so far for the KC cup in duel links! Maybe I should post a deck list
Ohhhaaaaaggggghhhh! I was just in the blue moon academy area and I nearly died from the cringe. Political debate on what is essentially abult sex/story writing site always comes off as really strange and almost hypocritical? Like, talking about politics then being like “brb gotta write a post for my alien sex Slave rp, then I’m gonna slam you with my opinion on trump!”

No Ill will if you participate obviously, we are all equally guilty. I come here to escape all that shit, is mostly what I’m getting at.
I had to study for tests today, so I demand a 10 percent of all gifts given out on Valentine’s Day by you people. It’s a fair request so get on it!
I hate cleaning my house. It’s not really finished yet as the house was never fully finished construction wise, so it’s like a never ending chore and I hate it. Thinking of buying a pulse rifle and shooting laser beams at all the mess.
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