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Plot Synopsis Challenge!

Alvis Alendran

Jan 14, 2009
So I've been looking for ways to try adn challenge myself creatively, and figured maybe I could have a bit of fun with it! So I'm putting out a call here for those who might want to lend a hand!

The challenge is simple. Name me a song and an artist, and I have to come up with a plot synopsis for a story/RP based on said song. Pretty simple!

There are a few rules in place here though.
I'm not going to do anything with rap or hip-hop music. Nothing against those genres, but I don't get much out of them myself, and I can't really see myself being able to put out the effort on it.
No songs that are litterally telling a fixed story, not much room for me to work in that environment.
No songs that are parody/spoof songs. I need at least a modicum of seriousness to build off of here, and if the song utterly isn't taking itself seriously, there's not much to work with.
And finally, no instrumentals. I adore instrumentals, but again, just not a lot to work with on that front.

Other than that, I put the call out! If there's a song you'd like to see turned into a plot synopsis, post it here, and I'll get on it!
Alright then Malice, here you go!

A woman has had some success in minor cating jobs and is starting to break through into the real money, though with that she has also been heavily into experiementing with drugs. One night her dealer offers her a hit of a brand new designer drug, Gasoline, that's supposed to be the best high a person can ever experience. After being on it, nothing else will compare! It's supposed to be a truly supernatural experience! Eager for such a drug, she accepts. While the drug does give her an amazing high, the truth of hte drug is far mroe sinister. The morning after she took the drug, she awakes to find that the high was so intense her heart stopped. Permanently. And yet she's still here, still moving around, and still almost living. Liberal applications of makeup hide her condition as best she can, but as time goes on she starts to realize that she's beginning to slow down. Finding her dealer, she finds that another hit from the drug restores her to a semblance of life, but each hit gives her less adn less time. Now on the hunt for hte source of the drug, and how it's possible to do what it does, adn to find a cure for what's been done to her, the search begins....
Alright Black, here we go!

A young man grew up secure in only a single thing: that he would never be surprised. Any time he looked at another person adn gave it a moment of concentration, he'd be able to predict their actions, sometimes only a few moments, sometimes for years in advance. It would never work on inanimate objects, but it made interacting with people a simple enough task. That is until his neighbourhood changed. His new neighbour was a family with a daughter, younger than him by close to five years. A look at her gave him the most powerful vision he'd seen, seeing her entire life, stretching out decades. Figuring that forearmed with that knowledge, she'd be an easy person to deal with.

But something went very wrong to his mind.

No matter what he'd seen, her reactions didn't adhere to what he'd seen. She defied his precognition, and without that he was lost in dealing with her. She was surprising, active, a seeker of thrills and life, and no matter what he tried, he never seemed to be able to keep up with her. He watched her grow, make choices that he never saw coming, and every time he tried to read her again, he saw something different, and it led to him beignning to get terrible migraines. Whether it was from the power or just his innate frustrations at her choices, it was hard to say. No matter what he might try, he never seemed to be able to help her with her life and choices, and the stresses of a life lived fast and recklessly began to pile up.

Now with her on the edge of breaking down under the weight of it all, he has a choice to make. Does he get far mroe involved, making himself much more central to her life to help her, or does he simply walk away from her and let it all come crashing down?
Cool idea! I'd name off half a dozen Clutch songs, but most tell their own story.

How about Einstürzende Neubauten - The Garden?
Okay Dragon, I'll be honest, it's hard to do that one since it's mainly the same two lines repeated 13 times with a small interlude, but here's what I came up with...

A young man grew up without much repset for nature, much to his parents adn grandparents dissapointment. The family had a large house with an expansive garden where many of the family spent their time. The young man wondered why they all seemed so interested in it. His grandmother told him that the large apple tree in their garden wasn't just a tree. it was a Sentinal Tree, watched after adn guarded by a dryad! The young man scoffed, not buying into this for an instant. Still his grandmother tells him that on the autumn Equinox, the Dryad would emerge from her tree. She offered a bet to him, freeing him of any chores or obligations if she were wrong. Taking that bet, the man waited

When the date finally came, he went tot he tree on his own, and even climbed the tree to make sure that he would see if a dryad really did emerge.

And she did.

After his inital shock at the event, he spoke tot he dryad, and promised to return each year. Over time, his connection with ehr deepened, adn she began to emerge more and more often, which lef to his spending more and mroe time out in hte garden. Only hard rain would keep her within the tree, and as their relationship deepened, his family began to fear that the Fae creaure may have less than amorous intentions for him....
As for yours Nadiathe, yeah, I'm doing not something for that, because that is not a song. It's just a guy talking about cocks over a meaningless musical background, and that gives me literally nothing to work with
Okay Corsair, that's a beat that never ends! I can run with that!

A woman own on her luck but never willing to admit defeat is told of a secret club that exsists in the seeider part of town. It's themed after the 30s and 40s, and what reputation she can glean is that they strive for hard authenticity, especially in their music. Loving hte idea of getting dressed for the occasion and being able to enjoy some music from a previous era played by those that really love their craft, she decides to try the place out.

Her night goes swimingly, and all the rumours of authenticity were true, with not s single thing seeming out of place. Her attendance becomes more and more frequent, and she begins to pick up on things that she had missed before. Authenticity was one thing, but she is noticing that there are things that simply shouldn't be. Items that shine like new, but haven't been made in half a century or more. Something is certainly up with this place.

She attempts to confront a staff member, who defers her to the manager, who simply grins, adn invites her to his office. What she learns there changes her outlook on the club to a huge degree.

The manager has been running this club for almost a century. He runs it in phases of three months. Then backs the whole place up, rewinding hte time for everyone in it, adn playing things out again. A stable time loop. He refuses to share how he's done this, and only told her now because they're on the edge of another back up. The choice she has to concern herself with now, is that if she is within the club when it backs itself up, she will become a part of hte club, and be pulled all the way back into the past, and can never make it back to the present time.

With such a choice before her, she's torn between ehr love of the feelingof an age long past, but not sure she's willing to give up all that the modern era provides for her. And she has concerns over whther the manager telling her this is for her safety, or simply an advance warning of what he intends to do to her...
All right Xana, here we go!

A man has been working at a law firm for several years after finalyl getting a position that brought in enough money to stop worrying. His wife and children have been enjoying the change in circumstances, but something about the place always seems off to the man. Senior Partners are all men adn women that brook no disagreement, and run things with a haevy hand. Combined with that, the department just under tham has an incredibly high turnover rate. THough the pay adn benefits are great, most don't last more than a few months before eventually transferring to different sub-firm.

Still, his work was fulfilling, and he knew that he was stable in his position.

That all changed when he collapsed at work.

His doctors confirmed his diagnosis was cancer, and advanced enough that he wasn't goign to make more than perhaps another six months. Devastated by the news, the man was all but lost in his own despair when a senior partner from the firm paid him a visit. A cure they said, a way out they said. But they'd require him to join a new department, and he'd owe them more than just his employment, they'd owe him his loyalty fo the rest of his life. Grasping at whatever hope he could find, he agreed. The senior partner smiled, showing pronounced fangs.

Awaking later, his body had changed, and he is now bearing the marks of a vampire, but his cancer is cured. The news doesn't sit well with his wife, and she keeps such a change from their children. The change brings on new urges, predatory ones, and the thirst is hard to quell in his mind. His new position involves legal coverage to other vampires, helping make sure that those killed for blood are well covered up and buried.

THis pushes him farther and farther from his old life, and he struggles with teh realization that with the way he is, that his family will never be safe around him, and that he will still be at his job, doing what he's doing long after they have gorwn old an died. When his wife files for divorce, he knows that he has to do something. Either make his peace with what he's become, a predator, a monster, or fight against those that have changed him, and try and find a way back from what he is...
Okay Chai, I'll be honest, I feel like this is skirting right on the edge of being a bit too specific, like it was written for a specific person and incident, but doesn't quite tell a story, so it's right on the edge of what I can do...but i'm going to give it my very best shot! So here goes...

A young man is an up and coming musician, enjoying a certain amount of local recognition for his work. As he keeps doing his shows, he starts to notice that there are a few regulars that always attend his performances. One woman always catches his eyes. She's beautiful, adn seems to really enjoy his work. After a show, he seeks her out, adn sparks up a conversation.

As time goes on, it seems very much like there might be something there, but even at the beginning, he has the hunch it's not going to go anywhere permanent. She's just too far out of his league, adn it's a wonder she even talked to him that first time. Still, not one ot let an opportunity pass, he keeps on with her, adn they seem to be doing well.

The instinct though, of them never going to completely click keeps coming to him, keeps drawing him into strange moods and concersn. She does what she can to allay his fears, but they never leave completely.

They stay together for three years before she finally can't take it anymore, tired of the endless fatalism that he has about their relationship, and calls it quits, having done more than enough. Realizing after several months that the end of it was his own fault, that he wrote a self-fulfilling prophecy with how he acted, he seeks her out to try and tell her his realization.

But it's far too late now. She's started to move on. She's not willing to go back to what they'd had. Heartbroken that he'd squadered such a rare opportunity, he ralizes he's faced with a choice. Move on, as she has, or try against all odds to rebuild what they'd lost, what he'd thrown away...
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