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Brother please..(ToujoursPur, Virulent and I)

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Jan 9, 2009
It was still unbelievable that her and her sister had found their brother after many years. Luna could hardly believe that he was sitting right there next to her as they watched some crappy movie to pass the time. She tried her best not to gawk at him, but it had only been three days since they found each other, and she seemed as if she was still fascinated by his presence. He was older than them, but not by much. Which didnâ??t make it as awkward as the sisters thought it would be.

She had to try her best to refrain from attacking him with questions as she did the first two days, then her sister had scolded her and she had to stop. However, many things were still left unanswered, particularly about the family he had ended up with. The girls had been raised in a safe and secure home with loving parents who had a lot of money, and sometimes they could be a little bit spoiled. Luna herself had a problem with their new apartment because her room was smaller, but then she realized how bratty she sounded and quickly decided to shut her mouth about it. She didnâ??t want to give him the wrong impression.
Brooke giggled as she started to make dinner. She continued to stare at her brother with a warm smile. She had been fascinating with cooking ever since she was little and even went to school for it. "Brother, how many grilled cheese sandwiches would you like?" she asked and smiled. She was just about done and wanted to make sure everyone got their fill. She smiled at the fact that she even had a brother. Brooke knew her sister wanted to talk to the man about so many things.

"Luna how many would you like?" she called to her and walked out in to the livingroom. Brooke took a quick glance at the television. "Why are you two watching this crap?" she asked and looked at the two of them. They looked almost familiar to each other. Brooke wondered about his past. Once Brooke and Luna talked about their past, Brooke had a sense of anger from him. Maybe he was angry that they could never grow up together.
Victor looked up at Brooke, and forced a smile to his face as she giggled insipidly; "One will be fine, sis".

When their parents had died, Victor had been just 11 years old - going on 20 now, he was seeing his sisters for the first time since they'd been separated by adoption. Luna & Brooke, his little 9-year-old twin sisters had been taken from him, he who had been entrusted to care for them, by that rich, fat couple... he could still remember the joy on their faces, the bellowing laughter of the girls adopted father as he held them in his arms... and the momentary sadness, the awkwardness with which he told Victor that they just didn't have room for three, but he was sure Victor would find a nice family real soon.

Well, Victor hadn't spent much longer in the orphanage... but his family wasn't so nice. Adopted by a bitter old Ukrainian woman named Olga Karyovich, he'd gone to live on her farm with the dozen other children she'd adopted. Olga ran her farm like she still lived in the old country, waking the children at 5 a.m. every morning, and having them work on the farm until noon, when they stopped for a thin lunch, and a few hours of homeschooling under Olga, and then they were back out in the fields until the sun started to fall. Life on the farm was hard for everyone but Olga - she lived quite comfortably on the thousands of dollars she received in monthly stipends for the children she 'cared for' - but it grew especially hard for Victor when he tried to run away at 14.

Finally escaping at 18, when Olga no longer held legal authority over him, he had gotten a job as a bicycle messenger. Recently, his hard work had allowed him to establish himself in his own loft apartment, a wide-open renovated warehouse with concrete floors and windows along the south wall, and he started trying to look up his sisters. When he finally found them again, they were on the other end of the state, with the wealthy, caring family who'd taken them in 8 years before. Over the last months, he'd cajoled and ingratiated himself back into their lives, finally encouraging them to move in with him. He loved his baby sisters he said, and he wanted to catch up for all the time they'd lost... and here, away from their caring but over-protective adoptive parents, they could enjoy a real, adult college experience, or whatever they chose.

Now as he sat on the new plush leather couch, his foot up on the new Pottery Barn coffee-table, looking at the huge LCD TV hanging on the wall and at the beautiful Persian rugs on his once-bare concrete floors, as he sat surrounded by the opulence their parents had smothered them with, he looked over at his beautiful, smart, happy sisters and he realized he had nothing to give them... he realized he wasn't sure if he loved them or hated them.

(Hi ladies! Let me know if you need me to change anything. The way its written, you two would be either late 17 or early 18)
Luna turned her body so that she was on her knees on the couch. Her expensive looking panties weren't hard to miss even in the dim light. "Sister, didn't daddy send us anything more extravagant to eat?" Having rich parents that were on the plump side meant that meals were always a delacasy every day. It was a wonder that both girls had kept a slim figure throughout their lives. "If not I guess I'll take one. Is it swiss cheese? Or maybe mozzerilla? Please tell me its not american, sister..."
"Would you like to start cooking?" she asked her sister and scrunched her nose. Brooke smiled as her brother wanted one of her sandwiches. She walked back to the kitchen and hummed as she started to cook happily. "It is mozzerella." she called and sighed softly. "You are such a little brat sometimes." she chastised her sister and sighed. "You should be grateful. People in hell want ice water and thousands of people would like something to eat tonight." she made five sandwiches and grabbed the Lay's chips. She placed them on the table in front of the couch.

"Eat up." she called happily and sat down next to her brother. Brooke hugged him close and smiled happily. "I am glad we found each other. You can help us study for college." she suggested and smiled happily.
Luna probably was the brattiest of the two. She stuck her tongue out and then sat back down, hugging Viktors arm to her chest. She had always been competative with her sister, but she felt that this particular 'competition' was more important than any other one. He was their long lost brother after all. She would be upset if he didn't like her more than Brooke. Luna always had confidence issues ever since they had gone through puberty. Brooke was more well endowed in her chest area after all.
Brooke continued to stare at her brother. She rolled her eyes at the poor girl's attempt to get love from their brother. She would love them equally. She sighed softly and looked down. Her sister had no reason to always be competitive against her. Brooke had the bigger breasts but Brooke was jealous of Luna for their parent's affection towards her. Luna was the brattier one of the two and their dad did anything for her. "Sister, you do not have to compete with me." she hissed not trying to make Luna look bad.
As his sisters playfully argued back and forth as they sat beside him, Vic ate the sandwich, his sisters pressing in beside him. Only three days ago he'd seen them in the flesh for the first time since they were little, and already they seemed to have accepted him quite completely. As Brooke and Luna leaned in closer, Brooke's impressive breasts brushed against him, and the smell of perfume in Luna's hair as she hugged his arm, her head against his broad, muscular shoulders... it overwhelmed him... Vic began to become quite painfully erect, his cock throbbing angrily against his leg. He hid it to the best of his ability, his plate in his lap, but he was increasingly sure that these seemingly innocent girls knew exactly what they were doing to him.

Swallowing the rest of his sandwich, Victor hugged his sisters close, and said with inflected sweetness, "girls, do you always tease each other like this?" Looking at Luna, he said "Come over to the kitchen, Brooke cooked, I want you to help me wash the frying pan and all the new dishes you two have bought... you shouldn't eat off of them right out of the store, they probably have all sorts of industrial chemicals still on them".
Brooke smiled happily as she laid down on the couch. She grabbed a rubberband from the table and placed her blonde hair in a messy bun. Her green eyes sparkled as the two of them started to bond. "You are right brother." she called and sat down by the kitchen to watch them. "Good luck on trying to make Luna wash the dishes though." she teased her twin adn smiled. "She is used to having a little servant do anything for her." Brooke giggled and stared at her brother.
"Hmmm..." Luna whined and then got up, not wanting to do the dishes in the least. At least she got to spend time with her brother, but she had heard that washing dishes pruned your hands. She took his hand and pulled him up so he would follow her. She stuck out her tongue once again to Brooke and began to drag him with her. Luna loved her sister more than anything but jealousy caused her to treat her that way. If they were alone Luna would be all over her. She wasn't the most independant person.
((Lol! Luna and Brooke's actions are like my friend Brittany and I))

Brooke smiled as she looked at Luna with a small smile. She continued to watch them wash dishes. "Oh Luna you make me so jealous with you all over our dear brother." she whined and walked to Luna. She wrapped her arms around her and smiled. "You can't take my sister, brother." she giggled and kissed her sister's head softly.
Wrapping his arms around both of his sisters, Victor pulled them together against him, his hands on their hips. "Don't worry Brooke, there are plenty of dishes to wash for you too, if you insist on helping. Its time for you to both learn a skill that will make some lucky man very happy ... dish-washing, I mean".

Stepping back to let the girls work, their competitiveness making them scrub more studiously than the other in turn, Victor watched their firm little behinds, toned from years of chasing exercise trends. He knew now he had to have them, and just as surely he knew how it would work - he'd play their devotion for him against each other, and let their natural competitiveness work against them, to make them fight to see who could more completely serve him. For the first time in awhile, a smile came to his lips on its own, and he happily grinned, surveying the toned bodies that he would soon possess.
Luna smiled when her sister hugged her. After a while, she had grown lazy and started rinsing dishes instead of washing them. She looked at her hands and gasped. They were getting wrinkly. "I have to take a break. My hands are pruning." She whined. She dried them off and hugged Viktor. "My arms are tired." She complained. She was obviously looking for his sypathy.
Brooke rolled her eyes as she started to finish the rest of the dishes. Her sister really was an attention whore. She turned to her brother and saw him smiling. "I am glad you are happy." Brooke called as she started to finish with the dishes. "Maybe we should just buy paper plates." she giggled and slapped her sister's butt softly. "I have to go to my room and study for college. You two play nice." she kissed both their heads and scurried off to her room.
Victor watched Brooke walk over to her "room", unabashedly appraising the way her breasts bounced as she walked, her ass sashaying from side to side giving her away as more a woman than a girl. Turning back to Luna, who had evidently given up on the dishes, he said "Come on, I need a back-rub, it's been a long day".

Without waiting for his petite sister to agree, Victor walks away to a corner of the loft away that the girls had declared the dining room, and stripped off his work-shirt and undershirt, revealing his impressively muscled frame, toned from a life-time of labor. Laying face-down on one of the lush carpets they'd recently purchased, Victor waited for Luna to approach.
Luna felt bad that her sister wasn't playing along with her game. When her brother asked her for a back rub she was ecstatic. "Alright, hold on, I'll be right there." She ran into the bathroom and got lotion and came back out. Seeing him on the floor, she stood over him and sat on the lower of his back and put the lotion on her hands. She started from his shoulders, messaging firmly but gently and worked her way down. "You must have been in the gym everyday to get these muscles.." She smiled a bit.
Relaxing, Victor enjoyed the sensation of his little sister's hands working clumsily at his knotted muscles, but not so much as he enjoyed knowing that when she straddled his back, the only thing separating the cleft between her legs from rubbing against his skin was her sheer underwear. As she rocked up and down on him to apply leverage to his side and shoulders, Victor thought he could feel her heating up on his back.

Suddenly and without warning, Victor rolled over between her legs onto his back, and grabbed Luna's wrists. Pulling her hands to the floor, he leaned his neck up, and kissed her hard, on her lips. Taking advantage of her gasping surprise, he probed his sister's mouth with his tongue, tasting something of what made her sweet.

(Brooke... feel free to interrupt... or not! :))
At first Luna just thought he was playing but when she felt his lips on hers her eyes widened. She didn't stop him in fear that he would be upset and go to her sister, but she didn't neccasarily kiss him back either. She felt his tongue in her mouth and blushed, this being her first make out ever. She eventually started to pull back, smiling a bit. "You sure are passionate, big brother. I love you too." She then began to laugh, but a small part of her felt a strange sensation between her legs.
Refusing to follow his sister's lead, Victor returned her nervous laughter with a sly grin, but did not let go of her wrists. Holding her gaze, Victor said "I could teach you a lot about passion, sis. You should stop by my bed tonight - unless you're not ready... Brooke is the more developed one, I suppose".

Letting go of her wrists, Vic casually slid out from between her thighs, brushing his body against her groin as he did. Standing up, he walked away towards the apartment's lone bathroom to take a shower.
Luna nearly moaned as he moved against her while he got up. All he needed to do was mention her sisters physical features and he got her. She didn't quite understand what he was going to do to her, but whatever it was he had asked her and not Brooke. She saw he was taking a shower so she went in her room and dressed in the sexiest things she could think of to show of what she did have and then snuck into his room and sat on his bed. She felt kind of strange. This was her brother after all.
Victor stepped out of the shower and wrapped around his waist one of the ridiculously plush white towels the girls had brought. As he padded barefoot across the concrete floor to his bedroom, he heard Brooke's music booming, rocking out as she studied - that was probably for the best, she wouldn't hear what he was about to do. It might get loud.

Sliding open the door to his room, Victor saw Luna sitting on his bed, her hands on the bed beside her. She looked unsure of herself. Despite that, her outfit reflected no such uncertainty - she was wearing a lacy camisole and boy shorts that really did seem to add some shape to her narrow hips. Closing the door, Victor let his towel fall to the floor, exposing his cock; it was only half-erect, but it was still huge, thicker than Luna's wrist, and long.

Without a word, Luna's brother moved towards her, and went to push her down on his bed.
When Victor came in she smiled at him, but as soon as his towel dropped she gasped and looked away. It was her first time seeing a man naked and somewhat erect and it was intimidating. She felt him push her down like he had before and blushed. She was beginning to feel strange again, and him being naked only intensified it. "Big brother, what are you doing?" She asked softly, looking into his eyes. She could feel him against her but tried not to think anything of it.
"You're mine, Luna, you're my little sister, and I am the head of this family now" Victor says, as he gently pushes Luna back to lay on the bed. Reaching up under her camisole to cup her small, firm breasts, he stares right into her eyes, and says "I won't be having any of the boys at school playing with my things".

Sliding his knee up between her thighs, he parts his sister's legs, and draws his groin up to touch hers, letting his growing cock lay across her panty-clad cunt. The head of his cock reaches up to her navel. Bending down to kiss Luna, breaking her gaze from the flared, throbbing head laying on her stomach, Victor bites her lip, which has begun to quiver; "this is how far inside of you I'm going to be, sis... are you going to invite me in, or am I going to have to take you?
Brooke sighed as she was growing bored. She wanted to check on them to make sure they were okay. They had been quiet for a while now. She moved as her IPOD was still in her ears. "What are you guys?" she was about to ask yet stopped. Her brother was naked over her sister. "What are you guys doing?" she asked as her IPOD crashed on the floor. "Are you guys insane? What three eyed baby with hooves you will have!" she glared at the two of them. She thought she was about to hurl.
Luna looked at him, her eyes wide with surprise, intimidation and mostly fear. She didn't want to have actual sex with him, and once he layed his member out to measure how much he'd go inside her, she knew she had to say no. "Victor...I don't think.." Then she heard her sisters voice and her heart skipped a beat. "No..this isn't what it looks like, sis..." She had no idea what her excuse could be for this. She started to squirm underneath him, wanting to speak to her sister face to face.
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