Fx Male Cryptic Coyote's search thread

Cryptic Coyote

Jan 22, 2019
Hello everyone out there. I'm Cryptic Coyote. I guess i could start with a little about me. I'm 25 and female if that matters. I have been roleplaying pretty avidly for over 10 years both on and offline. I have plenty experience in pretty much all genres though i personally tend to stick to fantasy, medieval, modern and slice of life style plays. Futuristic and Sci-fi can be fun but i tend to lose interest in those pretty quick. I would consider myself pretty literate at this point. I play in strictly a 3rd person point of view. I'm not a stickler for grammar, but please, a little effort goes a long way.

What i am looking for:
I enjoy roleplay as a pastime but i also use it to exercise my creative side. I'm looking for more than just a quick one off of 'They meat, they fuck, they go home'. I do enjoy including smut as part of the overall story, but i do not want it to be the only aspect that matters. In fact i would quite prefer it take a backseat to the actual plot. If a sex scene makes sense in the moment, then by all means, let's do it, but if it's just sort of shoehorned in for the sake of a sex scene, then i find it quite dull and to be honest, tedious. I'm looking for long term and detailed stories that we can really dig into and develop our characters as more than just 2D representations of what they really could be. Ideally a partner would be willing to -
- Write multiple paragraphs at a time.
- Develop interesting characters that have more thoughts than 'sex good. me horny'.
- Explore darker themes. Not everything is always perfect and happy, after all.
-Work together to develop a story that is mutually enjoyable. I like to have an OOC chat going alongside the RP for the sake of tossing ideas back and forth. Surprises in a story are good, and of course welcomes, but sometimes you just need to bounce ideas off of each other before settling on a direction.

Now that all that nastiness is out of the way, i think it's time to get into some of the pairings and plots i have rattling around. I will be updating this thread fairly regularly as new ideas come to me so check back often!

A long and winding journey: (Based around stories like The Hobbit/Lord of the rings, Fable, Skyrim Etc.)
A Small group of friends sets out on what is supposed to be a quick little journey. (Could start off with one character each and add in more as the story calls for it, or start with multiple characters each.) As they travel, their short journey keeps getting longer and longer until what should have been a quick jaunt to the next town over has lead our heroes on an epic journey the bards will surely sing of for years to come.
- This one is really quite limitless. There is nothing preventing this simple idea from developing into a large and drawn out story that could last quite a long time.

In the dead of night: (Serial killer - Cop/Journalist)
A new killer has appeared on the scene in the middle of a large city. Clues to the identity of the killer are rare to find. The kills are clean, precise, and eerily beautiful. Individuals are being displayed in macabre re-imaginings of classic paintings all over the city. Dressed, painted up and posed to match their classic counterpart. The killer, dubbed 'The Artist' leaves nothing behind but what they want seen. Until, that is, a package arrives at the doorstep of a young cop/Journalist. (Whatever your preference is.) A tape with a message inside a plain brown paper sack. 'Find me, if you can. Turn me in, and it all ends. Join me... And i'll show you a freedom you never dreamed of.' As well as an address to the next body drop. It's almost as if the killer has provided a gift; The case of a lifetime, and the means to solve it.

Secrets: (A murder mystery/Romance)
A pair of High school/College aged students become the center of attention as a mysterious killer begins revealing the hidden secrets of the small town's inhabitants in ever more gruesome ways. Each death reveals something the victim kept hidden. The perfect, idyllic life on the surface of the small town is greatly disrupted as it becomes more and more evident, no one is safe, and everyone is hiding something. Our two heroes must discover who is murdering their friends and neighbors, and why while also navigating young adult life and blossoming romance.

A marriage necessary:
2 warring clans (Vampire/werewolf, Angel/Demon, Elf/Dwarf, You get the idea) have come to an agreement in the interest of peace. A member of each royal family will wed, joining together a people who have hated and fought each other for millennia. A plot to ensure the war continues risks the lives our protagonists and they must learn to work together to survive and ensure the treaty is honored. Perhaps an unlikely romance sparks?

I'm going to end it there for now. Feel free to suggest story ideas you may have as well. I look forward to hearing from all you lovelies. ~Cryptic
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