Fx Any Not with a whimper, but with a bang!

Blood and Fury

Jan 8, 2016
You're not going to find your typical submissive female here. I won't play a pillow princess and I'm not in the mood as of late to play she of the dulcet tones and fluttering eyelashes. I'm not beyond playing the damsel in distress, but it won't be because she's incompetent - everyone needs a little help from their friends once in a while. Just don't expect me to play a McGuffin.

I'm in the mood as of late for adventure, intrigue, comedy, feats of daring and the stuff of which legends are made. That doesn't mean I can't also have a good deal of grit, some psychological thrill and a smattering of good, dramatic moments. I want character development and mental growth, cerebral subtlety and a great deal of creepiness. Sex, as a part of life and psychology and a thrill for me, the writer, should be on the table in most reasonable situations, but I'm alright playing a situation in which sex between primary characters doesn't have to come up at all. I'm in the mood to play out a romance, whether straight-up or twisted (or on the rocks, that works too!).

Whatever the case, you're going to be hard-pressed to get me to agree with normal. If it can happen to me on a Tuesday and the world would be just fine with it, I'm probably not going to be able to focus on it for too long. I want something extraordinary, in some sense.

So, without further ado, some ideas.

Genre: Modern/Ancient fantasy
Elements: reincarnation, madness, corruption, divinity, dubious consent, magical elements

They were lovers in a world they would never know as "ancient", when he fell in love with a prisoner. Now, so many years in the future, she sees him in a crowd before he melts away. His face. His voice. The waves of power rolling from him so familiar, and aged all that time. But he doesn't know her. Every other generation, a boy is born resembling his grandfather. A spirit jumping itself down a line of genealogy and hitching a ride on the next child. Now she has to decide, does she kill this man in sacrifice to draw her dead lover into a body she - now an ancient being of great power. Perhaps a goddess, but a natural creature of magic, as opposed to a usurper like he is. Maybe a mage bent on immortality? Or a Human with a demonic pact. Whatever the case, it is as much his audacity in his studies/accomplishments that she loves, and her support of his megalomania that he adores- has created for him? Does she kill the spirit to end the suffering of the family? Dare she turn loose the mad old mage? Or does she leave it all intact, two in one body doomed to go mad and massacre again?
Genre: Elizabethan steampunk/fantasy/legend
Elements: Supernatural black ops, romance, corruption (Sexual or non), dubious consent,
Premise: The good doctor has been drifting further and further to the edge, ever consistently more out of touch. His schoolmates, however, haven't been in a position to keep track of him. With careers on the frontiers of science, their colleague's violent moodswings and obsessive behaviour have gone entirely unnoticed. Except, of course, by Her Majesty's Secret Service.

The Five are approached to track down and assess the threat of one Doctor Jekyll and his wild biological experiments, capture if possible and eliminate if necessary. After some coercion, they take up the challenge and set off, but what they find is well beyond the scope of what they thought possible. The Five are scattered to the winds after their first encounter, all missing, most presumed dead.

The youngest of their number and the first female graduate of Her Majesty's Medical University is left injured and desperate, willing to rely on the most unsavoury of individuals in order to assure the success of her mission, the reuniting of her cohorts and the safety of the Empire from the threat Dr. Jekyll represents. When his final plot is revealed, she may even be forced to recruit the service of scoundrel's and thieves to take down the monster that lurks within her old protegee.

Inspiration: Largely based on a set of ideas from the cult hit Sanctuary, with Amanda Tapping. While neither the pre-established world nor specific elements from the story are necessary, and while the storyline takes a significant divergence from the lore of the show, it is the idea more than anything else that intrigues me.

Needed: Someone willing to play the pirate or his crew, or alternatively to play the Doctor across from my rendition of the pirate/crew. Would have to be willing to play aspects of the Five, as well, in the latter case.
Genre: Fantasy/myth
Elements: Non/dub-con, corruption, manipulation, bondage/domination, possible twisted romance

Premise:From a very early age, she showed clairvoyant promise. When the local lord found out, he killed her family and took possession of her.

In the intervening years, a mixture of drugs and lies were used to inspire her clairvoyant visions, making the young girl exceptionally compliant. As she came of age, his abuses became more perverted, making of her the perfect, meek slave. Upon meeting a man that he believed shared his appetites, he decided to share the girl as well, inviting him to abuse the girl soundly while in the midst of her drugged haze. This, of course, became his downfall.

Using the girl against the lord, the interloper took everything, culminating in his life. But what is his intent now? Will he continue to use and abuse the clairvoyant and naive young woman? Or will he work towards earning her trust and leading her from her dependency on pain and confusion?
Genre: Any
Elements: Guilt, supernatural, horror/thriller,
Premise: Everyone has demons. Secrets they hide from one another. But what happens when those demons come crawling literally out of the dark?

Two people, caught up in the middle of their various vices, take a night to commiserate to each other the horror of living with secrets, mourning things they cannot purge, cannot or will not share. But beyond the light of their tiny little flame, something ominous stalks them, prepared to do anything to devour them, tasty morsels. The only release, the only way to silence the furtive figure, is to confess out loud their horrible crimes. Will it be enough to drive the demon back? Or will their guilt and pride be their undoing?

This is very open-ended, willing to play out in almost any time period, almost any person or a group of people, possibly a one-shot, maybe a full story, possibly a group game I haven't decided yet. Just a flash of inspiration.
Genre: Steampunk, Elizabethan Historical, Victorian Historical, Medieval, Ancient, any.
Elements: dub-con, bondage, drama, action/adventure,
Premise: He is a ruffian, jaded and cynical, sarcastic, on the wrong side of every law of man and god and decent morality. He's a thief, an opportunist, a pragmatic warrior for the cause that is his own coffers.

She is naive, sheltered and lacking fulfillment, but with boundless energy for the causes that catch her eye. And she's a quick study. With some natural talent and some training from him, she becomes exactly the type of tool that he can use - a dangerous beauty, now if only she could be convinced to leave her bleeding heart behind.

Whatever the way, whatever the reason, they're thrown together when she crosses his path in the pursuit of his latest score, and stuck with her, must learn to work together with her or else ultimately fail in his goal. She, of course, will try to "correct" his actions and guide him towards being the kind of man she dreams he might end up being, whether for personal or causal gains or out of a naivete that simply cannot be matched. And maybe, at some point, he could actually WANT to change, for her or the cause or whatever. But old habits die hard and reformed men can lose their edge. He should, ultimately, remain his checkered, questionable, vile self to at least some significant degree.

I don't need the character that is portrayed here, although the closer to this sort of mindset and actions (And let's face it, accent), the more contented I'll be. I don't need the character to look like this, but again, the closer it can, the happier I'll be. I'm selfish, but I'm also unabashed about it, so ... points there?

I've started this story twice, each interpretation spectacular in its own way. Unfortunately, each story had to stop for reasons entirely out of the control of all authors involved and I still want to play it out.

Character driven, internal struggle, the pull of a cause, the faith of a woman despite her failings, the failings of a man despite his beliefs, a little action in terms of firearms and swords, and a whole lot of swagger. It's the feel-good story of the... well, week, probably. But come on, let's see what trouble we can't make.

Needed: Someone willing to play the ruffian across from my rendition of the naive lady.

I've other story ideas as well, but I'm hoping this will make for a pretty decent cross-section of my current cravings. Of course, all of this is not only negotiable, but also stands as a basis for where I'm at in terms of cravings that can serve as a blueprint for whatever we might come up with together. Any of it, all of it or nothing of it can be used to put something together unique to us.

Happy hunting!
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