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Mx F or NB Looking for a dm to do a “choose your own roleplay” idea!


Sep 6, 2018
I’m Looking for someone who is pretty literate and can do a few lines that can leave me enough context to form a good response for a particular roleplay type. You’ll be the game master of this choose your adventure like roleplay. We can create the general story together, but I’d like for you to put that beautiful brain of yours into overdrive for a plot. It doesn’t need to be super complicated or anything, but let’s try to avoid the simple over used story premises please? I’m also looking for someone who is a switch, as I’m a dom myself, but it’d be nice in the story if the script was switched every now and then, but if you sub only that’s fine with me. Also Please please PLEASE do not go into this with intentions of only smut. They’ll be plenty, but don’t do it at every turn. This will be a bit of a longer roleplay session, so I’m looking for someone who won’t flake out on me after one day of this. I’m not gonna ask you to devote body and soul to me, but I’d like timely responses, but I can understand if you’re working or something and can’t get back, a quick message always helps out there.

TL;DR looking for a literate game master for a choose your adventure story. I look forward to the responses!

PS: please don’t dm me if you aren’t able to roleplay multiple times through the week. Not everyone wants to wait for the weekend to start a roleplay back up. Thanks!
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