Fx Any Seeking Sexual Romance/Roleplay


Jan 21, 2019
The Imagination, where all is free.
Hello there! As it stands, I am currently in the mood for a nice romance story, with enticing, and heartfelt sexual moments between the characters involved at the current time. I'd like this roleplay to take place in a more modern day setting perhaps with our own little twists on the laws or morals of how the world may work? Or we could even turn it into a Sci-Fi world to give us even more freedom. I want a roleplay with romance, maybe with more than one person (be it cheating, struggling to choose between the two, harem, or otherwise), with the whole experience.
Hey, that's some exception, someone searching "heartfelt sexual moments between the characters involved". Sounds like my cup of tea. I'd also love to see MC in the struggle between two girls, loving both of them and trying to live this in a polyarmourous relationship with all it's problems. Still haven't thought of it, but if you get into moire details I can go further with plot ideas, too. Where do you see them age wise?
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