Mx Any Looking For A New Long-Term RP Partner


Dec 15, 2018
on a dandelion
About me-
Hello! You can call me any nickname that comes to mind as long as it's respectful. Pronouns don't matter to me either, refer to me any way you'd like.

Roleplay Details-
Character type(s): I play any character gender type, it really depends on what kind of RP we're doing or my partners' preference. I'm okay with playing a character who is dom/top or sub/bottom or both/switch, depending on the preference of my RP partner and the plot.

Partner preference: Speaking of partner preference, I'm not picky but I do have standards. I'd appreciate it if the person interested in RPing has decent grammar and storytelling skills. Being open and communicative with me is a plus! I love chatting with my partners and getting to know them as well as talking about the RP itself. If you don't want to continue or you're not feeling the RP then we could change something, start a new one with a different setting/plot, or quit and go our separate ways altogether. Just let me know if you want to do that, I won't ditch without telling you, and I hope the same from you.

RP Method: Quality over quantity! Story over smut! 3rd person, paragraph, long-term or short-term (though I prefer long-term). I use face claims sparingly unless I'm really feeling the OC I created.

Contact: As for contact, any time is good for me, I'll get back to you as soon as possible. I am a full-time college student with a part-time job so once again I'll do my best to reply to you as timely as possible.

Available RP Platforms: Forum thread or PM, or Discord.

Genres I'm Into- (These are only the ones that first come to mind, definitely not the only ones I'm interested in if someone wants to introduce me to others.)

  • Fantasy/Adventure
  • Horror
  • Modern Day/Slice of Life
  • Science Fiction
  • Steampunk/Cyberpunk
  • Western
  • Fandom (TV, Movies, Books, Games) – This really depends on the fandom and if I know enough about it, but even then we will most likely only be using the universe from the fandom. Unless I'm comfortable with playing one of the canon characters.
A few pairings that interest me-
  • Established Relationship
  • Arranged Marriage
  • One Night Stand
  • Master/Slave Relationship
  • Supernatural/Mythical creature x Human Relationship
  • Supernatural/Mythical creature x Supernatural/Mythical creature Relationship
  • Alien x human Relationship
  • Alien x Alien Relationship
  • Ect.
If you're looking for a "Do's" and "Don'ts" List-
My Do's list is incredibly long but I'll put a few so that you get a small idea about what I like. I have no problems with almost anything you can throw at me, I've got no triggers or anything of the sort so it'll be easier to list some of my don'ts. But if I don't list something on your mind just ask and I'll be honest when I tell you how I feel about possibly RPing the topic.


  • Height Differences
    • A few feet at most between two humans or a human and another creature (alien/monster)
  • Age Gaps
    • Between adult characters if in a romantic relationship
  • Polyamorous relationships
    • Within a reasonable amount of playable partners
  • All types of abuse
    • romantic or otherwise
    • physical or mental
  • Furry/Anthro Characters
  • Vore/Digestion
  • Heavy Inflation - Not including cumflation...
  • Giant/Giantess
  • Macro/Micro
  • Most Bathroom Kinks - I am really new to this and really picky about what I do and don't play out with it, don't judge me.
Contact me through Threads or PM if interested.

The info above is everything needed to know if you are not interested in the specific kinks I list below, but these kinks are preferred!

Optional kinks I am open to using in Rp-
  • Pregnancy/Childbirth
    • Usually with pain, but erotic birth is okay too
      • Preferred Pregnancy types:
        • Fpreg (regular M x F with a female as the carrier)
        • Mpreg (M x M)
        • Hetero mpreg (M x F with a male as the carrier)
        • Alien Pregnancy
        • Monster pregnancy (dragons or other creatures)
        • Anthro pregnancy
        • Egg/oviposition pregnancy
  • Stuffing
    • By use of food or other substances/objects
  • Emeto
    • New to this one, not as hardcore about it
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