Fx Any The rescuer


Apr 28, 2015
YC is a police officer sent to bust a high kingpin for sales of drugs/weapons/ you name it he probably sells it. While the rest of the team are searching and cataloging the items YC finds a hidden door following it they find another locked room, kicking the door down it’s empty inside with a bed, some clothes, a table, a dog cage. All immaculately tidy compared to the dusty walkways you just came through, stepping in you are jumped on by a young woman who tries with all her might to bring you to the ground. Smashing a plate on your head she squeezes past you and runs up the walkway. Being met by the other officers she is taken down quickly screaming and kicking with all her might, it’s here you notice the intricate collar on her neck as well as bruises and cuts.

Taking her back to the police station she is questioned but says nothing staying close to the corner, not wanting to comply with anything. You find out that she is a slave bought and paid for by the kingpin for a hefty sum for her own protection you take her back to your house where she believes you are her new master.

And that’s where it follows on.
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