Fantasy/Modern Drama RP (Romance focused, Open-ended/Sandbox)


Jan 2, 2019
First thing's first, I'll introduce myself. You can call me Kyle since that's what I go by on Discord and other applications like Steam. I'm turning 24 in may, and I'm going to college with a major in Networking. I'm a huge nerd and I tend to talk a lot. I used to be huge on anime, but not so much anymore as my tastes change and evolve over time. There are still a few anime I love and keep up with, though. My favorite being 90s anime. I'm a sucker for the 90s aesthetic when it comes to anime. I also love music. My tastes in music are vast and go from anything in the 60s to modern-day music. I listen to a bit of everything and appreciate music and art of all forms. I'm rather passionate about music and tend to talk a lot sometimes when I'm talking about my favorites. I guess it's also worth mentioning that writing and RPing are some of my most passionate hobbies. Character and world design fascinates me and I'm always working on improving myself and my writing.

Now I will mention, that while my post is elaborate and full of "seriously" worded text, I'm actually rather passive and easy-going. So don't feel too intimidated or pressured by anything below! If something needs to be cleared up or you want to discuss and possibly compromise, feel free to PM me. I'd love to discuss whatever it may be. But don't mistake my passive nature for being spineless, I'm far from it.

When it comes to requirements, I'll keep them short and simple. I'll put them in a list.
  • 18+ Years of age
    • This requirement is due to the dark and serious themes the RP will go to on occasion. And it is also not for the more sensitive people. This is also personal preference.
  • This RP will take place on Discord
    • If you don't know what Discord is or how to use it, I'll be glad to help
  • Posting minimum is 1 paragraph. Just give me enough to work with and we'll be fine. Due to how I set up this RP, I won't need much to work off of at all. There is also no need to go too far above that minimum. As I feel the bloat/filler-text only serves to bog down the pacing of the RP. If I need more to work with on a post, I'll tell you. Just be yourself and post like you normally would.
  • This last part is not a requirement. While this isn't a requirement, this is put here to double-emphasize on something. At times, this RP will bring up dark themes. Such as things like Suicide, Domestic violence, etc... All relating to characters backstories and things that may possibly occur during the course of the RP. While this isn't the focus of the RP by any means, I'm just being courteous by noting this ahead of time.

The RP Details
Now let us get into the actual RP details. So first of all, as you see by the title of the topic- this RP will focus around furry/anthro themes. The entire 'hook' of the plot is that your character will be a human that gets sent to a world that consists solely of nonhuman sapients. Especially the important part- the characters. They are my original creations and belong to me. Any similarities to other characters are pure coincidence.

This RP focuses around a small, rural town where your character initially arrives. I have designed it in a way that your character is completely free to do what they want. (Aside from leaving the small town- that is.) The RP focuses on befriending- and even dating the characters you meet in this town. Each "main" character has their own unique personalities and deep backstories. Bad-ends can also occur. Make a bad/wrong choice, you will pay for it. Be a bad person for the sake of being bad, you'll pay for it ten-fold. You're on your own mostly in terms of decision-making. When you are given choices, I will highlight a few recommended options but that's it.

It is in the far future and the Earth is in ruins after a long world-war fought with high-tech war machines. The war machines used advanced power systems that were nuclear in nature. And as a result, when destroyed in battle, these machines often would let loose a miniature nuke- destroying the nearby landscape. Third world countries were disregarded and used as a battleground, completely wasting them in the crossfire. In the remains of this war, was just a few small countries. These countries were united under a single government with strict laws and regulations to protect the remains of man-kind. But the damage was already done. Now with most of the Earth an uninhabitable wasteland, mankind is on it's last leg and needed help to survive.

Mysteriously, a strange teleportation device was found not too long after the world war. Once discovered, this device allowed man to contact an alien world. Eventually setting up an agreement for a cultural exchange program. The first phase of this was to send a diplomat from Earth to the alien world through the teleporter. After staying a few days, they would be sent back home and the next phase would begin. So the World Government began a selection process that involved lengthy interviews to find a suitable candidate. They chose someone that was good-willed and had a variety of different skills and knowledge of Earth's cultures. It was also important they were expendable- someone unimportant to the public eye for the sake of saving themselves in case anything went wrong.

However, not all would go well. Once arriving on the alien planet, the Earthen diplomat would soon find that the teleportation device malfunctioned and leaves them with no way to return to Earth until it's fixed. Essentially stranding them on the alien planet for an unknown period of time.

That last part is where your character comes in. They were chosen to do this job.

More on what I meant by "Furry/Anthro" themes. The aliens themselves that are met will be anthro in some form. While I love the 'scaly' anthros far more than I do furry ones, there will be a mix of both. There will also be quadrupedal creatures as well. These have the human traits like speech and intelligence and the rights the anthros do, except they walk on all fours. My intention is to adjust things to fit the other person's preference. But for the case that involves characters that are already written and created- I won't adjust them to fit someone's preferences. (Their species, age, gender, etc... None of that is changing.)

That's all for the post. Message me if you want to know more!
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