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Fx Male Steal My Heart | Bear's Romance Search


Cannibal Queen of BMR
Nov 14, 2018
North Carolina, USA

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Spa○ ○ ○ About Bear

Hey there, I'm Little Bear. I'm twenty-nine years old and have been writing for about 20 years! I currently live in eastern North Carolina and work a full time job. I enjoy writing in my spare time so replies come around my work schedule and personal life. I love to write horror stories, scary, and some romance sprinkled in. You'll find that i have a tendency to lean towards the darker side of things with my stories and plots, so don't be scared to bring me the scary. I enjoy conversations with my partner out of character, but I am not okay with anything outside of being friends. I keep a good separation of OOC and IC.

Spa○ ○ ○ What I Seek

This thread is different from my typical musings - this thread is dedicated entirely to my seeking of the softer side of things. Though I typically seek the darker side of life, this thread is dedicated towards the softer side of things and therefore, the softer side of this Bear.

I'm looking for a partner who is well written and engaged in the story. I write mostly story with smut sprinkled in so I want a partner who is okay with that. I love someone who can actively add to the story and bring new ideas to the table as well as roll with the things I have planned. Actively being involved in moving the story along is absolutely delicious and I love it when I'm surprised as well as surprising my partner with twists and turns. A dark mind is not a requirement, but it's definitely loved!

Spa○ ○ ○ Kinks/Limits

  • Romance
  • Angst
  • Female virginity
  • Female dominant
  • Breeding / lots of cum / risk of pregnancy / maybe even pregnancy
  • Taboo / forbidden themes
  • Enemies to lovers

  • Parent/child incest
  • First person POV
  • Characters under 18 years old
  • Age play
  • Race play

Plots Headers


Spacer▶▶▷▷ Real Life Plots ○ ○ ○

Spacer▶▷ Online Secrets [Modern ; Teacher/Student ; Taboo, Romance]

An online romance turns into a moral conundrum when a teacher finds that the girl he's been chatting with for months is one of his own students. While he has the option to keep this realization a secret, he knows that he's never met anyone else like her and is in love with her. He knows that she's lied about her age online now (barely 18, not 23) and finds himself locked into a relationship with someone who doesn't even know it's him. He chooses instead to speak with her about it and see what happens, but what will happen to their love and relationship? Is their love strong enough to survive the taboo?
Spacer▶▷ The Princess' Heart [Medieval ; Princess/Servant ; Romance, Taboo]

An arranged marriage has resulted in a princess being sent away to a nearby kingdom to be introduced to her husband-to-be. Instead of falling madly in love with her husband, she finds herself falling madly in love with his servant. If their romance is found out, then the servant is doomed, but they can't resist each other no matter how hard they try.
Spacer▶▷ The Willing Victim [Modern ; Contract Killer/Victim ; Romance, Possible Snuff]

A contracted killer has grown weary of killing people that are not quite ready to face death. Instead, he turns towards a new career with a lucrative (but extremely illegal) business that has opened up. People call in anonymously to a suicide line to request their death and can pay a certain amount to ensure that they will get the method of death that they want and the time they want. A young woman has called in a very odd request - she doesn't just want to be murdered. She wants to love the person murdering her. She wants hot, steamy romance and instead of her romance peaking with a romantic, love-filled proposal with the ring of her dreams, she wants him to put a knife through her ribs and end her life. But after so long of playing the part of her lover, will he be able to fulfill his end of the contract?

Spacer▶▶▷▷ Fandom Plots ○ ○ ○

Spacer▶▷ Werewolf's Desires [HP, Potter Era ; Fenrir Greyback/OC ; Non-consensual, Possible Knotting, Fear]

It's the seventh year at Hogwarts and the castle is run by Death Eaters. Fenrir Greyback has been given the chance to be the disciplinarian of the students. He takes particular joy in torturing them, but has recently found a student that he is fixated on and decides that the best torture for her would be a night alone in the Forbidden Forest with him.

Spacer▶▶▷▷ Fantasy Plots ○ ○ ○

Spacer▶▷ For Love of Blood [Modern ; Vampire/Serial Killer ; Blood Play, Snuff, Torture, Dark Romance]

A vampire and a psychopath -- what could be a sweeter love story? Their insane minds play together like awful children and they have found the one thing that connects them stronger than anything else? The lure of the Blood. Even though she is just a human, she feels the call of the Blood and feels the urge to drink it, spill it, and bathe in it. So together they have a wonderful affair of love, bonding over the death of others and the delight in draining
Spacer▶▷ Princess' Pet [Medieval ; Anthro/Princess ; Forbidden Romance, Knotting, Female Virginity, Taboo]

In a society where anthro exist, they are viewed as pets for the wealthy, so it was no surprise for the princess to have been gifted a handsome young pup to have as a playmate. But the princess isn't a little girl anymore and her pup has grown into quite the large beast. They are as. Lose as ever, but the relationship is different. Even though it is forbidden, the princess can't get him out of her mind. They already share a bed together and she can't help but wonder what other ways her pet could serve her...
Spacer▶▷ Through Hell [Modern ; Demon/Damned Soul ; Deception, Adventure, Slow Burn Romance]

A soul is damned to hell due to a loop hole in the standards of what constitutes 'good' and 'evil'. As she wakes on the other side of death, she finds herself in the outskirts of Hell and accompanied by another damned soul - a man who also claims his innocence. They make a pact to help the other to the center of Hell where it is rumored that if they can make it to the belly of Satan's mansion they will be able to reclaim their souls and gain entrance into Heaven. The plan is flawless, except for one disastrous flaw - her partner is not who he seems to be.
Spacer▶▷ Cursed Summoner [Modern or Medieval ; Summoner/Demoness ; Femdom, Sexual Torture, Torture, Corruption]

A young summoner has found his way to a spell that he has performed extremely wrong. Instead of summoning a lesser demon, he manages to summon a demoness of great power. Fortunately for him, she takes pity on him and decides to teach him magic to increase his skill and give her power. She's a cruel teacher, though, and finds that he works best with the positive rewards of sex.

Spacer▶▷ Rugaru's Curse [Modern ; Rugaru/Human ; Romance, Fear, Cannibalism]

They have lived their life together in total happiness up until the curse of being a Rugaru has set in. It starts off with her husband's insatiable hunger, then turning towards his need for meat. The hunger never stops, it only ever grows until he finds that what he craves is a meat that can't be bought in a store. He craves human flesh. They struggle with the morality of it and he's able to sate the hunger temporarily with just raw meat, but the hunger can't be held off for much longer. What happens when he caves and finally has his taste of human flesh?
Spacer▶▷ Delights of Corruption [Modern ; Angel/Demon ; Enemies to Lovers Trope, Femdom, Corruption, Teasing]

An angel is sent to the earth to influence humans and help to correct the balance of good and evil in the world. While trying to influence souls, he feels a presence that worries him enough to investigate and is lead to find a demon that has been sent for similar reasons. They find themselves both locked onto the same human and start to become competitive over him, except there's more than just a competitor's attraction growing between the two of them. Inspiration Image: Click to view

Samples Banner

Writing Sample A

Millions of years of evolution didn't amount to nothing, but by just looking at the collection that were packed into this room like sardines, you would never tell. Top of the food chain and yet they were driven by a simple desire to mate, grinding against each other as they consumed enough alcohol to subdue their great mental capacities. They were literally dumping thousands of dollars a night to not think for just a bit.

But among the herd of humping and grinding cattle, there lay the ultimate predator, a wolf in the sheep's clothing. She was a woman, having groomed herself to meet the requirements for the ever-lusting man. Eva had always been a beautiful woman, but the last few years her descent into madness had treated her well. She worked out as often as most people prayed to god, ate a rather strict diet, and kept her body in near perfect physical condition.

And it was because of her strict regimen that she had attracted a fly into her pretty little honey pot, a rather attractive man that was rather intoxicated. His hands were hungry on her body as they danced -- well, it was closer to dry-humping than anything else. She could feel his cock press against her with every bump and grind, his need plain on his face. It was when she was sure he was just about to toss her to the ground in the club that she leaned close, whispering in his ear that they should return to her place.

The man was more than willing, following her like a good pet ought to. It was all a part of reeling him in, then, her house quite inviting to her guest. Her bed was a lovely thing, scarlet sheets and soft, warm comforter. He practically walked to his own death, tugging her along to his quite literal death bed. It wasn't until this point that she had returned his affections, her lips hungry on his body, hands grasping him and fondling him. She wanted him excited, wanted his blood rushing.

Sex was a messy thing, always had been. And it was never interesting with those that were drunk. He'd been far too eager in removing her clothes, his own following suit. The man had a cock that was rather impressive, but she wasn't paying attention to his swollen length, far too interested in the veins that stuck out on his body, her fingers trailing one.

Eva permitted him to get forceful, to push her down onto the bed, wrestling his way in between her legs as he position his cock against her opening. He thrust inside of her with a grunt, his cock delving deep into her sex as he started to move, his only pace to fuck hard and fast. He was a selfish lover, caring more about his own cock being satisfied than his partner. But that was fine. Eva arched under him, her hands sliding beneath the pillow. She faked a moan, arching up against him and proclaiming something along the lines of him being the best lover she'd ever had.

Her fingers found what they sought, the hilt of a blade that she'd hidden there before leaving in search of prey. Her moaning, writhing bullshit came to a swift halt, a true smile coming to her lips as she brought the blade across his belly, his blood gushing over her in hot gushes, his intestines falling out onto her stomach.

"Ah, yes," Finally, her lover wasn't so selfish, emptying himself upon her to make a hot, sticky mess of red on her sheets and between her legs. She was finally enjoying the sex, her hips bucking up into his now unmoving hips, his weight coming down upon her as his strength died with him. She came to her orgasm as he died on top of her, the last of his blood seeping out in slow drips.

As satisfying as it was to control man like this, it was always so disappointing afterwards. Such a mess to clean up, what with the blood and the body to dispose of. It was second nature to her by now, a process that was well worth the rewards she got.

And again, tonight, she found herself in the breeding grounds again, primed and ready for the hunt...

Writing Sample B

Incense and expectation hung heavy in the night's air, both infused with the ancient rituals that were rife with power. She could feel all of it running through her, the heavy humming of the crowd above her chanting in a language that they didn't understand. It spoke to her, her pulse rich with the power that they were infusing, their words breathing life into her as her heart pounded like the drums in the distance. Their voices were lifted to the night sky as she was beneath them, being prepared for the ceremony to come.

Tonight, she was turning of age to become the sorceress she had been destined to be by the gods, her power nearing its peak now that her body was coming to the end of its transformation from a girl into a woman. Bela had been rich with the powers since she was young, just a babe when she'd first shown the spark of magic in her, able to control the world around her even then. As a young girl she had been brought up not by her parents but by the elders of the craft, honing her skills until she was a force to be feared.

They hadn't created a woman. They had created a weapon. One of many that had come before her. The older generation was dying, and before the magic was lost they would need a new Queen to rise to power. Today was the first step towards her reign.

Maidens of the craft surrounded her now, their whispers adding to the voices chanting above, though their words known to them. "J'nesst d'yorn, ku'lam ulu yorn. J'nesst d'yorn, ku'lam ulu yorn." The women circled her, touching her body slowly with their fingertips, brushing slowly across her skin to dimple it with goosebumps, her bare flesh cool even in the hot air. From the group of four, the eldest stepped forward, fingers dipped in dye. Her hand reached out, painting slow lines on Bela's skin, a deep red in stark contrast to the white of her skin. A dark line was made from cheekbone to cheekbone and across her nose, another from her bottom lip to the bottom of her chin.

Their voices rose in power, the same chant as before but with heavier tones. Her eyes closed and her head tilted back as they smoothed her hair, which was as white as snow, until it shined in the dim light of the dancing candle flames. The elder woman had returned, her hands fresh with paint. Her fingers moved slow over Bela's chest, lines made from her collarbones and down over her breasts to her ribs, another line made from the curve of her ribs and down to her hips, stopping just above the mound of her sex.

"J'nesst d'yorn, ku'lam ulu yorn." The incense was so strong that her head swam with it, her thoughts hazy as she was helped to stand from the chair, the women touching her skin slowly still, their touch giving and taking power freely. The voices above were becoming louder, almost impatient as they could not see the preparations below. The elder returned for the final marks, her fingers making horizontal lines across her thighs, dots descending down her shins at irregular intervals. The others left, returning with sheer silks in reds and whites, draping them over her body and across her hips. Thick cords weaved from heavy threads was strung about her waist, keeping the silks in place as they let her hair fall free over the makeshift outfit.

Bela's eyes opened slowly, her lungs breathing in a long and slow breath to take in the last of the incense as the wicks burned low. She moved for the first time in hours of her own accord, bringing one of the women in close. Her body pressed against the other woman, able to feel the woman's unsteady breathing and shaking hands as her lips pressed against hers, tasting the oils that had cleansed her of impurities. She released the woman, moving on to the next. Again, she grasped the woman, kissing her long and slow. The process repeated to the last one, her maidens taking their place around her as she moved away from them now.

She had been prepared for this night her entire life, told of the ceremony and the importance of the power. Bela could feel it in her feet, through the ground that had been dug so that she could feel the power of the earth. Her eyes moved to the hole that lead her onto the makeshift stage, the humming and chanting voices rising in cadence as she finally stepped into the brighter light of the night.

The moon hung heavy overhead, every bit as full as the night she'd been born, her head tilting back so that she could feel the moonlight on her face, her eyes closing slowly. Their chant rang in her head, the beat of it pounding in every inch of her soul. "Dalhar d'l'isto. Dosman zhah il, jhal satiir ilta xal. Dalhar d'l'isto. Dosman zhah il, jhah satiir ilta xal." They were nearly screaming the words - men, women, and children alike. Despite the fact she was the most physically vulnerable and clothed only in silks, she had never felt more powerful in her life.

Her maidens drew her forward, tugging her hands until she stood in the center of a circle of torches, where the true elder of the Magics stood. The man was old, hunched by the years of power and age that hung heavy on his shoulders, his eyes long gone milky and hands spotted. He stood before an altar, which held a small array of items - a pair of bracelets that were made of a heavy and dark metal, a large skull of a bear, and a set of oils in small bowls.

As Bela was brought to the altar, the crowd's voice became low until it diminished, leaving only the humming of those still murmuring the chant beneath their breath. She could still feel their power, her hands twitching with it and body thriving with activity. She'd never felt so charged in her life, her body feeling so full that she couldn't decipher if she would expand or explode with it. The man waved his hands to silence those watching, his eyes settling on where he knew her to be.

"We bring before the people a child of the night, gifted by the gods with powers unimaginable." Her maidens stepped away, she knew to retrieve the man that she was to be partnered with. "Today she stands before you just a girl, potential untapped. We offer her to the gods here tonight, a woman, ready to follow where her powers take her."

She could hear the maidens behind her, a fifth set of feet that were sure to belong to her knight. The Elder grasped her wrist, sliding the first of the heavy bracelets onto her arm. "The weight of the shackles is a reminder," He slid the other onto her other arm, his hands cold against her skin as he grasped her in a grip so tight his knuckles were white, "A reminder that she is a servant as much of a leader." He moved now towards the oils, dipping his fingers into it, putting that oil to her lips slowly.

The oil tasted vaguely of lavender, an herb that cleansed and purified, but also of sage, known to ward away evil spirits. "May the oils cleanse her." He called out, his hand moving now to the skull, lifting it and holding it up to the crowd. The chant came again, only one repeat of it. The skull was lowered onto her head, a perfect fit to her surprise. She could feel the spirits of the creature, powerful and fierce. "May the spirits guide her."

He turned now to the newest arrival, a knight that had been trained to protect her, or at least one of her kind. He had been selected so that he would do anything to keep her safe, even if it meant his life would be in danger, or possibly ended. "May her knight protect her."
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