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A Devil's Delightful Thoughts || Comments Open


Dec 21, 2018
Hello all, I've decided to start a thread here consisting of various ramblings and maybe the occasional bit of daily practice. Occasionally a few headcanon dumps pretaing to fandoms and characters in au settings if I'm craving something specific and don't know who to reach to partner wise.

Currently I'm going to leave comments open, but that may change if I start posting something that goes together as a story and I don't wanna dig for the last posts.


The following Omega Bakugou Katsuki Headcanons were originally things I stated last night in a private conversation that I want to post here to avoid losing them.


  • He makes nests out of clothes, most of which have burn marks from him wearing them. Be warned if he knicks your clothes for his nest because it's likely to be slightly scorched and reek of Smoke, Sandalwood, and Cloves.
  • Speaking of nests, He doesn't have much in his best that's not clothes or pillows, but he does have an old stuffed animal he keeps tucked away and out of sight most of the time.
  • Most of his instict for being a caretaker comes out in sporadic moments. Often times it's simply him tossing out bottles of water and yelling "Hydrate or die-drate" to classmates and friends but occasionally he'll mother hen someone having a bad his own grumpy fashion.
  • Bakugou covers himself in scent blockers and acts like he's a beta for a good long time because he doesn't like his presentation. He wanted to be a beta so he could focus on his goals without worrying about heats that last for a week or being a hormonal wreck around omegas in heat.
  • The scent glands under his ears are the most sensitive, but he has a pair near his wrists that are extra fragrant. However, due to his quirk, scent blockers usually wear off easily with his sweat and explosions.
  • In battle, if he's over emotional, his scent taints the smoke of his explosions and is a sure tell of how he feels. He's kinda fixed that problem with the grenade-shaped boosters he wears, as they trap in his scent fairly well in addition to their primary function.
  • While most omegas go for sweets and starchy foods before their heats, you can catch him shoveling spicy, protein filled foods on his tray.
  • He's calmer around the start and end times of his heats, and less likely to get angry at the drop of a pin. Unfortunately he's irritable and cranky as soon as his heat hits and is more likely to start fights during that time. It's mostly just due to hormones and stress.
  • God help if an Alpha gives him the command voice. He will fight against it more often than not in addition to the alpha in question, even if it puts him through extreme physical pain to do so.
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