Fx Male Looking for Konosuba RP, Darkness x Adult Kazuma, Lewdness Wanted


Jan 27, 2018
So, I never ask for fandom RPs. Seriously, I can't remember the last pairing I did that involved a character that myself or my partner hadn't created. So, for me to crave this is really out of the ordinary and I just can't shake the craving, so I'm reaching out in hopes of finding someone who will sate what I'm looking for.

A little about myself: I'm 25, residing in California (so PST). I've been role playing for over ten years now. I'm a university student, studying English with the intent of becoming a high school teacher. I've just started back up at school for Winter Quarter and my time is mainly devoted to my studies, but I spend my free time on here and I have more free time then you'd guess.

What I'm looking for in my partner:
- A male writer
- One on one, in PMs only because I always forget to check e-mail and I don't use messengers anymore. Threads are a no-go because I like my privacy.
- Complete literacy - If English is your first language, I do not want to see repetitive mistakes. Misspellings and missing commas and periods every once in a while happen, I do it too. But, if you repeatedly do not capitalize your 'I's or forget quotation marks, I'm not going to hold interest. If English isn't your native language, and you're trying, then it's totally forgivable and I commend you for knowing more than one language because I wish I did.
- Side note to literacy - NO FIRST PERSON AND NO PRESENT TENSE in the role play. I will stop talking to you if this happens, mainly because it just says to me you didn't read or you don't care enough.
- Full familiarity with the anime Konosuba and its characters.
- You have to want romance, along with the smut.

What I'm looking for for this specific pairing:
Okay, so, we don't have to stick with a full plot here. What I want is for Kazuma to be (at least) nineteen now. He's been trapped in this fantasy world for a few years now. He and the girls have advanced in their quest toward defeating the Devil King but...Not very fast-paced. They're all better at working as a team and all, but they all still have their vices. Aqua is still an egotistical alcoholic, Megumin is still striving to be the greatest explosion mage, and Darkness...Well, Darkness has gotten a bit desperate.

Basic details before I dive in - The team still live in the mansion, they still go out on quests together, but they have each developed lives separate from one another. Aqua goes off to be doted on by her worshippers, Megumin goes away to study, Kazuma trains a lot more, and Darkness has been slipping away, much to Kazuma's curiosity, and ending up in some questionable situations. Kazuma gets concerned and decides to follow her one day...Right into the pit of a tentacled-beast. Darkness gives herself to it willingly and proceeds to get fucked for hours before she mutters some sort of incantation that stops the beasts and allows her to slip away again.

I want two things from this RP.
First, I want Kazuma and Darkness to develop a romantic relationship. It doesn't have to be perfect, after all, neither of them are. But, I want their to be shared intimacy between them.
Second, I want Darkness to be fucked by all manner of things. Kazuma, beasts, gangbangs. (All pics that follow are NSFW) I want humiliation and degradation. I want Darkness to get fucked silly. Be it on missions, where she willingly makes herself the meat shield to distract the foes, or it's Kazuma whoring her out to make some extra coin. Here's a few scenarios/beasts I'd love to play out/with:
- Gangbang at the tavern
- Werewolves
- Orcs
- Tentacles
- BDSM-inspired domination and play
- Glory hole
- Lesbian scenes
-Aphrodisiacs and spells
And more!

So, what I would love, love, love from you is for you to help me write these scenarios out while also RPing Kazuma. You can have full control of the other scenarios (i.e. the men in them), or we can split the writing duty between us both.

If you're interested and have questions, I'm more than happy to answer them! I know I didn't cover all my bases, but I'm so needy that I really want to get this post out. Here's hoping there's someone out there who is interested!
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