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Quiet as a Cat. Sneaky as a Spider (Alpha and x23kinney)


Dracula's not an Avenger? That lying fuck!
Aug 4, 2013
It was an oddly quiet night. Not that quiet was a bad thing in Peter's mind. Quiet meant fewer thugs on the streets, fewer people that needed help and for Peter, it meant a chance to relax, at least a little. Being a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man was the kind of job that made him wonder about his blood pressure some days, though when dealing with supervillains was a major part of what someone did on a weekly basis blood pressure would be the least likely thing to get kill someone.

From his perch atop The Empire State Building, New York seems small, and his own concerns in life just a smaller part of that small place. He took a deep breath. And took a step off the edge of the building.

There was always a rush, adrenaline pulsing through his system as he plumitited towards the streets, the sound of the rushing wind filling his ears. He reached out with one hand, the gentle "Thiwp" of the webshooter as a strand of webbing arced outwards, catching on to the side of a nearby building. His momentum carried him forward till he'd reached the Apex of his swing before fireing off another thread and another, swinging through the city with ease, humming a tuneless song to himself, about himself.
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