Fx Male The itches that need to be scratched


Jan 9, 2019
Oooookedoke. First of all a few things about me-
Im Laylah, 34, female. I have been roleplaying online for ages and I'd love to get some good rps going.
I may be slow in responding at times, and sometimes I may be super fast. I have a job that kind of sucks. So... at times you won't hear from me. I didn't drop you then, I'm just on some mad 16 hour shift away from home with no internet.

Kinks: I like it rough. I like it passionate. I like sweat and fluids and screaming and extasy. I like strong characters. I like tension. I like biting and scratching and basically... a LOT of things.
Im no fan of noncon, I may go for dubcon at times. I need strong partners to play against. Yes I DO love all the "submissive" stuff (being choked, double penetration, humiliation, spankings, etc) but.. Master/slave and Dom/sub scenes bore me to tears! I don't wanna kneel around and say "yessir" "ofcoursesir" "asyouwishsir".
Nooooooo. I want to hunt monsters with you and have hot, steamy, kinky sex in an abandoned building while we are on the run from a load of... werewolves, zombies, etc. and have just so managed to escape.

Settings I like:
Apocalyptic/post apocalyptic
Actually I enjoy apocalyptic ones even a TAD more. The dynamics of what happens when the world as we know it goes batshit crazy. Who are you going to be? A murderous villain? The lawfully-good idiot who is going to die? The pragmatic-good, charismatic leader taking care for "his" group of survivors?
Imagine Birdbox like scenarios. I, Legend. That kind of stuff. I just like the world falling apart. I can very well imagine other scenarios as well. Like... modern technology doesn't work because magic is coming back to the world. No electricity, no smartphones, no internet... (my fantasy says this is playing in Ireland or Scotland) but mythical creatures that suddenly haunt our world. Dragons. Wyrms. The wylde hunt. The smallfolk. Kelpies and Leprachauns....

I love fantasy. I love fantasy fandoms. Orcs, elves, kings, damsels in distress, knights in shining armours. GoT, Hunger Games, LotR, Midkemia, Black Magician Trilogy.... I love them all. I own a shitload of fantasy novels and i feel comfortable in almost any setting. I prefer OCs though.

StarWars... StarTrek... Babylon5... that's my playground. Doctor Who and Firefly too. No Battlestar, no Stargate. Not familiar with these. But yeah. Things with Aliens and starships is cool!

I love historic settings. I don't want to go for historically correct, there can and should be fantasy elements. But.. ancient Rome. Greece. Medieval. Victorian.... oh hell yeah! Robin Hood and King Arthur, Gladiator or Hercules.... mhmhmhm. So many things to do with gods and demigods, with villains and kings and knights....

Now if you can imagine to play with me - my pm box is open!

Thanks for reading.
bumps this
please note that I prefer a rather high smut rate at the moment. like 70/30. that will change though, after smut i NEED story or else I will get bored
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