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Fx Any Angela's Desires (dom/sub, dark)


Nov 30, 2018
Hey there, and welcome to my little wish-list of dark daydreams. (I wasn’t sure how much alliteration to go with, there. A diabolical digest of dark daydreams? A dissertation on my deviant desires? Where were we? Anyway, moving on.)

The short and sweet summary: I’m exclusively submissive, prefer to play via private messages (discord may be an option in future but right now I’m having massive problems with the app and my laptop not getting along for reasons I haven’t yet figured out). My favorite kinks are non-con and dub-con, humiliation, misogyny, lingerie and degrading/slutty outfits, blackmail and coercion, gangbangs, bukkake, forced prostitution, tattoos/piercings/body markings, bimbofication, beasts, and general cruelty. My limits are underage, excessive gore, and death.

Below is a rundown of currently-available plots. I try to be flexible and accommodate my partners, so if you like the idea of a plot but see some things you’d like to add or change around, I’m open to discussing it!

Cleopatra in Chains
The Pharaoh Cleopatra was legendary for her wisdom, her grace, her beauty; adored and desired, she was seen as a goddess made flesh. And certainly, as such things go, there was no shortage of rumors about her carnal desires. Though few would imagine her yearning to set down her crown and submit to a man’s rough hand. The ruler aching to be ruled, to feel her own royal flail crack across her backside as she’s bent naked over a conqueror’s knee.

How will she pursue her hungers? Offer a strip-tease – and more – to a pack of visiting Roman centurions? Bury her head in a corpulent and gross merchant’s lap, to beg for trade concessions? Share her blessings and her body with the sweaty, dirty slaves at her pyramid’s construction site, or allow the overseer to put her to work, any way he sees fit? Confess her longings to a temple priest, and beg to be chastised? The possibilities are limitless.

And of course, such a path could lead her to a dark end. History says she was felled by an asp, but that could merely be the cover for a more troubling truth. Perhaps she was brought to Rome as a slave, paraded in chains behind her conqueror’s chariot. Or perhaps she drew the attention of a cruel, lustful god, and one such as Anubis or Set decided to see to her punishment personally…

The Master’s Daughter
I imagine this will take place in a fantasy world; it can take place in ours if you prefer, but it'll have an unavoidable element of race-play (I'm fine with that if you are). My character is the daughter of a rich and powerful man, a plantation owner and a cruel master who ruthlessly works his slaves night and day. My character is...not so merciless, dignified and proper but shy, and the sound of jangling manacles or a cracking whip colors her cheeks with a most inappropriate blush. A canny slave notices her reactions, maybe subtly tests them, just enough to learn a few things. Namely, that she hates her father's cruelty, and doesn't share his views on the world. And that she's spent an inordinate of time wondering what an iron collar would feel like, locked around her slender noble throat.

They can help with that.

Soon enough, she's coaxed into slipping out under cover of darkness, making her first visit to the slaves' barracks. They can't hurt her father, he's untouchable...but they can take their suffering and humiliation out on his beloved, prized, pristine daughter. They can introduce her creamy white skin to the taste of a whip, they can make her eat from a trough. They can drag her to the kennels or the stables, and reduce her to an animal among animals. Night after night, every indignity they suffer will be inflicted upon the master's daughter tenfold. And if the time comes when they decide to escape, she'll be coming with them. And next time they pass an auction block, she'll be the one who gets sold for traveling coin, her once-noble ass wearing a fresh slave brand to mark her as a piece of property forevermore.

Blackmail Fantasy
So I got one of those scam emails the other day -- the ones claiming they put a virus on your computer, saw something shocking with your webcam and want you to send them bitcoin or else? Pretty laughable, but part of me...ooh. Part of me had a little tingle. Maybe it was how they opened the email with "Hello, victim." Reducing me to their prey and property in two little words. Stripping my power from the shadows. So that's been percolating in my mind ever since.

My character has a blackmail fetish, and in talking about it with a member on a sex forum, agrees to send him some racy but not explicit pics as part of their harmless roleplay; posing in a bikini, maybe, nothing more than that. She eventually breaks the connection when he keeps pushing her for more. She almost forgets about the whole thing, until he emails her -- at her real address -- a few days later, listing her name, the place she works, and her boss's name and email address.

The fantasy has just become real, and unless she wants her boss to see her posing like a centerfold in a bikini, she's going to obey every command she's given. "Now do what I told you, get that top off, and show me your tits. Oh, and hold your driver's license up next to your face while you're smiling for the camera. Let's make this blackmail official.”

Scraps and Pieces
A few ideas that I haven’t fully fleshed out yet, or that lend themselves to any number of settings and permutations:

-- A woman is accused of being a witch, either by some modern-day cult or in a historical or fantasy setting. A witch must, first and foremost, be made to confess; and so, her torture begins. She will suffer until she admits to every charge against her and begs for righteous punishment. Then a public walk of shame awaits her, the village pillory, her judgment and the humiliation and torments to come, until she has been deemed properly chastised and truly accepting of her place as an inferior to all men, possibly reduced to a village slave and public property forevermore.

-- A noted video-game critic and strident feminist is blackmailed by the members of a private gaming forum. Now she is the game: their little puppet to be humiliated and degraded as they please, until she’s turned into the opposite of everything she believes in. Their slutty little cosplay-wearing cheerleader, with her reputation, fandom and life destroyed.

And that's it for now! I'll update as time goes on. If you see something you like, drop me a private message and we can talk more!
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