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Ready to tackle this Female Thread! (Looking to play Sub in FxM, and Dom in FxF!)


May 6, 2017
Hello everyone! Looking for a soft and kind girl to pair up with your men and women? this place is perfect for you!

Unlike my Male or my Non-binary thread, My female have exclusive rules due to how I play my girls!

1. Mentioning the way I play my females. To me, any form of non-con or objectification of my girls is a big no to me, My Females ain't object to be used, they are human beings with feelings and desires, Only in Specific scenarios I'll accept objectification, but It have to be well done!
2. Don't doubt me just because I am a male. Because of my Roleplaying history, I am way more comfortable with females than with males or Non-binary characters.

Now for the similar rules to my other threads! (Just putting them here just in case you didn't went to my other threads yet!)

1: I'm not the best in term of grammar, but please, i want at least to be able to understand what is written in your replies. So please try to write properly (I can accept some mistake, but I'll tell you if you do too many)
2 : Be friendly with me, don't be afraid to talk OOC with me. I'm a guy which like to know his partners, because who knows, we maybe will RP something else then our original plan if the RP we engaged is done.
3: I know some people like to write it simple (I saw some people doing it) but when roleplaying with me, I would like at least, a minimum of one paragraph with at least 4 sentence in it, The more you write, the more I'll write. But take notes, the more you write, the longer my replies will take (Since I'm the type to try and match my partner's level of detail)
4 : Please do not ask me for visual images and faceclaims, I really am not a fan of using those to depict my characters, you are welcome to use them yourself (Highly prefer anime/cartoon based over real)
5 : Please keep the RP dramas at a low level, I ain't really a fan of overly huge drama in RPs, it just kills it for me.
Alright then! Now with the rules out of the way, time to jump into the kinks I actually enjoy when playing females (There are a lot of similarity to my male kinks)

Yes :
- Consensual
- Romance
- Creampie
- Impregnation
- Slight cum inflation
- Incest
- Body contact (Be warned, if your character ain't mean or rude, he will get touched a lot by my girls, and my girls like being touched sensually as well!)
- Submissive (Even thought most of my girls are Switches, I actually like being in the submissive side, but if done right, I don't mind if my girls play the dominant role)

No :
-Non-con (Don't try to force this in, or else I will have to end our RP together, I absolutely hate anything non-con related)
-BDSM (As much as sometime, the idea of restraining for pleasure sound kinky, I'm actually someone that actually enjoy freedom during smut.)
- Gore/Vore
- Toilet play
- Over the top breast (My apologies for this one, I just really don't like when people expect my girls to have over realistic breast. DD cup is the highest I will even go.)

A bit of info about me! :

Now for a little bit about me : I'm currently 26 years old, trying to learn how to become an artist. I've started roleplaying around the age of 16 (They were SFW RPs of course!) So that would mean I have around 7 years of experience. As for myself, I would describe myself as a dork who simply enjoy having a lot of fun with my partner. So don't be afraid to tell me if you want something added, i'll make sure to consider it!

Now that the basics are out of the way, it's time to present the pairs I would be interested to tame with my partner!

Pairing (Me x you)
- Student x Teacher (taken)
Playing a female student who get a crush on one of her kindest teacher is a pretty fun concept!

- Sister x Sister(Taken)
- Sister x Brother (Taken)
A pair of sibling developing a huge bond as they live together can be really romantic when well done!

- Pet x Master
For this pair, the plot is specific! The idea is that your character (Please, they need to be kind hearted) find my girl wounded in a dangerous forest. the girl is actually feral and can't interact like human does. and your character can raise her the way he wants, but if treated cruelly, she will force her way out of the home she was brought to. (Please no non-con here!)

- Nerdy girl x Popular boy
Let's be honest, who doesn't like a sexy and nerdy girl with a lot of gaming knowledge and also is pretty feisty in bed?

In term of fandom, there is only two I'm willing to jump in with my girls!

Pokemon : In this fandom, It would be excluding canons. (Since I would suck so hard at playing them) Ratter, It focus more on OC x OC type pairs, like Pokemon x trainer, or even Pokemon x Pokemon! Trainer x Pokemon (Aka me as the trainer) is also an option! (Taken)

Well, For now, it's the end of my thread! I hope I can make some of you guys happy! Feel free to PM me if you have ideas on your own!
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