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Fx M or F ❃ Seeking Long Term Partners & Friends ❃


❃ Flower Child ❃
Aug 19, 2015
Seattle, Washington

Hello! My name is Jamiesue, and I'm searching for partners.
(Yes, I meant that to be plural, implying more than one partner. Many, in fact, preferably)​

Consider this a warning ; I'm only seeking adept and enthusiastic writers.
If you fit the aforementioned requirements and are still interested, read onward.

A Few Personal Rules
#1 ; Follow the site rules in our chats, personal messages, and posts.
#2 ; Always be respectful of my feelings and ideas, as I will be to yours.
#3 ; Do not pressure me to move offsite ; I would offer, if I were wiling to.
#4 ; Do not ever attempt to initiate any kind of romantic relationship with me.
#5 ; Expect to keep each other well updated about response times and unavailability.
~ More rules could be added, if I feel them necessary ~

A Recommendation
Please read the spoiler sections entitled "Expectations and Preferences" and "Plot Elements and Pairings" before messaging me about starting a roleplay.
The section entitled "Generic About Me" is unnecessary, I simply typed out the answers to a variety of questions, but it may help illustrate my personality.

I tend to have a difficult time describing myself, but I believe the process is important
To those of you who have now made it this far into my thread, understand that this section is going to be unorganized at best.

Where to start...
I have accumulated 24 years of experience on this planet, which will continue to upgrade by one level every September. I am a pansexual woman living in the United States of America, particularly in the state which produces the most apples. Living with me are my long-term boyfriend David and our mini-aussie Griffin, and these two boys are the sunshine of my life. This place we live is also called the Evergreen state, shares a border with Canada, and is proudly home to the only temperate rainforests on this continent. If you still don't know where I am, look it up! If you actually followed along and looked up it up then congratulations; you now know what time zone I am in! (To pity you lazy folks, it's PST here in Washington) I am generally lurking online almost constantly, Monday through Friday, anywhere from about 10am to as late as 10pm. I can be pretty unavailable on the weekends, and occasionally spend time traveling. Regardless of my schedule, I am very communicative, so expect me to let you know in advance what my plans are. Speaking of letting people know things... I am a very active OOC chat friend; I don't want to write with complete strangers, it's nowhere near as fun as getting to know the people I've chosen as my partners
. I'm very curious, and thus ask a ton of questions. Plus, I enjoy bantering about the story and vaguely pre-plotting, on occasion.

With the important bits out of the way...
I have a mild obsession with the horror movie genre, of any sub genre, and surprisingly I don't watch much television. I have been known to mindlessly intake cooking or home-design shows, but I am otherwise quite choosy. I watch a fair bit of anime, but again I am very picky (ask me for my MyAnimeList profile.) I have a ton of different favorite foods; macaroni&cheese, potatoes in any form, cheeseburgers, sushi, thai curry, and any desert food ever. I enjoy drinking creamy coffee in the morning, hot tea and water throughout the day, and sweet wines by night. I love fruits as both food and decoration, especially the strawberry. Elephants are my favorite animal, but special mentions can go out to cows and foxes also. I love gardening but am not particularly good at it, I am frequently checking the weather, and my favorite season is autumn. I think I'd like to sell flowers one day; I love the many different kinds and how they make people smile. Though I like getting to know people, I also have social anxiety and depression, so when I get too overwhelmed with life
I like to take a "mental-health day" to myself. I enjoy listening to instrumental music to relax, but overall I have wide tastes in music and enjoy chatting about it all, except for anything overtly religious. I am not religious, but also not a strict atheist; I merely acknowledge that I don't have any acceptable answers. I collect coffee cups because I like them, and also fridge magnets corresponding to locations I have visited. I took three years of French in high school, wished I had taken Spanish instead but still never learned any, and instead plan to learn Japanese for an upcoming trip. I am laughably bad at memorizing history, not great with world geography, and incredibly thankful that I at least know how to read maps. I enjoy coloring, putting together advanced jigsaw puzzles, and folding origami. I spend a lot of my free time baking things, like brownies or bread, and inviting people over for dinner. I got my first console at 8 years old, the Nintendo64, and cartridges for two games: Ocarina of Time, and Super Mario 64. I fell in love with video games after that and have since tried almost every widely-sold console, before transitioning to primarily PC gaming. I love RPG's, but otherwise mostly prefer casual games like puzzles and simulations. I still play TLOZ games over, recently playing A Link Between Worlds, and I even have a large leg tattoo featuring symbols from my favorite games. I have three tattoos, and a few piercings. I excel at whistling. I'm running out of things to say...

I am generally an open book, so if there is anything you want to know about me, you really can just ask. Even if you don't want to write with me, you can always message me just to be nice, I don't bite

Every person has their own expectations and preferences; of the utmost importance is straightforwardness!
This is where I will explain in detail what I believe I'm capable of, what I prefer, and what I want my partners to be capable of.

What You Can Expect From Me
The gist is that I am well written (although I'm uncertain whether I'm showing that), but can be long winded or wordy (that might be showing).

In terms of quality- I have a decent vocabulary, an eye for details, and a penchant for run-on sentences. I particularly enjoy designing settings, alluding to previous moments in the story, and describing character emotion. I sometimes struggle with character dialogue, and also decision paralysis. I frequently consult partners about future plot events, offer alternate options and fresh ideas, and daydreaming about the story in this way gives me inspiration. I like a bit of the dramatic or theatrical, primarily to draw out the extremes in emotions or even in overall personalities of characters; bad things should happen to keep the good things balanced, and worse things happen because life isn't balanced.

In terms of sexuality- I love to include romance in my plots, from a kiss all the way to erotic endeavors... but I do not love trying to force plot into something too romantic... In layman's terms, I don't come here to write pure smut. If you are looking for someone to strictly write porn with, keep looking. That being said, I am sexually experienced and detailed, and with the right partner I am more than willing to spread affections throughout the story. You can read my F-List here for more information on my preferences- there are many things I would allow, and many things I would not. Familiarize yourself with the list before making suggestions, but feel free to ask for specification.

In terms of quantity- When left to write whatever I want, I have a tendency to churn out lengthy posts of 6-8 bulky paragraphs, each with 6 or more of my extensive sentences. Another way to say this is that in my most recent roleplay, I'm averaging more than 1000 words per post on the short end or more than 3000 words per post on the longer end. Our current document contains more than 70,000 words between us. Assuming that I have the time in my aforementioned schedule, I typically am glad to respond at least once per day, though hypothetically I could respond multiple times a day. (Quantity could easily be refined to less, if my partner preferred shorter posts for any reason.)

In terms of the process- I like to start off our writing partnership by collectively suggesting a few different plots, perhaps even the branching options of those plots, and selecting something which inspires us both. Once we have decided on the bare bones of our future story, I like to design a character template together and introduce the basics of our main characters. Sometimes the templates are very short, and other times the templates include backstories and important contextual information, but either way templates usually include a short biography and reference photo at the least. With no other questions or concerns to address at that point, all that remains is to choose who begins writing!

My Preferences
I prefer to write in third person limited, with a white, female character. I prefer a strong plot with romantic elements, in which case I prefer monogamous pairings of FxM and FxF.
I am not limited to this point of view or character type, nor am I entirely restricting other pairings; if you are curious about something I haven't referenced, you can always ask me.
I prefer to exchange posts via personal messages, but I am not opposed to a forum thread if my partner prefer.

In terms of POV- I am comfortable writing in first person, and second. I prefer third person limited, and I have no experience at all with third person omniscient- it intimidates me.
In terms of characters- I am comfortable writing different sexual preferences, races, genders, religions, etc, as well as writing romantic scenes between any adult, humanoid characters.

What I Would Expect From You
I expect my partners to have abundant creativity, and an earnest interest in creating a story with me. I want well built characters, a tantalizing plot, and a decent amount of detail in the story. I expect my partners to have good command of the English language overall, forgiving some mistakes. I want 4-6 paragraphs or more, if possible, and I would expect responses at least every few days. I would expect my partner to communicate with me about their expectations and preferences as well, to be certain that we are both on the same page and fully pleased with the direction we intend to go after that. I would expect a partner to let me know if there's anything we should discuss.

I feel there are an endless variety of stories which interest me, and listed below are many of the generic options I would consider building from
Take into consideration that all listed plot elements are merely base suggestions, which can be mixed or added to, in order to set up an optimal story for both myself and my partner.

Adventure, College, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Fantasy, Historical, Horror, Mystery, Mythology, Realistic, Romance, Science-fiction, Tragedy

Listed here is every media source I love, and would be willing to draw from. Choices could be listed as inspiration for characters, environments, or both.
There may be more items which I have forgotten to list, and if there's something specific in mind for you which I haven't listed, just ask me.

Comic Characters Black Widow, Catwoman, Elektra, Morpheus, Poison Ivy, Raven, Rogue, Starfire, Storm, Wonderwoman.
Video Game Series Assassin's Creed, Dragon Age, Final Fantasy, Halo, Pokemon, The Legend of Zelda, The Witcher, Tomb Raider.
TV and Movie Series
Disney, Dr. Who, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Star Trek, Star Wars, Steven Universe, Supernatural, The X-Files.

Listed here are just optional "main-relationships" which could be the focal point of any aforementioned genres or plots, sectioned into unorganized groupings.

❃ x ❃ x ❃ x ❃ x ❃ x ❃ x ❃ x ❃ x ❃ x ❃

Angels Angel x Demon Angel x God Guardian Angel x Human Demons Demon x God Demon x Human Gods God x Human
Humans ElvesElf x HumanFaeriesFae x HumanSpiritsMerman x MermaidSiren x HumanSelkie x HumanDjinn x Human
VampiresVampire x HumanWerewolvesWerewolf x HumanVampire x WerewolfStalker x VictimHeroes Hero x HumanHero x Villain
AssassinsAssassin x TargetBounty Hunter x TargetSurvivorsDoctor x NurseNurse x PatientTeacher x StudentMaster x ServantPrincesses
Military PersonnelSoldier x Civilian
Prince x CivilianKing x PrincessShy x OutgoingTherapist x PatientAble x DisabledGangster x CivilianStrippers

❃ x ❃ x ❃ x ❃ x ❃ x ❃ x ❃ x ❃ x ❃ x ❃

An excerpt, from "Bridging the Darkest Divides," inspired by Dragon Age.


Uncertain of how long she had been asleep, Ahriveyla peeled her eyes open slowly. This setting was unfamiliar to her, not at all like the wooden room she had fallen asleep in, and she quickly began to take notes of the environment. As she analyzed her strange surroundings, she realized that she had to be located deep within the Veil; a realm which was rumored to be a direct connection between the physical plane of the living and the kingdom of the dead, this mental dreamscape was more widely known to be a mysterious, spiritual place of collective knowledge, which her people knew only as ‘Setheneran’ or the Land of Waking Dreams. Dalish Tellers had passed down the ancient stories of the misunderstood past, many of which regarded sleeping as the time when a spirit could leave a body and travel throughout the realms. Elvish also believed that the Veil, this dreamworld which acted as the metaphysical barrier between the universes, would pull spirits in with magic; this was supposed a gift from The Creators to protect the balance, pushing souls without bodies over to the Beyond before they could cause chaos.

Thankfully, Ahri was entirely familiar with the Veil both conceptually and realistically, having already experienced two different versions of waking dreams with surprising frequency throughout her life; one dream was always a vision of her father slowly dying on the grassy knoll, whilst the other was always a collection of different abuses at the hands of Jerod. The thing these recurring nightmares had in common was that they always contained the very real places of her past where tragedy had already occurred; never had she experienced a setting which she did not recognize, and this deeply unsettled her. Rubbing her eyes and standing groggily to her feet, accepting the reality of her temporary form as an extension of her exhausted physical body, Ahri blinked heavily and looked out at the view before her.

A rough stone wall featured a wide opening above waist height, a window of sorts through which she could see a vast expanse of forest, a carpet of green treetops extending outwards indefinitely. Glancing down from the moonlit horizon she could also make out a handful of buildings far below her, noting the clear outline of a small town, which looked hauntingly familiar for some reason. In the far distance to the West she had observed the main tower of the Spire stretching ominously into the sky, this view again feeling oddly as though she had seen it before, her eyebrows arching together in confusion as she briskly turned away from the window. Moving her gaze steadily along the rough walls, revealing the old room to be circular in construction and quite small, Ahri had not yet noticed any identifying furniture or figures. As her eyes swept across the space, her back turned fully to the window by now, she suddenly observed miniscule movement; like mist on the wind of a rainy day gone partly sunny, the smallest of particles were barely visible in the bright moonlight and seemed to sway with a breeze she could not feel, and slowly she made out what seemed like a cloudlike shape. As she inched forward slowly, knitting her brows together further with intense suspicion, the mist converged and changed.

As if cloaked almost perfectly in a quite thorough invisibility spell, a gorgeous woman suddenly materialized out of the foggy air, alongside the entire contents of the chamber. Piles of broken stone and scattered shingles of the busted roof, a fallen column from the center of the room, rotting wooden desks and shelves; all things simply appeared at once, as if they had always been there but she had been blind. The patches of light from the moon, filtering into the room through the many random imperfections in the ceiling, were as surprisingly bright as the dual torches which rested against the far wall. Flanked by those, an elaborate staff made of wood and crystalline amethyst seemed to levitate dramatically, bright lavender light flowing out from the stick and into the night overhead. A kind of connection seemed to flow between the woman and the cane; A hazy, purple magic filled the room as if billowing smoke, extensive trails of the intense air hugging the earlier hidden items and swirling around the mysterious lady in small gusts. There in the middle of the round space, surrounded as well by piles of misshapen books and holding a large tome of black binding, the woman sat leisurely atop the hewn column foundation. Ahri let her wide eyes settle on the stranger seated before her, truly taking in every detail as if she would vanish again at any moment...

Even while in a sitting position Ahri could tell that this woman was quite tall and lithe, her willowy legs stretched out daringly from a high slit down the side of her long, black skirt. The revealed skin was clear as porcelain from her ankles to her thighs, and Ahri felt her muscles clenching tightly as she gazed up farther over the woman’s body. Following the soft and curving lines of wide hips, up to only a glimpse of the exposed flat stomach, her eyes halted for a moment. A small symbol was nestled into the skin above the hem of her skirt, a mark like nothing Ahri had seen before. Higher her eyes yet climbed, past the delicate ribcage hidden under a tight and cropped top of sheer fabric, to the swollen bosom barely contained by this thin cloth. The nipples of her large, perky breasts poked out visibly under the shirt, barely covered by the low border already, and Ahri stared for some time at the openly exposed features before eventually moving on. Up farther from the sloping chest and slender neck, a heart-shaped face was hosting a calm expression but also featured flustered cheeks of deep pink. Chocolate brown eyes had been staring over Ahri for quite some time, an intimate expression playing into the gazing between the two women now.


An excerpt, from "Bridging the Darkest Divides," inspired by Dragon Age.


With her smaller hand softly resting over his, Ahri gently led Tole across the planes and contours of her neck and chest, tenderly encouraging him to caress her exposed body. She was flush faced and hot throughout, desire flooding her every inch, her body captivated with the luxury of light affections. Though his hands were quite rough and calloused with use, the stroking of his fingertips across the sensitive swell of her breasts was as delicate as a summer breeze. Her heartbeat was racing beneath her skin, and she felt unable to catch her breath as sensations sparkled between their every touch. His palm cupped her breast for a still moment, her hardened nipple sensitive to the pressure of his warm hand; quickly and mildly his fingertips shifted and grasped at the pointed rosebud, pulling upwards against her bosom. The feeling of this new intimacy was delightfully sweet and sultry, a pleasant pain, and her back arched upwards into his motions while a soft mewl of pleasure gently passed her lush lips.

Ahri had let her other arm curl around the bare back of the Commander over her, ever so lightly pulling his body closer if he would allow it. Her fingers drifted over his defined muscles peacefully as he shifted his weight then, his figure moving down slightly until his head rested closely over her breasts. As his hand continued to massage her breast, he lowered his firm lips to rest over her other nipple, a small breath escaping from her surprised lungs. The heat of his tender mouth kissing the sensitive pink was enough to cause a pulse of tension deep within her swollen flower, a delicate reassurance settling into her lusty mind from the sweetness of his gestures. Though she was far too enamored to think clearly, she more than anything knew herself to be safe with him, daring to let him handle her vulnerability without question. His tongue shocked her as it swirled out around the circle of rose skin suddenly, another breathy sound breaking out from her lungs as she melted into the pleasure he offered.

“You are so beautiful,” a hot whisper fell out of his lips in the heat of their moment, his mouth barely separate from her breast, the air brushing past her delicate nipple and sending a shiver through her spine once again. Beautiful? For a split second, hesitation and doubt crept into the back of her hyperactive mind; she knew herself to be covered in scars which maimed any perceivable beauty she held, and that no one had ever offered her such a compliment, likely because it simply was not true. The moment came and went almost instantly as Tole suddenly flicked her overreactive nipple with his tongue, her body hot and desperate under his every move. The sensations between them overtook any thoughts which dared pass through her mind, a soft reprieve from the reality which plagued her otherwise. A gasp of pleasant surprise rolled out from her lips, her eyes closing slightly, and she only managed to open them as he mumbled, “Tell me if it’s too much.”

Before Ahri could ask the obvious, the Commander closed his teeth around the burning skin of her sensitive nipple, pulling a soft cry from the euphoric elf. Her unoccupied hand came to rest along the meeting place of his neck and jaw, caressing the stubbled skin and drawing him further into herself. As the pressure of his toothed grip increased slowly, his tongue darted out again and continued to flick and play with her hardened rosebud, the sounds from her slowly sharpening into lusty moans of intense pleasure. The hand over her neighboring breast seemed to match the pressure exerted by his lips and teeth, the sensual feelings of care over her entire chest making her delirious with a deep desire. Letting his free arm slide under her arching back, Tole quickly pulled her closer to him with smooth strength, pressing their forms together again in the way she desperately wanted.

Feeling with excruciating detail as the tip of his rock-hard shaft pressed into her swollen center, as he had tightened their embrace, her clit by now became so engorged and sensitive that she ached for a relief. Gently she rocked her hips, rubbing against his urgency with her own, feeling an electric sensation in her juicy vulva as it seemed to wrap around the width of his cock. Her fingertips pressed into his back with a prickling of her nails, her desperation palpable as she moved against him. Her breathing was at best unreliable, a panting broken up with tender noises, and as she swirled her wet core into his firm length a warm pressure built up quickly and threatened to burst. Unable to stop herself from falling into the feeling which had overcome her, she gave in to the sexual burden, a deep cry forcing free of her lungs. The sensation was so intense that slight shakes spread from her tensed muscles, and though she felt some relief, she merely craved more of him now than she had before. A sexual goddess in this moment, she murmured desperately through her breathy panting, “Please,” her hands drawing up his face to look her in her shining eyes. “If you would have me…” only the slightest uncertainty wavered in her sultry voice before she breathed out, “take me now.”


Thanks for taking the time to read about me!
If you think we would make a good team, send me a personal message, now!

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