ⁱ ᵇᵉˡⁱᵉᵛᵉ ⁱⁿ ʸᵒᵘ
- Joined
- Jan 8, 2019
« hello, friend »
This is my schedule!
This is my schedule!
I am Skade. I am on other sites (one under the same name and one under a different one). So if this looks familiar (if by some chance, you have seen a nearly identical thread), that is why. Also, I know it's technically not October yet, but I wanted to re-decorate to be festive.
Before you get too far, I want to inform you of my personality a little bit, because I think it might help you determine whether or not you want to interact with me. I am girly, I love pink and dresses and unicorns that poop rainbows, and I try my absolute best to be positive whenever I can. I get really uncomfortable when people act edgy for the shock value. Please don't be extremely brooding and pessimistic for no particular reason, I won't know how to talk to you. Now this doesn't mean I expect constant peaches and cream all the time, sometimes there are days when the sun doesn't shine. I like to think I'm a friendly gal, and don't mind chatting here and there. Now in terms of writing stories, yes. I want drama, I want heartache, I want tears and dark pasts. But I also want our characters to overcome, to blossom, and to find that light at the end of the tunnel, even if it is dim and seemingly impossible to reach. There are instances where I feel like writing as a delicate damsel who needs to be rescued more often than not, and other times I want to write as a lady who makes her boy-toy hold her tiara while she partakes in some butt-kicking. I am even trying to step out of my comfort zone to write male characters as my mains. You get the picture. In all my flowery and rose-scented glory, I still like to tell gritty stories with risk, bloody fights, and any sort of fitting action.
Feel free to send me ideas! If you want to role play, all you have to do is ask. And I always love when people send prompts my way. If something on here intrigues you then let me know. Nothing in this post is set in stone and can easily be morphed around to fit your liking. Should you have any suggestions then I'd be glad to hear them. You don't even have to send me anything related to what I have here. I love to brainstorm and build stories and characters from scratch.
Before you get too far, I want to inform you of my personality a little bit, because I think it might help you determine whether or not you want to interact with me. I am girly, I love pink and dresses and unicorns that poop rainbows, and I try my absolute best to be positive whenever I can. I get really uncomfortable when people act edgy for the shock value. Please don't be extremely brooding and pessimistic for no particular reason, I won't know how to talk to you. Now this doesn't mean I expect constant peaches and cream all the time, sometimes there are days when the sun doesn't shine. I like to think I'm a friendly gal, and don't mind chatting here and there. Now in terms of writing stories, yes. I want drama, I want heartache, I want tears and dark pasts. But I also want our characters to overcome, to blossom, and to find that light at the end of the tunnel, even if it is dim and seemingly impossible to reach. There are instances where I feel like writing as a delicate damsel who needs to be rescued more often than not, and other times I want to write as a lady who makes her boy-toy hold her tiara while she partakes in some butt-kicking. I am even trying to step out of my comfort zone to write male characters as my mains. You get the picture. In all my flowery and rose-scented glory, I still like to tell gritty stories with risk, bloody fights, and any sort of fitting action.
Feel free to send me ideas! If you want to role play, all you have to do is ask. And I always love when people send prompts my way. If something on here intrigues you then let me know. Nothing in this post is set in stone and can easily be morphed around to fit your liking. Should you have any suggestions then I'd be glad to hear them. You don't even have to send me anything related to what I have here. I love to brainstorm and build stories and characters from scratch.

« if you would be so kind »
With that in mind, I’d like to re-establish some things. Rules and such. Yick. New set-up, too. New stuff to talk about- I’ll shut up and get to the point. Also, look at my journal here to see my preferences, schedule, and some writing samples.
- Firstly, starters. This is the part that might drive some people away. But if you aren’t willing to do this simple thing, then it isn’t worth playing with me. If you come to me with a request, please expect to be the one starting off our game. I’ll gladly go first if I make the first move. Some circumstances might require me to go first just because it makes more sense. And vise versa. Believe me, I almost always start stories off, even if it doesn’t really make sense. Which makes it harder for me to come up with something to write. I hope you understand… This isn’t a super strict rule but it is one I want to enforce more often.
- FREQUENCY AND STUFF My life is pretty busy and something is almost always happening. I am not always able to post every day, but I will check in here and there. I can respond to PMs and I might mess around in the forum games. But posts that require some time to work on will have to be done when I can have a sit-down and focus on them. So even if I am online I may not be able to respond to the game unless I am home and not busy with something else. I will do my best to communicate with you if things are not quite working out. This isn't really something that you absolutely must do in return. I'm not one to pester my partners to post if they haven't said anything in a while. If you want to just move on and do your own thing, that is understandable
- I try to get back to people, even if I can’t stand how they talk. Sometimes I won’t say anything because I just don’t know what to say. If your way of speaking is hard to understand, and is an actual eyesore, please don’t expect me to say anything back to you if you message me asking for role play. I’m sorry.
- This includes terrible grammar, no punctuation where it is necessary, you get the picture. Please be able to spell things. Know the difference between their, there, and they’re.
- If English isn’t your first language, I am much more lenient. Even if English is your primary language, it’s okay to make mistakes. Heck, I make mistakes often. Considering I am one.
- Just please make your messages bearable. I don’t expect perfection. But It's a lot easier if I am able to understand you.
- I write a lot. Or I try to, at least. My style varies from novella to para, sometimes posts in the middle of the story are shorter than others, just depending on what is going on.
- Length isn’t really that important, though. But I do like to gorge myself by reading something detailed and satisfying. I’d say about 2 good paragraphs is a good minimum. BUT given the circumstances in-game, sometimes it makes more sense to do something shorter!
- SMUT: HOW MUCH? ANY AT ALL? The answer is yes, smut is good. But do I want it to be the main, central thing of the story? Perhaps. One shots are the one instance when I don't mind a greater focus on smut. But if you're looking for something a little longer lasting, then I prefer to keep it believable and not the one and only thing our characters think of doing all the time. We can discuss our preferences. (story/smut)
- 60/40
- 70/30
- Sometimes even 50/50, if you convince me.
- If you message me, please don’t just say “hey” or “Let’s RP.” Please be specific with what you want. If you don’t know, that’s okay. Just throw in some suggestions! Your message doesn’t have to be a book, but just at least let me have something.
Huzzah! You have reached the end of the general junk. Now let me talk some more.

« write a fandom inspired story with me »
here is a jumble of shows and games, along with some fandom specific ideas. these ideas are tiny, we'll need to plot.
here is a jumble of shows and games, along with some fandom specific ideas. these ideas are tiny, we'll need to plot.
i would love to do these | not sold on these right now, but could do |
demon slayer pokemon elder scrolls pathfinder: wrath of the righteous pathfinder: kingmaker tokyo ghoul spirited away kiki's delivery service my neighbor totoro | game of thrones one punch man my hero academia monster hunter: world fallout the last of us the witcher (games) dragon age naruto |

« or create a story from the ground up »
we don't have to go beat for beat, these are just some little seeds ready for cultivation.
high fantasy is my actual weakness, and i am always looking for it.
that doesn't mean it's all i do. it's just my fave. these are just ideas i have in my dumb brain.
here are my current cravings
we don't have to go beat for beat, these are just some little seeds ready for cultivation.
high fantasy is my actual weakness, and i am always looking for it.
that doesn't mean it's all i do. it's just my fave. these are just ideas i have in my dumb brain.
here are my current cravings
- D&D or Pathfinder setting/inspired adventure. You don't have to be familiar with Pathfinder or D&D for us to use these settings. Hell, I'm not even 100% read up on them, even though I take part in the occasional tabletop game. Here are some ideas derived from actual campaigns. Again, you don't have to be a tabletop nerd or know anything about these. If one looks interesting, please, go for it! Also, I am not looking to add actual tabletop mechanics into a role play. Only inspo and flavor. We're only gonna spin our own story based on the prompt and go wild! (I'll act as a GM of sorts while playing my own character.) If neither of these appeal to you, we can make something more homebrew.
- Kingmaker. Venture into the Stolen Lands, vanquish the ruthless bandit lord, and set the foundation for your barony. Sounds simple enough, right? The reward for your efforts is power and influence. You'd be making history. But... there's a reason why the Stolen Lands are so cursed, a reason why this ripe country is un-conquerable. There's something the Aldori Swordlord didn't tell you before she sent you away to conquer the impossible. Turns out, you'll have to destroy something much more terrifying than a wild-king. Do you have what it takes to build your kingdom upon this unturned soil?
- The Wild Beyond the Witchlight. (to quote the module) "The first stars of night twinkle above the apricot sunset. Giant dragonflies whir overhead, trailing streamers, and a low mist curls over the ground. Through a floral archway, you glimpse wondrous and vibrant creatures—elf stilt walkers, dancing faeries, and painted performers. Everywhere there is laughter, pixie dust, bubbles, and the wistful tune of a whistling calliope." But despite all the joy and revelry, you feel empty. Something of yours was stolen when you were young, and you have a nagging feeling that you might be able to find it again at this carnival. Little did you expect to be thrust into a world far beyond your own, all to get back what you lost all those years ago. It isn't long before you realize that something wicked this way comes. And you may be the only one who can stop it.
- Another Module of Some Kind. I like the idea of using a pre-written TTRPG module as a story seed. If you have one you want to use, bring it on!
- Some Fandom Inspired Stories. You don't have to know anything about the original material. If you like something, let me know.
- Psychedelic Love. (Inspired by the Mob Psycho 100 universe where people with crazy powers vanquish evil spirits and have some spectacular, flashy fights) Maiki, despite how many boyfriends she's had, has no idea how to be in a relationship. She falls in love- or what she thinks is love- far too quickly. Each time, it ends almost as quick as it began. Such is the life of a young high school graduate like Maiki, who barely has any real world experience. There is something to be said about young love though. It is usually tender and pure, excessively passionate and maybe even blind. But usually, it never lasts or buds into anything meaningful. With so many relationships under her belt (all of which are over before they've really had a chance to flourish), she's convinced that love was just never meant to be in her life no matter how much of a hopeless romantic she continues to be. That is, until Maiki is the victim of a fatal accident, or accident that was supposed to be fatal. Her survival is attributed to something- or someone, who she never thought she'd run into for a second time. We'll just call it fate. Or was it something more... supernatural?

- trad fantasy Elf Noble x Human Ranger, Rider x Dragon, Werewolf x Human(or something), Stigmatized Witch x Hunter, Wizard x Fighter, Warrior Princess x Farmer, Vampire x Mortal, Mermaid x Land dweller, Warlock x Patron, Prisoner x Savior, Monster Hunters, Rivals, Star-Crossed Lovers, etc.
- slice of life, cyberpunk, western, or some other genre I don't have any, but if you'd like to come up with something I am more than willing to talk it out.
hit me with your own ideas. i understand this section is rather bare, but that doesn't mean my imagination is! please send me anything you want to try and we'll see if we can spin a yarn together.
discord is also an option! just ask.
discord is also an option! just ask.
-01.08.19 added into the fire, storm, and the ripper of whitechapel
-01.08.19 added into the fire, storm, and the ripper of whitechapel
-01.10.19 bump
-01.11.19 bump
-03.15.19 bump. planning new plots.
-03.16.19 bump
-03.19.19 bump
-03.22.19 bump
-03.25.19 bump, added sins of the unworthy, mother dearest, cedar springs
-03.26.19 bump
-03.28.19 bump
-03.31.19 bump
-04.01.19 bump
-04.02.19 bump
-04.03.19 bump
-05.05.19 edit and bump
-05.07.19 bump
-05.08.19 bump, renovated thread
-09.11.19 bump, new idea, update
-09.12.19 bump, fixed new story so it's not stupid. added some stuff i guess.
-09.14.19 bump
-09.15.19 bump
-09.16.19 bump
-09.18.19 bump
-09.22.19 bump, removed some old stories and added new ones
-10.09.21 what the hell? i'm back?!!!! it's been 84 years. added all new story ideas
-10.13.21 redesign
-10.16.21 spookified
-11.11.21 revert to regular aesthetic
-03.19.22 bump. revamp again, ugh. turned next to posts into parts of the main post. added aspect of the wyrm
-03.21.22 added the world as we know it
-09.27.23 bump! back! little update to main thread. added kingmaker and wbtwl and stuff
-09.28.23 bump
-09.30.23 bump and merged posts, spookified because it's halloween
-01.11.19 bump
-03.15.19 bump. planning new plots.
-03.16.19 bump
-03.19.19 bump
-03.22.19 bump
-03.25.19 bump, added sins of the unworthy, mother dearest, cedar springs
-03.26.19 bump
-03.28.19 bump
-03.31.19 bump
-04.01.19 bump
-04.02.19 bump
-04.03.19 bump
-05.05.19 edit and bump
-05.07.19 bump
-05.08.19 bump, renovated thread
-09.11.19 bump, new idea, update
-09.12.19 bump, fixed new story so it's not stupid. added some stuff i guess.
-09.14.19 bump
-09.15.19 bump
-09.16.19 bump
-09.18.19 bump
-09.22.19 bump, removed some old stories and added new ones
-10.09.21 what the hell? i'm back?!!!! it's been 84 years. added all new story ideas
-10.13.21 redesign
-10.16.21 spookified
-11.11.21 revert to regular aesthetic
-03.19.22 bump. revamp again, ugh. turned next to posts into parts of the main post. added aspect of the wyrm
-03.21.22 added the world as we know it
-09.27.23 bump! back! little update to main thread. added kingmaker and wbtwl and stuff
-09.28.23 bump
-09.30.23 bump and merged posts, spookified because it's halloween
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