Fx Male bibliophile: original & fandom roleplays

Jan 7, 2019
You can call me Ophelia, or Lia maybe. I’m twenty-two year old Pisces who’s more into dark, intense, taboo plots, though the occasional silly romp’s very welcome and comedic relief is valuable. Incest, age differences, dubious consent, etc. These could be triggering for certain people, so just give me a heads up and we can toss them off the table. My main big no gos are underage and gross bodily fluids (urine, vomit, etc). You can check out my f-list for more information on that.

I do both fandom and original roleplay, with either original or canon characters, though it depends on the fandom. Certain fandoms, I may only want original characters or only canon characters or have no preference at all. You can play whichever you prefer. I write on both forums (threads and private messages), discord, and tumblr.

I’m mostly interested in m/f with some tentative interest in dipping my toes back into f/ f and m/ m pairs. In straight pairs, I prefer to play submissive women, but I have a couple ideas for a dominant woman. I’ll label (☆) them as such; any ideas without those labels, assume she’s submissive. In man love man pairs, my guy can be dominant or submissive, but he always bottoms. I’m more flexible with the woman love woman pairs, since I haven’t roleplayed them in a while, and never in anything 18+. As far as dominant characters, I’m making a disclaimer since I’m a bit insecure; I’m not sure how popular my interpretation of one would be? Like, they’re very much not the type of dominant that I would want to write opposite but who knows, maybe others feel differently.

Partners should be literate. I prefer multi-paragraph replies, but I’m flexible. Some scenes might be faster paced and only need a single paragraph. (If you never want to drop below a couple paragraphs, let me know.) I don’t believe one liners are ever necessary in character, though. I’d like my partners to have good grammar, but I don’t expect it to be perfect. Mine certainly isn’t. In out of character communication, please don’t expect me to do the majority or all of the brainstorming. Roleplay should be collaborative and if I’m deciding everything anyways, why would I need or want a writing partner?

If a name/role/etc is bolded in an idea, that means I want it for myself. I have a couple ideas written out, but I’m totally open and happy to us creating a plot together/you tossing your own ideas my way.

fandoms: harry potter
ALL GROWN UP ! for school settings, i have in mind to do a bit of an alternate universe scenario. kind of like in the magicians, where they’re all students in a magical graduate school. magical schools like hogwarts, durmstrang, etc will be institutions of higher education, whether on the undergraduate or graduate level. all characters will be 18+.

IMPERIUS ! a twisted romance that sprouts from the utterance of an imperious curse. could be non consensual that leads to consensual, or just a torturous order that has them stuck together. pairs: mulciber & mary macdonald, and whoever else might come to mind.

MALFOY ! i’d like to do something with either draco or lucius being broken, disciplined, etc by someone like severus snape, harry potter, tom riddle, another malfoy man, etc or being a domineering spoiled brat who wants harry potter, ron weasley, etc as a boy toy. the grown man version of a boy toy lol.

BELLATRIX ! after voldemort’s defeat, bellatrix lestrange is sent to a remote and not altogether ethical treatment center for the mystically and criminally insane. this would be in an alternate universe with an order of the phoenix that’s a bit more morally grey, and it could possibly overlap with the imperius curse idea. this might be opposite someone like harry potter, james potter, lily potter, frank longbottom, alice longbottom, hermione granger, sirius black etc. or we could flip it in a “voldemort won” scenario where bellatrix ☆ is in control and gleefully sadistic, opposite harry potter, james potter, lily potter, frank longbottom, alice longbottom, hermione granger, any order of the phoenix member.

SHATTERED ! after torment, rodolphus, rabastan, or bellatrix lestrange ☆, keep alice longbottom as a pet, intent to corrupt the self righteous rebel. (i’d be into playing either bellatrix or alice.)

GREEN EYES ! when ron weasley saw hermione granger & victor krum together, it was hermione that he envied. he’d do anything to win victor’s affection.

PAIRS ! (pansy, hermione, bellatrix, narcissa, and draco are mine.) pansy parkinson & harry potter, pansy parkinson & draco malfoy, pansy parkinson & lucius malfoy, pansy parkinson & severus snape, pansy parkinson & ronald weasley, pansy parkinson & tom riddle. hermione granger & tom riddle, hermione granger & draco malfoy, hermione granger & severus snape, hermione granger & lucius malfoy, hermione granger & fenrir greyback, draco malfoy & severus snape, draco malfoy & harry potter, draco malfoy & tom riddle, draco malfoy & lucius malfoy. bellatrix lestrange & tom riddle, bellatrix lestrange & lucius malfoy, bellatrix lestrange & rodolphus lestrange, bellatrix lestrange & rabastan lestrange, bellatrix lestrange & harry potter, bellatrix lestrange & severus snape, narcissa malfoy & abraxas malfoy, narcissa malfoy & draco malfoy, narcissa malfoy & harry potter, narcissa malfoy & severus snape, alice longbottom & rodolphus lestrange, mary macdonald & mulciber, james potter & severus snape, alecto carrow & amycus carrow, harry potter & molly weasley.

fandoms: disney
BIG GAME ! gaston (male or optionally gender bent to female) finds the Beast love day during a hunt. rather than slay the creature, he captures him for some unwholesome fun.

FAIREST ! youth can't always beat out the wiles and wisdoms of fine age. the wicked stepmother (or sister), evil queen, maleficent, etc manage to seduce an amoral or immoral prince charming away from his princess. they'll have such fun showing her what a fool she's been.

PAIRS ! belle & adam, belle & gaston, gaston & beast, merida & gaston, esmeralda & frollo, megara & hades, cinderella & wicked stepsister, wicked stepsister & prince charming, cinderella & wicked stepmother, wicked stepmother & prince charming,

fandoms: game of thrones
NOTE ! a modern au would be so great.

HONOR THY MOTHER ! cersei must find new ways to keep herself in joffrey’s confidence. even if it means belonging to her son more than she has any other man before.

PAIRS ! sansa stark + sandor clegane, sansa stark + jon snow, sansa stark + petyr baelish, ramsay bolton & sansa stark, stannis baratheon & sansa stark, myranda & ramsay bolton, margaery tyrell + joffrey baratheon, cersei lannister & joffrey baratheon, cersei lannister + ned stark, jon snow & cersei lannister, etc.

fandoms: marvel
LOKI & THOR ! i’d be into playing either character. i see my thor as submissive/switch and my loki as all of the above. i’m into jotun!loki, crime family, loki wins and enslaves thor or vice versa, powerless au, etc.
sidekick ! this can be done with possibly any superhero/sidekick pair, canonical or original. i’d like to play the sidekick, maybe where the hero is one of the top or the top hero and very “i work alone” or “it’s too dangerous” or any motivation to refuse sidekicks. until my character comes along, offering their body in order to persuade your character. or something more wholesome.

PAIRS ! loki laufeyson & thor odinson, loki laufeyson & tony stark, loki laufeyson & bruce banner, thor odinson & bruce banner, loki laufeyson & steve rogers.

fandoms: dc
BLOODLINE ! kal-el & kara zor-el are the last of their kind and consider each other the only suitable mates. this might be a bit au, where both are more ego driven, darker, & feel an inherent sense of superiority over the humans around them. their alter egos, clark kent & kara danvers, are probably not in current use. possibly kryptonian females like kara have heats where their bodies crave kal, kal has crowned himself king of the world, this is a red sun verse & both are soviet agents, kal never fell for &/or met lois, etc.

SIDEKICK ! this can be done with possibly any superhero/sidekick pair, canonical or original. i’d like to play the sidekick, maybe where the hero is one of the top or the top hero & very “i work alone” or “it’s too dangerous” or any motivation to refuse sidekicks. until my character comes along, offering their body in order to persuade your character. or something more wholesome.

PAIRS ! lois lane & clark kent, selina kyle & bruce wayne, kara danvers & bruce wayne, kara danvers & clark kent, kara danvers & lex luthor, harley quinn & poison ivy, harley quinn & slade wilson.

fandoms: buffy the vampire slayer
PAIRS ! faith lehane & spike, faith lehane & angel, faith lehane & rupert giles, fred burkle & wesley wyndam-pryce, charles gunn & wesley wyndam-pryce, drusilla & spike, angel & spike, xander harris & spike, xander harris & angel, xander harris & rupert giles.

fandoms: dragon age
PAIRS ! morrigan & the warden, morrigan & alistair, zevran & the warden, cullen & alistair, anders & hawke, fenris & hawke, isabella & hawke, sebastian vale & hawke, anders & cullen, fenris & anders, carver hawke & merill, sebastian vael & anders, cassandra pentaghast & the inquisitor, solas & the inquisitor, dorian pavus & cullen.

fandoms: fables & the wolf among us
PAIRS ! bluebeard & snow white, snow white & bigby wolf, bigby wolf & nerissa.

fandoms: firefly
PAIRS ! simon tam & river tam, river tam & jayne cobb, inara serra & original.

fandoms: the magicians
NOTE ! i’d like to do original characters in this setting.

fandoms: supernatural
PAIRS ! dean winchester & jo harvelle, mary winchester & lucifer, mary winchester & sam winchester, castiel & meg masters, bela talbot & sam winchester, sam winchester & ruby, balthazar & castiel, dean winchester & castiel, castiel & lucifer, john winchester & dean winchester, sam winchester & dean winchester, dean winchester & lucifer, dean winchester & death, dean winchester & crowley, dean winchester & benny, dean winchester & alastair, dean winchester & michael.

fandoms: teen wolf
LYDIA & STILES ! it’s been seven years, nine months, & 17 days since he first sunk into the obsession.

PAIRS ! allison argent & derek hale, scott mccall & lydia martin, peter hale & lydia martin, lydia martin & stiles stilinski, stiles stilinski & derek hale, derek hale & vernon boyd, chris argent & vernon boyd, chris argent & derek hale, derek hale & peter hale, derek hale & scott mccall.

fandoms: teen titans
PAIRS ! tara markov & slade wilson, koriand’r & red x, rachel roth & dick grayson, dick grayson & komand’r, trigon & rachel roth, rachel roth & slade wilson.

original: fantasy
ICHOR ! they remember, vaguely, when the earth was young, when death was a new game, warm and supple. urban fantasy, vampires. the pair: two ancient vampires in vicious, terrible love. undead bonnie & clyde.

DEATH & THE DEVIL ! when faced with death, mortals should wilt and tremble. this’s good and right. but this one’s heart races at the mere thought of death’s cold clutch, long fingers wrapped around that heart, the grip tighter and tighter until finally, it’s still. and belongs entirely to death. until that bliss, they kill for one more moment with their love. the pair: death (a god of death, the personification of death, the horseman, etc) and a murderous mortal.

THE MENAGERIE ! a brothel that collects strange and wonderful creatures as courtesans for their wealthy clients’ delight. among the courtesans, the biggest prize is freedom, the clearing of their debt to the keeper and a chance to live life for themselves. but many settle for a sponsorship, merely their chains being handed over to a new patron, who might be a gentler master. so they seem. possible pairs: the owner & the siren. the siren and the fresh face. various courtesans and clients. for example, the fresh face and the nightmare.

original: science fiction
SHUT IN ! a doomsday cult is gathered in a fortress deep below the earth, a bunker built long before the first omen of the end revealed itself. many followed the downward path before the world’s rebirth. many didn’t; they were chosen, and should give thanks. post apocalypse, dark. possible pairs: the hierophant & the non believer. the earthly god & the hierophant. the earthly god & the non believer. the hierophant & the zealot.

SCAVENGED ! destruction can be an opportunity in disguise. when the world falls to chaos, all they have is each other, all she has is him. and she needs him. that's how he likes it. whatever plans and plots she had to leave him, wither away with the old world.

original: historical
NOTE ! i love historical fiction, but i’m not a historian. i’d actually be interested in the inclusion of anachronisms and alternate universes. if you’re a stickler for accuracy, look away.

THE ARENA ! gladiators in this ancient rome often choose the fate of their fallen. life or death, and sometimes death is the better of the two. sometimes life is the punishment because what you capture, you can keep. in an underworld of cannibal champions and broken beasts, it’s not an uncommon to see a man beg for a quick end. when the unbeaten and brutal warrior tosses his opponent over his shoulder, they nearly choke on his mercy. ancient rome, alternate universe. the pair: two gladiators. one’s likely stronger than the other, but i don’t see the defeated warrior as a weakling. i see the first as something of a volunteer gladiator (this is somewhat accurate, since there was a degree of privilege and celebrity that went along with this condition. it just might be a bit exaggerated here.)

TIS MOST PRUDENT ! no one understands why he chose her. she’s a bad case and unfit to be a wife. her parents were careless with her upbringing. her mother too mousy to instruct, her father too disinterested. she runs barefoot in meadows and rides her stallion without a saddle. there’s too much untamed about her; too much of the wilderness and youth. but he, so in possession of culture that he sits above it, enjoys a challenge and takes her into society all the same. possibly regency era. the pair: a high spirited young lady (mine) and the prominent nobleman or royal who’s fallen into fascination, if not love, with her.

original: crime
BIG TOP ! a traveling circus (or theater troupe) provides the cover for a group of charlatans, confidence men, and thieves. flexible setting and genres. possible pairs: the ringleader and the fortuneteller. etc.

original: real life
NEW IN TOWN ! three newcomers roll into town, all eyes on them as they move into the best house on the block, but no one sees the truth. two parents and their child, but who could tell? to the rest of the town, they look like an intergenerational couple and, perhaps, the hired help? incest, infidelity. the pair: father & daughter or mother & son, or we could tweak it to another combination like, for example, mother in law & son in law/husband, with the daughter/wife as a hanger on. or sister & husband/brother with wife as a hanger on, etc..

FULL HOUSE ! lately, times have been tough, so when they’re more successful friend offers them a place to stay, they’re grateful. if only they’re read the fine print. the pair: childhood friends or possible relatives. the home owner has a nefarious plan that they’re sure the house guest will enjoy.

originals: misc

SPOILED SLOTHFUL ! my character is a wealthy heiress or heir who always gets their way. if they’re not partying, they’re at home lounging around. rather than set them straight themselves, their parents have hired your character to take care of them. options: they “enslave” your character and use them to clean up their messes, tend to their wants and needs, and overall further their bad behavior. in exchange, your characters gets to live in my character’s opulent home, cash their checks, and eat them out. or your character disciplines them. they might arrive more on equal footing with my character. they might even be a bit above them, like an uncle, family friend, etc. i might prefer to play a woman for this course.

ACADEMIA ! a same sex university/college full of love triangles, love squares, every bit of love geometry. friends with benefits, rivals with benefits. roommates & teammates who help ease each other’s tension. wagers that put their bodies on the line. tutors with unique billing systems. affairs between students & their professors. this can be outlandish or realistic; magical or mundane, etc.

GOLDEN BOY ! a mother/son or father/son where the parent becomes completely addicted to their son’s monster cock.
original: likes
SETTINGS ! alternate universes, ancient rome, regency era, victorian era, ancient egypt, ancient greece, workplace romance & drama, prison, decadent deadly court.

GENRES ! historical, crime (mafia, assassins, etc), contemporary, fantasy, urban fantasy, science fiction, dystopia.

RELATIONSHIPS ! cousins, roommates, rivals, exes, husband & spouse's ex, neighbors, psychiatrist & patient, father & nanny/babysitter, bodyguard & charge, best friends, friends with benefits, best friend & best friend's husband, best friend & best friend's twin, best friend & best friend's father, best friend & best friend's rival, best friend & best friend's widower, best friend & best friend's brother, best friend & best friend's ex, personal trainer & trainee, gymnasts, coach & athlete, artist & subject, nerd & jock, dean & professor, professor & student, dean & student

DYNAMICS ! age difference, incest, arranged marriage, undercover work, stepcest, forbidden relationships, fake relationships, secret relationships, toxic relationships, dysfunctional relationships, dating catwoman, polyamory, opposites attract, fostercest, in-law-cest, secret relationships, stockholm syndrome, boss & employee, enemies with benefits, enemies to lovers, a/b/o dynamics, d/s dynamics, soulmates, friends with benefits who’re secretly in love.

CHARACTERS ! celebrities, secret admirer, abduction, slavery, blackmail, spies, mercenaries, assassins, thieves, outlaws, serial killers, cops, lawyers, old money, aristocrats, royals, celebrities, reality tv stars, college/university jocks, professional athletes, rival athletes (i.e they make a wager like in the movies, but what’s on the line is sexual), cheerleaders, sorority sisters, theater performers, boy band, girl band, dancers

ELEMENTS & ETC ! politics, infidelity, jealousy, supernatural creatures, pregnancy, tension, bonds, courtship, masquerade, pampering, people as prizes, possessive behavior, terms of endearment, court intrigue, political dynasty

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