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Team RWBY Plus One (Star x Potter)


Apr 12, 2017
East Coast
Michael let out a heavy sigh as he walked down the hallway towards his new dorm room. This was going to be...awkward to explain, at the very least. Michael was a second year Hunter at Beacon, the top of his class and for good reason. He had won every fight and competition he had been in and had won the trust of Ozpin with his intelligence and honesty. That didn't stop the young man from being surprised however when he was told that he was being assigned to Team RWBY as a mentor. Ozpin had told him he saw much potential in the members of the team, but they all needed guidance in someway. That is where he stepped in, but still...assigning him to live with an all girl team? Ozpin had given him a teasing smirk before sending him off...was this revenge for something he had done?

Michael himself was tall, around 6'2 with tanned skin, short brown hair and hazel eyes. He was currently wearing a Beacon uniform, carrying a cane in his right hand, his main weapon and he had a pistol in a hostler on his right hip. Ozpin had told him the girls were expecting a new roomate, mentor...but had failed to mentor who he was or that he was even a guy.

"Hopefully this isn't a train-wreck..." Michael let out a small chuckle before sighing, looking at the door that would open to his new home and teammates. He held his hand out, hesitated for a moment and then knocked firmly.
Michael hadn't even reached to the door when he already could have heard noises coming from inside. Somewhat muffled to really get it, but it seemed like a constant back-and-forth between girls, a somewhat prissy voice against a higher and peppier one. Pretty normal, at least until a loud thud soon after; As if someone tripped and tumbled down a bunch of stuff.

"Oops, sorry Weiss..."
"Sorry!? This wouldn't happen if you didn't leave your mess all over the room!"
"Come on, it's all very important stuff...liiike books!"
"Books shouldn't be on the floor to begin with! Ruby, how can you always have such a mess but always take so much time just posing your weapon on the wall?"
"Eeeep! Leave Crescent Rose out of this!"

That's when the knock was heard and the bickering was suddenly halted. More whispers started to sound from inside the dorm.

"That's gotta be the mentor! Quick, hide the evidence!!"
"Ugh, you have to put it like that? Besides, its mostly your stuff..."
"Better just help you out here" A new more calmed voice spoke.
"Aww, but it was starting to get good." A fiesty new voice also chimed in.

Michael could hear the sound of quick sweeping tidying until the door opened. A gal of raven black hair, wearing a black and red dress with a red hoodie and scarf, opened the door to meet with the man.

"Oh! Hey..." Spoke the girl with a energetic yet a bit nervous smile, "Are you the mentor student we were told about?"

From behind her, he could see 3 more girls. One with silvery white hair in a ponytail, another with long black hair and a black bow and one with long flowing golden blonde hair.

"Wait, that's the mentor?" Asked the bow-wearing girl, a bit surprised.

"Wait, they send us a male mentor to stay with us!?" The white haired gal exclaimed.

"Now this is weird.." The blonde-haired one quickly replied.
Michael couldn't help but chuckle as he heard the sound of two girls bickering on the other side of the door. It sounded like they were an interesting group of girls already. Ozpin had only told them their first names and given them a brief idea of their fighting styles but nothing on their background really, something about learning it on his own would be more interesting. That man really was an enigma sometimes.

As he heard the sound of cleaning up, the door slowly open and revealed a young girl with black hair. He offered a small smile as he nodded his head. "That's correct. I'm Michael Hojo, 2nd year. It's nice to meet you. May I come in?" He asked politely as he looked around the room trying to good a judge on their character.

He recognized the voice of the one who answered the door and from the conversation, he managed to guess that she was Ruby. "You must be Ruby, right? Leader of our team?" Ozpin said he was just there to advise after all, not to lead. Ruby was still in charge of that. His eyes looked at the other girls to try and make some judgments about them quickly too.

His eyes lingered on the bow of the other raven haired girl, he eyed the bow intently...he knew fanus often hid their ears in such a manner around Atlas and in his time in the White Fang he had seen that trick plenty of times. Was she a fanus though? He couldn't be sure by just looking.

His eyes then moved to the blonde girl, she was harder to read. She seemed like the oldest and most mature of the bunch and yet at the same time, she seemed to have a very carefree nature about her. It was almost paradoxical.

Then his eyes fell on the silver haired girl and for a brief moment, he held of an expression of anger and absolute disgust for her, as if she were the very scum of the other. It was likely one of the most intense faces any of the girls had seen in their time at Beacon to date, but it passed quickly, in the blink of an eye and he wasn't even aware of it himself as he stepped in and suppressed his emotions. She was a Schnee, he could tell and that made his stomach turn but he had to get past that. "Ozpin hasn't told me much sadly...he's a pretty..unique guy." Michael chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head. "Would you mind introducing yourselves for me?" He asked them with a carefree grin, the opposite of that intense expression that had flashed on his face mere moments ago.
He was quick to scan each one of the girls. Noticing those silver eyes, the odd bow, the face of a Schnee and the blond gal's...assets...ahem, but at the same time, he was getting different types of looks from the four gals as well.

"Well, as you guessed, I'm Ruby Rose." Said the team leader before presenting the rest, "These are my friends, Weiss, Blake and Yang."

A trio of greetings followed, short "Heys" and a "Good afternoon" from Weiss. The white-haired heiress did took a longer look at Michael, having noticed the look of disdain she got. Did he have a problem with her?

Regardless, Ruby smiled immediately after in a warm welcome, "It's nice to finally meet you. It's so weird to have to add someone to our would that sound? Team RWBYM...hmm..."

"I'm sure that isn't such a big deal, sis." Yang said with a chuckle, then carefreely placed her arms behind her head, "I just don't get why are we specifically getting a 2nd year student mentor."

"Well, it may be due to good work on the latest exams...or maybe it's to keep us from causing any more commotions." Weiss said, finalizing with a glare at Yang with that last bit. The fiesty brawler quickly defended, "Hey! It was in self-defense, that guy just creeped behind me and groped my butt!"

"True. Though you did kind of smash him into a building..." Blake added, making yang simply sigh. She then glanced at the young man once more before stating the thing in everyone's mind. "There's still the problem that, if he is going to be assigned to us, where is he going to sleep?"

"W-we can't have a boy sleeping and changing in the same room as us? That'd be improper!" Weiss added with a slight stuttering.

"I guess the school may give him a bed, but the dressing up part is still an issue..." Ruby admitted, scratching the back of her head as she looked back at Michael.
"Don't worry about changing the team name. I'm simply here to advise and train you guys. I'll go out on mission with you on occasion but I'll do my best to stay in the background unless the situation demands it." Michael offered the young girl some reassure before addressing the next question with a half hearten shrug and a laugh as he stretched slightly.

"Ozpin is an...odd fellow at times. He thinks you all have a lot of potential and he wants to try this whole mentoring thing with you all and see how it works before maybe implementing Academy wide. I think the words he used were...test subjects?" He joking stated as he observed the conversations between Weiss and Yang. He was able to get down a bit more of Yang's character from the conversation. She seemed feisty and well...his eyes lingered on her cleavage for a few moments but not long enough to get caught. As his eyes shifted from Yang to Weiss, his smile hardened slightly. He was putting on a good front though, years of practice had made him quite good at hiding his real emotions at times when he needed to.

When the girls brought up the issue of sleeping and changing, Michael raised his hands to assuring them things had been arranged. "I'll get a bed in the common room here with you all, but Ozpin is having my own separate changing room and bathroom installed for me next door so you don't have to worry about that. I'll try to be as unintrusive as possible." He stated before leaning against a nearby wall.

"So, tell me about about yourselves. I'll start. I'm from Atlas. Where is everyone else from?"
"Sleeping with four girls is still a bit iffy, not like we can just leave you out on the hallway." Yang said following a sly grin, "I guess you're stuck with us then Just don't try any funny business. I won't hesitate to use force."

"When do you ever hesitate to use force?"

"What can I say. I have a natural talent to kick butt~" She smugly replied. Weiss simply sighed as she pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Um, either way..." Blake said trying to move away from Yang's obvious teasing of Weiss's nerves, "If Ozpin thinks we could use a mentor to improve our skills, then I don't think we should mind if it were a boy or girl."

Michael soon brought up a topic, asking for their places of origin. Weiss was rather surprised to hear he was from Atlas, lighting up a bit, "Oh, it's nice to meet someone else from Atlas. I was originally going to be enrolled there, but I chose to join Beacon Academy instead."

She was met with another stare, which made her feel unnerved. She wasn't sure why she had that feeling? Something about him seemed off whenever she approached.Blake seemed to notice it too and so she spoke, "I'm from Menagerie, but I was mostly settled here in Vale before enrolled. I used to travel from city to city a lot..." She kept any details on that as vague as possible, feeling sharing any bit of her past and who she had previously aligned with wasn't right to share with someone she just met.

"My sis and I are from Patch. Our dad teaches over there but we got transfered from Signal early due to great performance. Right, sis?" YAng said, turning towards the silver-eyes gal...only to not find her there. "Ruby?"

Ruby was now behind Michael, much to his surprise, staring directly at his staff with stars on her eyes. "Woaaah! look at that craftsmanship! Is that your weapon? What does it do? Does it transform? Does it work as a close and ranged weapon? Is it compatible with dust vials!?"

Yang simply chuckled again, shrugging, "Sorry about that. Ruby tends to be a weapon-maniac sometimes..."
"I wouldn't be so foolish or uncouth to try anything stupid." Michael laughed, knowing that trying anything like that would likely get him killed in the most gruesome way possible, he wasn't out to die in such a fashion. When Weiss mentioned she was from Atlas he almost wanted to scoff. Of course she was from Atlas, who didn't know that? Still, he managed to not do that and instead offered Weiss a small smile.

"Is that so? What part of Atlas are you from" He inquired, trying to sound natural but the tone of his voice hinted that he already knew the answer. When Blake spoke, he simply nodded his head. His suspicions were becoming more solid with her. He was willing to guess she was defiantly a fanus and she even seemed slightly familiar. "Sounds like you've traveled a lot...every have trouble with wolves before?" It seemed like an innocent enough of a question, but there was a slight glimmer in his eye as he waited for Blake's answer, seeing if she would catch and understand his reference to White Fang. If she hadn't revealed she was a fanus to her teammates yet, he had no reason to out her but he wanted some confirmation.

When Yang mentioned their dad his grin couldn't help but widen, "Mr. Taiyang...I had a bit of an internship with him last year...that was something fun. Your dad really worked me good." He laughed at the memories of some of the training he had done with Taiyang at Ozpin's orders. It was hard work but fun and he felt he had grown and progressed because of it. Soon Ruby was checking out his cane and his grin widened more.

"It's not a problem. This is my weapon indeed. It might look like a simple cane, and in this form it is...but stand back a bit." As they made some room, Michael flicked his wrist and there was an audible clang and crack in there air. The cane transformed into a whip of pure serrated steel, some of the sharpest metal the girls had seen as he cracked the whip above his head and lashed out with it effortlessly before returning the lash to his side.

"What do you think?" He asked Ruby with a wide grin, he hadn't even shown her his gun yet.
"That's so coooooool!!!" Exclaimed Ruby at the top of her lungs at the sight of his weapon transforming. It was almost like a fiery aura igniting around her in comical fashion, while the rest simply stood behind her with deadpan looks.

"She always gets like this. Might as well get used to it now..." Weiss said following another sigh. When Michael asked her about her home she looked away, feeling a sting in her heart. She could see past the facade; after all, so many people used to put fake smiles for her just because of her heritage. She was noticing that this may be another case of her father creating more enemies. "It's...not important really." She said, slightly in whisper.

Weiss wasn't the only one who was iffy. Blake also tensed at the bit about meeting wolves. She immediatly picked up on what he really meant and cursed herself. She probably shouldn't have been so careless in mentioning Menagerie, but she was simply caught in the moment. She gave a look back at him, simply stated, "If you mean Beowolf Grimm we have actually slain a few." Her tone a bit dry.

Something about this guy seemed off. She probably should keep an eye on him.

Yang meanwhile simply grinned at the mention of her father, "Yeah, Dad's pretty cool, and can throw a mean punch. IF he thinks you're good, maybe having a mentor won't be so bad."
Michael chuckled as Ruby checked out his weapon. Taiyang had mentioned this but he wasn’t quite expecting this level of enthusiasm from her. It was refreshing though and with a flick of his wrist he returned it to its cane mode and offered it to Ruby to examine.

When he noticed Weiss’ hesitation he raised a curious eyebrow. It seemed like her family might be a troublesome subject for her, she at least didn’t seem proud to admit to her linage.

“You don’t like to associate with your father? That’s a good thing then. You might not be so bad after all then, Weiss Schnee.” His expression soften and offered her his first genuine smile and not the harsh expression he had had before.

At Blake’s words he chuckled as he gave her a knowing grin. “That’s impressive but I meant more regular wolves. They might have a reputation now of being violent but wolves used to be considered peaceful creatures.” He made another reference only Blake would likely catch, hoping she would understand he supported the White Fang back during their more civil period.

Michael just laughed at Yang’s words and now that he had seen her, she was just like Taiyang had said. Skilled and talented but singular focused on violence when it came to combat.

“I’m sure Taiyang also taught you that there is more to combat than just throwing a hard punch right? A true warrior controls his foe through his own attacks and motions.” Michael quipped as he gave Yang a playful wink, sparring with her would be fun for sure.
Weiss' guesses were quickly answered when he called her by her full name. He was well aware of her family's history...still, he greeted her finally with a warm smile. Weiss' eyes widened for a second. Something about that smile...made her chest feel weird. What was that?

Blake simply glanced away, "I don't know what you're talking about then." She stated rather deadpan, closing her eyes. She know knew he was poking at her with the knowledge that she had ties with the White Fang. However, he did note at the end of their change of behaviour, so perhaps he was aware that it wasn't always like this...he didn't seem bad, but still had something about him that screamed hidden depths.

"That sounds like him alright. But anyways, welcome to the team." Yang chuckled.

"It is nice to see you all getting well aquatinted with eachother..."

Everyone turned to the doorframe in surprise to find a well-known silver-haired man of specs and cane. Headmaster Ozpin was standing there, solemn as usual, with a warm smile.

"I imagine there are no objections with the idea of Michael being assigned to you four?" He asked.

"I guess it is a little weird, but I'm sure we'll get used to it, sir." Ruby responded.

"I'm glad to hear. You have all proven yourselves to have quite extraordinary talent. But talent alone is not the only thing that makes good Huntsmen and Huntresses. I feel it'll be best for the growth of all of you to work alongside Michael." Ozpin said, then turned to the young man, "I'll make sure preparations will be done before the end of the day. I'd suggest you all head somewhere else to start bonding as we'll need to get a new bed for Michael in, as well as properly set his personal changing room."
When Ozpin spoke, Michael's grin widened and he turned to face the headmaster and bowed slightly. "Thanks for assigning me to such an interesting team, Oz. I think we can have a lot of fun. " He chuckled as he addressed Ozpin more like an old friend rather than his headmaster, Ozpin did know about some of his secrets after all. As Ozpin recommended going out for a bit, he nodded his head and pressed his balled up first into the palm of his other hand.

"That sounds like a great idea. How about I treat you all to some lunch and drinks at a nearby cafe? Afterwards, I'd be happy to spar with any of you if you so wish. Sparing is often the best way to get to know someone, after all." Michael suggested to the girls, looking around to gauge their opinions of his suggestion of how to spend the afternoon. It seemed like a productive enough of a plan to him.
"Hey if you're paying I'm game!" Yang chuckled only to be berated by her younger sister.


The blonde simply responded with a shrug, making the raven black-haired gal sigh. Regardless everyone seemed in for it. Ozpin simply smiled, "Very well then. I'll leave you to your outing." with a short bow of his head he then walked away.

Away from earshot, Academy teaches and personal assistant of Ozpin, Ms. Glynda Goodwitch, approached him. "Sir, do you think this is the right idea?" She asked.

Ozpin smirked, "We can't deny that those four have an incredible talent, as well a very strong bond beyond what we see in most students. It seems like a perfect match for young Michael. The boy has talent and skill as well, but a lot of shadows in need to be tamed. I expect that powerful bond team RWBY has may help him grow even stronger, in body and heart."

"Understood." Glynda answered, "But if I may ask. Does it seems proper of letting the male teen student stay with four huntresses in training?"

Ozpin simply chuckled, "Youth will be youth..."
MIchael had taken them to a nearby cafe not far from Beacon. It was one of his favorite places to relax and study if needed. It was quiet and not too well known and had some of the best coffee and pastries in town. It also helped that the guys wore butler outfits and the girls wore maid outfits and were fun to watch walk around and serve people. The team was sitting around a large circular table with more than enough room for all of them. A maid walked up and asked for their orders. Michael said he'd have his usual, a coffee with some espresso and a butter crossient and asked her to come back later to take the girls orders.

"Order whatever you'd like, like I said it's my treat. " Michael offered with a smile as he looked to see how the girls were taking in the rather unique atmosphere.
"Are you sure you want to pay for all of it?" Weiss asked, "I'm perfectly able to pay for this meal."

"Come on, Weiss. If he says it's fine it's fine." Yang quickly replied.

Blake couldn't help but smirked a little before saying, "And this is totally coming out not from the fact you can get away with buying those expensive pastries?"

"I won't confirm nor deny anything." The fiery blonde said with a frown and a humph. The rest simply chuckled.

"So, Mchael. Why do you tell us a bit more about yourself? I mean, you said you were from Atlas, but what else?" Asked Ruby.
"It's fine. It's my treat as your mentor, don't worry too much about it." Michael tried to reassure them as he waved his hands lightly. He took a sip of his coffee once it arrived as he pondered Ruby's question, thinking about how open he should be. He decided to just be as open as he could be as he nodded his head gently.

"My family is pretty poor, my mother was a house cleaner and my dad worked in a Schnee factory for most of his life...until the Schnee's moved to using fanus as cheap labor..." Michael seemed to scowl slightly but managed to compose himself as he took a sip of his coffee. "My father blamed the fanus instead of the Schnee's for losing his job and sadly he is pretty stuck in his ways. I might have been too, if I fanus worker didn't save him from a mugger on my way home from my job one night." Michael smiled softly, looking over to Blake for a moment before back down at his coffee.

"I joined a number of pro-Fanus groups after that, some peaceful...others not so peaceful. Once I discovered my abilities, I sought admission into Beacon. If I went to the Academy at Atlas, the Schnee's would likely have me arrested." Michael chuckled, not seeming to mind the fact that he was basically a wanted man in Atlas. "Ozpin welcomed me with open arms and I went on to train with Taiyang for awhile before coming back. That's basically me in a nut shell." Michael shrugged, not thinking much of his history as he looked up to gauge their reactions.
Team RWBY listened attentively to Michael's story. The lighthearteness in the air soon vanished, everyone looking with serious expressions. Weiss specially felt like she was punched in the gut. Another instance of her father abusing the power and wealth he had, making others suffer and, as such, her family dragged into the hatred of many in Remnant. "I see..."

Ruby noticed the sadness in her friend's voice and softly placed her hand on Weiss' shoulder. "Weiss, we have ben a team for a while now. It doesn't matter what they say about your dad. You're Weiss and you're a nice person."

Weiss couldn't help but smile at her. Despite her sometimes driving her off the wall, she was still one of her greatest friends. "Thanks..."

Blake was rather surprised from what they heard. the way he spoke made it sound like he actually assisted the White Fang. Strange, given how much their hatred for Humans had become. Still, just like she didn't want to share her depths, she felt it was too invasive of his privacy.

"Well, we're a very weird group ourselves. If you felt like an outcast before, you're more than welcome here." Ruby reassured the young lad. She smiled at him once more, giving Michael a good time to look at her. Quite the cute face she had, and beautiful, as well as pretty silver eyes.

The waiter finally arrived to take their orders and the air was filled with joy once again. But as the group was ready to eat, the sound of the tv screen turned on inside the cafe couldn't help but catch their ears.

"--And despite many attempts of the police alongside armed forces, the whereabouts of the hijacked Atlas cargo ship has yet to be found. This add the second stolen craft, the first one having just occurred a mere month ago. This added with the already increased crime wave that has been starting to prey upon the Dust market and illegal trafficking. Law officials have marked the possibility of it being another terrorist attack from the radical organization of the White Fang. However, some suggest the different pattern of these attacks appear to defer from what was expected from the pro-faunus group..."

"You don't think..." Ruby muttered.

"It does sound like the White Fang does have a point. Something doesn't add up seems way too out of a sudden." Blake replied back.
"You aren't your father, Weiss. The fact that you see that what your father is doing is wrong shows you are a good person at heart." Michael agreed with Ruby and offered her a small smile before turning to look at Ruby and nodding his head. Now that he got a good look at her, she certainly was cute and he couldn't help but blush slightly at her words.

"Thank you, Ruby. That means a lot to me. I'll do what I can to help make this team great!" Once everyone ordered, his attention turned towards the news and a frown crossed his face as he pondered about the report along with the girls.

"I don't think it's the White Fang....I would have likely gotten a tip off from my informant...this might be another group. So many criminals these days." Michael sighed as he took a sip of his coffee and curiously eyed the girls before grinning slightly.

"Want to possibly bust up a crime ring this afternoon instead of sparring instead?" He suggested with a chuckle, wondering how they would take the suggestion.
"Wait, informant...?" Blake tried her best not to raise her voice at that revelation. Who the hell really was this guy that was still keeping tabs on the White Fang? She was definitely sure he was more than just a regular student at this point...

Everyone appeared surprised at the suggestion, but didn't seem to freak out or back down from it. This showed Michael that maybe they had done something like this before. "Okay, this guy is officially cool in my book!" Yang exclaimed with the widest of grins. She smacked her fist on her palm, a sign of her being all up for it.

"We couldn't just ignore something bad happening in our city, right? We have a duty to protect the people. So let's do it!" Ruby said in an excited but focused tone.

Weiss sighed, "At this point it'd be impossible to change their minds..." However that quickly shifted in a smirk, "So I'm in as well."

"I'm in. We must be careful tho. We don't know exactly what we'll be up against." Blake kept herself cool, but still smiling.

Bringing their hands together and then rising them up, the group was ready for a different type of spar that was originally planned...


Hours later, at the docks....

As sunset was about to fully shift into night, and the lights across the lampposts of Vale started to light up, A gathering seemed to happen. A group of men of many looks and sizes. Most either wearing scarves or bandanas around their mouths or sunglasses were in the process of loading a group of barrels into a ship.

One of the men appeared to be overseeing the situation. He had dark brown hair made into a ponytail, as well as having a pair of racoon ears over his head; Wearing a business suit and a pair of sleek sunglasses as well as a dark green armband with the symbol of a leaf on his arm. He was currently speaking over his scroll."Yeah, we are getting the stuff in. You'll have your hare by tomorrow morning..." He muttered, "Yeah, yeah we took care of it..."

He shortly glanced at a pair of men, a captain and a sailor, currently tied up and gagged, struggling to get out of their bonds. "We managed to borrow a ship from some nice folks..." The mysterious man said. Closing his device he looked at the rest of his crew and yelled. "Now stop goofing up and hurry the hell up. We ain't got all day people!!"

Unknown to all of them. Team RWBY had just arrived at the scene, currently hidden behind some containers. They slightly peeked past it, to see the thugs currently at work. An interesting note was the fact that there were a very balanced distribution of Humans and Faunus. "Just as we guessed. This ain't the White Fang..." Blake whispered. "Still, doesn't seem to be any time of group I had seen before..."
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