Fx Male Fantasy, Sci-Fi, and Fandoms [Plots] [Craving: Fantasy]


Dec 29, 2018
East Coast, USA
Note: I'm currently having a craving for something in the Wheel of Time universe, playing as a green ajah aes sedai. I recently spent some time developing a character, then writing an intro, only to have real life steal my partner away from me. If you're in for developing some sort of plot in that universe, hit me up!

About Me: I'm female, in my late twenties, live in the EST timezone and am primarily a night-owl. I've been role playing for fifteen or so years, getting my start on neopets, continuing to gaia, spending some time in a few smaller forums, and now (thought not exclusively) here. I've run the gamut from first-person-with-asterisks to multiple-pages-per-post (with excessive formatting), and I find my happiest medium to be a flexible 2-5 paragraphs. I go (significantly) longer for introductions and major scene-changes, and as short as a paragraph for battle scenes or rapid-fire conversations between characters controlled by different players. I write exclusive in (and with) the third person, and put out an average of one post a day with a very lumpy distribution - two or three on some days, zero on others. I prefer RPs via PM, but will also do threads and emails. In any case, PM me to get things started.

What I Seek: While I'm in the FxM category, this should be taken only as applying to the sex scenes I'd like to write, not a limit on other characters, nor any requirements about your own gender. I will typically pick up an entire ensemble of characters (with different orientations), and I tend towards plots eventually requiring an ensemble cast, or at least a healthy roster of recurring characters. As a general rule I run at a 80:20 ratio of plot to smut, and always like my smut with a side of romance and a dash (or more!) of seduction. I have little to no interest in slice-of-life style plots - I want action, adventure, and usually something on the epic side of things. I enjoy having a partner who likes to plot as much as they like to write, and have a slight preference towards plotting-than-writing rather than going in blind (though unexpected twists are always fun).

Sample: Given that I primarily RP either off site or via PM, I don't have any visible content for a would-be partner to skim. I will try to keep this up-to-date (that is, filled with somewhat recent content) but I make no guarantees.
"You need to rest, and heal. You're no use to me injured."

"For a woman made of so much fire, you can be quite cold."

"You bull-goose fool, I'm doing this for your own good! Would you rather I keep you, so that if I should die you'll follow after me?"

Sioned had replayed the conversation in her head, over and over and over again, as she'd ridden with great haste down along the river Arinelle. Should she have said something different? Had he expected her to lie to him? It wasn't as if she'd ever promised him anything permanent. All she'd offered was a brief partnership in pursuit of a common goal. Why did men always expect more?

"Will you return once this business is done? Will I see you again?"


What he'd said after that point hadn't been worth remembering: a vulgar medley of swears and insults that Sioned would've found impressive had they not been aimed at her. She hadn't needed to hear them, anyway. Through the bond she'd felt his anger, his frustration, his shame, his jealousy. It had been enough to make her cut the bond then and there, as un-gently as her oaths would allow. She remembered his gasp. She remembered the look in his eyes that followed, the sudden cessation of his swearing, the shock and the betrayal. She did not remember leaving, but knew at some point she must have walked out.

That had been nearly two weeks ago, and that look he'd given her continued to haunt her dreams. Sioned knew it would fade. It always did.

For better or worse, the expediency with which she made her journey left little time for sleep, anyway. From when the first few fingers of the morning light crept above the horizon, until it became too dark to see her own feet, Sioned rode. Her mount she kept upright by use of the one power, herself she kept upright through sheer force of will. It left her utterly exhausted, which was exactly what she wanted. It left her no time to have to think, or reflect. It also left her little time to plan, but planning had never been her strong suit to begin with, and the sisters who'd reached out to her by pigeon must have known that. If they'd wanted subtlety and foresight, they should've sought a blue. Her plans only went as far as making it to Baerlon, resting her horse, picking up the message she'd been told to expect, and then continuing on. If she was lucky, there would be another sister waiting for her in Baerlon. Or perhaps if she was unlucky. Sioned still hadn't quite made up her mind on the matter.

Regardless of her feelings, there was no sister waiting for her when she'd arrived. There had been a letter, with more background on the situation she was going to investigate, and a name, Huldr, a sleepy little mining town one more short sprint from her current location. She'd been torn, then, between searching Baerlon for sell-swords, and continuing to Huldr with as much haste as she could manage. Exhaustion had ultimately won out, denying Sioned either option, as the first hot meal she'd had in nearly a fortnight filled her with such torpor she'd first suspected she'd been drugged. Only after counting, and counting again, the hours she'd rested since leaving Saldaea did she convince herself that possibly, just perhaps, a better night's rest was in order. Any mercenaries around now will be around in the morning. She'd repeated the thought to herself as the last vestiges of consciousness slipped from her grasp, her will powerless against the allure of a warm bed.

The next day, Sioned had found her assumption correct, but in the worst possible way. There were no armsmen to be had, not for the coin she carried nor for the promissory notes she'd been authorized to write for even greater compensation from the White Tower. Some had taken one look at her preternaturally smooth, ageless face, and told her they "...wanted nothing to do with no flaming aes sedai". Other had let her get as far as her intended destination, before suddenly mentioning that they had "...something very urgent to do, on the, uh, other side of town." One young man had gone so far as to point out that the place she wanted to go was "...bloody haunted! Uh, begging your pardon for the language, uh, lady sedai." She'd tried all of the eight inns in the settlement (the ninth having burnt down, apparently, in recent times), going so far as to tuck her great serpent ring into her pouch and paint her face with hastily-purchased cosmetics in an attempt to look like a more common-place woman. She'd failed all the same, and ended the evening swearing a stream of filth that would've impressed her former warder.

Compared to the ride south, Sioned's shorter journey north and west seemed leisurely by comparison. She had still ridden for as long as she could manage each day, until the exertion of using the one power to spur her mount made her eyes cross with strain. But two whole nights of sleep in a real bed, and a chance to bathe and have her clothes cleaned, had refilled some internal reservoir Sioned had not realized she'd exhausted. Or perhaps the frustration at searching Baerlon high and low and coming up empty all the same had spurred her. It was another of those pesky questions requiring reflection, a task she refused to pursue. Instead, she'd lost herself again in the simple task of getting from point A to point B, arriving mid morning a handful of days later with no particular recollection of the journey along the way.

The town, if Sioned could bring herself to call it that, appeared to be little more than a loose collection of ramshackle houses huddling in the shadow of the Mountains of Mist. Locating the town's only inn had been easy, as it appeared to be the only building with a second story. Rather than wandering her mount, a hot-tempered dappled stallion with a penchant for biting anything in reach, through what passed for the town's square, she dismounted once she had been sure she'd be able to find the inn without the benefit of added height.

Not that Sioned was in any way short. As one (former) pillow-friend had once commented, the aes sedai was "built like an aiel", tall and lean. At a foot a hand, and a few fingers in height she stood on the taller side for a woman from Tar Valon, with a trim waist and well-muscled shoulders and small, perky breasts. The tightly-fitted, forest-green dress she wore accented these features, though the divided riding skirts obscured her equally-muscled thighs and provided only a glimpse of her slender ankles, ensconced in soft black leather boots. Just above her hips rode a braided leather belt, supporting a sheathed shortsword only partially hidden by the matching green cloak she wore despite the warmth and humidity of the day. Still, no sweat gleamed on her sun-kissed brow, and that, combined with the preternatural smoothness of her lightly freckled apricot skin left no doubts that the woman was aes sedai. Indeed, the winking golden gaze of a great serpent ring greeted any who looked down to her elegant hands, which at present were balled into fists at her sides, the left holding the reigns of her mount.

Whatever tension she held didn't make it to her face, where her plump lips were curved into a gentle smile. Her eyes, however, large and almost as green as her clothing, lacked any true warmth as they stared out from within the shadows of her cloak's hood. Framing her youthful face were a few wavy locks of bright coppery-red hair, escaped from a thick braid that ran unseen to just above her ass. "Youthful" was the most that could be said about her apparent age, somewhere between her early twenties and her late thirties, her aging first slowed then halted first by an early start at channeling and then by the binding magic of the oathrod. Age aside, her face could be described as "pretty but not quite beautiful", oval in shape with a wide and sensuous mouth and a small, slightly upturned nose. Close inspection would reveal a thin, silvery scar along the right side of her jawline, and another on the tip of her chin.

She stopped just outside the Howling Luna, ostensibly inspecting the well-painted sign but in truth feeling for traces of shadowspawn. Like all aes sedai she could detect a trolloc or myrddraal at a few hundred paces; like a few greens who knew the "trick" she could also note their recent passing. Sioned felt neither, though knew that a lack of shadowspawn did not mean a lack of darkfriends. Still, she had naively hoped to find a straightforward cause for Cymoril's disappearance. Some sort of enemy she could mindlessly slaughter, rather than the delicate task of investigation she had been told to expect. With a small sigh of resignation she tied her horse's reigns to a provided hitching post, less in fear of him being stolen and more in fear of him wandering off to bite someone. While a valued asset in battle, they fey moods Blackeye (Sioned had determined the "Bitey" a bit too blunt of a name) was prone to made him somewhat of a nuisance in more densely populated areas.

With one last, unreadable look cast at the townsfolk scattered outside, Sioned ducked into the inn and set to arranging a room for herself and stabling for her horse. And possibly, she thought as her stomach gave an embarrassing growl, a late breakfast or early lunch.

The proprietor, a balding man with friendly eyes and a sizable paunch, had given her a strange look when she'd asked to pay for a week's stay up-front. Sioned had asked, and been told that "..the last young woman pretty as you who did that didn't come back." Only the smallest bit of additional questioning, and a silver penny, had been required to get the full(er) story: that a woman and her man-at-arms had checked in, gone asking after the mines, then disappeared. The innkeep, at least, hadn't recalled them making any particular enemies or getting into any sort of trouble with the townsfolk, but admitted that his knowledge of the situation was sparse. But what he'd said at the end left Sioned feeling deeply concerned: "...and whoever they were, they must have been important, as you're hardly the first to go asking after 'em." Neither of the letters she'd received made any mention of other sisters.

While her room had been cheap, the matter of breakfast had been a beast of a very different color, costing more than triple what Sioned would have expected from an inn of similar quality in Tar Valon. It was simple food by most accounts, crusty bread from the night before dredged in drippings before being fried and topped with a poached egg, accompanied by hard white cheese and sausages and strong tea. The food hadn't been bad, but certainly not worth the small fortune she'd paid for it. But she had a comfortable amount of coin, enough to last the task and see her home if she was careful, so she placed her indignation aside and instead thought to the next steps of her mission while pushing the last scraps of her meal around her plate with a fork.

Her utter lack of success at Baerlon had been discouraging, and Sioned was almost tempted to press on with no warder or hired sword at all. She counted herself a moderately skilled swordswoman, and besides, having a warder clearly hadn't helped Cymoril much. Then again, the aes sedai's poor warder had probably been stuck defending himself and her, as browns weren't exactly known for their combat prowess. Or had she been a white? ...or a blue? Sioned tried to recall if she knew any details about the woman besides her name, but could only summon the haziest memory of the other woman's face. She'd passed her in the hall of the tower at some point in the last decade, but never had a reason to interact with her. She hoped her ignorance wouldn't end up mattering.

She pushed her plate away and waited for the young woman, the proprietor's daughter, Sioned suspected given the resemblance, came to take it away. When the young woman, who appeared to be in awe of Sioned's great serpent ring, reached for the plate, the aes sedai caught her gaze.

"Miss, do you happen to know if there are any mercenaries to be hired in this... town?" Although the tavern section of the inn was empty at this time of day, Sioned still kept her voice low.

The young woman stared back at her, blinked once, and only then seemed to realize that the aes sedai had spoken with her. She stammered, clearly thrown off-balance by the woman in green's question. There was some disorganized babbling before, finally, Sioned caught the useful piece of information.

"...hired some guards, came out of Baerlon. I think most'ave them have headed back, but, onna' them is still here... I think, mistress sedai." The young woman noted, before going on to describe Corik. There was a pause, and then a hesitant addition: "I think, though, if you're not planning on headed back to the city, though, you're going to have a hard time hiring anyone. My dad said you're gonna' be with us for at least a week, so I think that means you're not going back." Her large brown eyes brown wandered to Sioned's great serpent ring, and she paled. "Er, begging your pardon, mistress sedai, for assuming your business!"

"No need to apologise, especially since you're probably right!" Sioned chuckled warmly, and the young woman visibly relaxed. "Still, that's better news than I'd expected, and you have my thanks for it." She added another two copper pennies to the one she had left, then took her leave to go seek out yet another man who would probably tell her to "leave him out of her bloody witchcraft", with any luck.

Sioned glided back out the way she'd came, her mood somewhat improved for a hot meal and the brief respite, but her expectation of failure made the space between her brows wrinkle slightly with premature tension. She blinked in the bright, mid-morning sun and toyed with the idea of pulling her hood back over her head for the benefit of shading her eyes. She thought better of it, and instead tried fruitlessly to smooth the escaped tresses of coppery-red hair back into her braid while she scanned her surroundings for any sign of Corik or Rener. Miraculously, she spotted the former, or at least someone who fit the description she'd been given, chatting with one of the locals.
Never a woman of subtle ways, Sioned glided straight over, the soft wush wush of her divided skirts giving the duo a moment's warning. Resisting the urge to cross her arms under her bust (her mother said the gesture looked standoffish), she instead laced her fingers together and rested her hands on her stomach, and cleared her throat loudly. When their attention turned to the red-haired woman in green (or even if it didn't), she gave the so-called sellsword a thorough once-over with her eyes, appraising something and finding it suitable before continuing.

"Are you Corik?" Her voice was a low, rich alto with a musical quality to it. "It is my understanding that you're looking for work. I assume that's for more than just show?" She gestured to the longsword sheathed at his hip.

"You ask a very expensive question." Xarlhalo replied with a knowing smile. "I can't have you becoming one of my rivals, should you decide you want no more part in... this." He gestured with his eyes and the slightest craning of his neck towards Davhid and Alec.

The king paused in his rambling and pacing to again stare at his son. His watery green eyes narrowed in anger, and a muscle in his jaw began to twitch.

"Are you stupid, boy?! Do you not know what this creature can do? Gods, why did your brother have to die and leave me with an idiot for a heir. Why did he have to die..." His expression became distant and sad, his gaze fixing on an indistinct point in space. The tremble in his jaw grew stronger.

Zeh'viha watched with something that could generously be called "amusement", and quirked a feathery red-gold brow at Alec's so-called command. She gave another of those huffing sounds somewhere between a laugh and a sigh, and slowly peeled herself from the carriage floor. Now on all fours, she crawled as far forward as her chains would allow, before settling onto her heels and fists in a gargoyle-like pose. She sniffed at the air, then cocked her head in a bird-like fashion, her eyes clearly reading '"I'm here, now what?" She began another threatening growl... no, it wasn't a growl, but the rumble of her stomach.

"You wouldn't dare." King Davhid replied to Alec's threat. "You're... too... weak!" He approached his son in jerky, uncertain strides, his fists clenched and his jowls trembling.

Xarlhalo broke the tension with a very loud clearing of his throat.

"King Davhid," he started, once he had the man's attention, and bowed deeply. "As much as I'd love to remain and take in the splendors of your kingdom, my men will begin to become anxious if I do not return to their sides by moon-set. Our bargain is fulfilled, I have my payment, and you have your dragon." He turned to the prince, and offered another bow, only a hair shallower than the one he'd given to the king.

"Prince Alec, though it pains me that I will not be around to attend, I wish you and your beloved a most splendid marriage." Straightening, he turned to take his leave. When he'd nearly left, he turned again, and looked not to any of the men, but to the dragon.

"And Zeh'viha, please do go easier on them than you did on my men." And then Xarlhalo left, walking into the deepening darkness of the wilderness surrounding the manor house.

Hard NOs: Non-con, incest, underage, scat, abusive relationships (as anything but backstory), pregnancy (as anything other than a plot necessity)

Favorites (a wish-list, not a requirement): Dragon(or other mythic creature)-on-human(oid)-sex, extreme flirtatiousness, "fated mates" trope, sex-fueled magic

Genres and Fandoms I Have a Plot For: For all of the following I'll be listing a brief synopsis and the role I'd like you to play as your (initial) primary character. Every plot listed has (significantly) more content than presented. If you see an idea and want to spin off from there with your own ideas I'm also (usually) happy to oblige.

When a plague threatens her family's village, a young woman returns from her magic studies in the city to see if she can save those she loves. When the disease proves unstoppable, she performs a desperate and forbidden spell which attracts the attention of a being of incomprehensible power. She trades ten years of her service in exchange for her village's salvation and a chance to become the being's apprentice. What she does not know is that power such as the creature's cannot be taught, only given, and comes with a terrible price...
[YC] Dragon (or other magical being) x [MC] Human(oid)

A princess-turned-general seeks a path to victory in a war she knows her country cannot win, but for which the consequences of failure are complete annihilation. When a stranger shows her power and magics unheard of in the history of her kingdom's isolated existence, she is willing to offer anything and everything she has to bring that stranger to her side in battle.
[YC] Dragon (or other mythical beast) x [MC] Human

A down-on-his-luck outlaw wins a jump-ready spaceship with a lucky hand of cards, complete with it's own feline "indentured engineer". But on the way back from a celebratory vacation/smuggling run, his jittery companion comes running to tell his new master to inform him that he's discovered something unexpected in the pressurized section of the cargo hold...
[YC] Non-human humanoid x [MC] Human

Bad intelligence kills, and when it does, it leaves ugly corpses. After a field mission gone wrong leaves one agent dead and another bitten and nearly drained of blood, the Knights of Dawn calls upon one of it's few vampire members to coach the surviving victim through the first few stages of the Change, the transformation from living to undead. Working for an understaffed agency responsible for mankind's continued peaceful ignorance of the preternatural, the new partners are then immediately assigned to a case concerning a child-targeting serial killer using his victims as ingredients for building homunculi. When the Change fails to take the vampire's ward, and strange things start going bump in the night, they both begin to suspect that there's more to the failed mission then either of them has been told...
[YC] Vampire (or gargoyle or a few other supernaturals) x [MC] Human(?)

Inspired by C. S. Friedman's Magister Trilogy
The five years after the last of the glaciers melted and the gulf stream ceased and perpetual blizzards overtook all but the narrowest band around the equator saw the near extinction of homo sapiens. While the famines, the civil unrest, the widespread disease and cold killed some, the bulk of the deaths had nothing to do with the weather.

There was something hidden under the ice. Something sealed away long before mankind evolved out of it's caves and into civilized society.
[YC] (Human) Special Ops x [MC] (Human)

Apep created the duel monsters out of the dust-filled winds, breathed life into them and set them out upon the desert. Ra, unwilling to destroy what Apep had made, changed them. He took their wild and dangerous essences and bound them to the souls of men, transmuting them from destroyers to guardians. Apep was not deterred, and dreamed up a new plan to sow chaos in the mortal realm. His action was so subtle that Ra did not notice until it was too late to act: to drop the Book of Millennium magic into the hands of men. Nevertheless, for such a small act, trouble unfolded for decades.

Finally, though, the forces of light prevailed over those of darkness. But not without a price, a great price, extracted from the kingdom of Pharaoh Atem. The least of the tolls was his life. And Apep was not a god to be thwarted - seeing across the vast desert with his eyes beholding eternity, slowly, he planted his seeds in a new way. And not a scant five years later, with Atem finally resting in his grave, Apep's newest foul seeds begin to sprout.
[YC] Priest (now pharaoh) Seto x [MC] OC

Genres and Fandoms I Have Vague Ideas For: These are settings for which I have a vague idea or some sort of starting scenario in mind but no larger plot formed for.

Life's not easy living as a free pokemon in New Taileaf, but it sure beats roughing it out in the wild.

Two years of living together have taught you a few key things about your charizard flatmate - she's an alcoholic, she's served more years in the military than you've been alive, and she has an ex-boyfriend with a grudge. You've learned not to ask about the scar and implant in her right wing, and never to complain about the temperature in the apartment. But she pays her part of the rent on-time, doesn't snore, and makes moving furniture into your 8th floor flat a breeze. More importantly, though, she's a good listener (when drinking), and has never poked fun at your past. While she has a thick hide, you know that she's a good pokemon underneath. So when you come home one day to find a trail of blood running from your apartment to the raichu family next door, the walls blackened and the paint peeling, you suspect something terrible must have happened...
[YC] (an ex-trainer-owned pokemon raised for beauty, not might) & [MC] Charizard (I'm using & and not x because this is not a pairing-intended plot)

After a night out drinking, a Nazi officer finds himself awakening in a cave high in the Bavarian Alps. He is greeted by a woman with glossy blue-black hair and the most startling yellow eyes, who states that he and his have taken something of hers, and she intends to seek restitution...
[YC] Nazi Officer x [MC] Dragon

The exchange happened on a moonless night, the bulk of the royal family's dwindling wealth in exchange for the contents of a single horse-drawn carriage. An act of madness, the servants had whispered. The king, after all, had never been quite right since the untimely death of his wife, daughter, and eldest son. Summoning his son to the distant manor house where the deal had been made, the king presents the crown prince with what he claims to be the salvation of the kingdom and his future wife. For the small woman with fiery red hair and fierce yellow eyes, he claims, is a creature heard of only in myths - a dragon.
[YC] Human(oid) x [MC] Dragon

There are few things more traumatic than waking up to learn that you're... well dead. Or a living furry. And yet, every year, thousands of people wake up to learn just this. Before the dawn of the 21st century, most of such folks were quickly and quietly roped into their local covenant or pack, and those who didn't became problems that were quickly "solved". But in 2018, when undead became citizens and "lycanthropy" became a recognized medical condition, things began to change.

Counselors are the therapist of the supernatural world, and exist to help folks cope with learning of their fey heritage, or of their significant other's vampirism, or their new... furry condition. They are the ones who ensure that politicians recognize the difference between trolls and ogres, they help lawyers defeat charges of non-consesual hypnotism put up against their dragon-blooded clients. They range from high school SPARK counselors, to five-hundred-dollar-an-hour private consultants, and anywhere in between.

And they all see business. Because really, the only thing more traumatic than waking up dead, is waking up dead and not knowing what to do about it.
[YC] ??? x [MC] Fey-Blood Counselor

It has been twenty-five years since the boy who lived was publicly executed in front of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Time enough for an entire generation of witches and wizards to grow up knowing "Voldemort" as a household name, "Death Eater" as a common political affiliation, and "Order of the Phoenix" as a terrorist organization. But despite the sweeping changes wrought upon the world order with the victory of the forces of darkness, some things have remained constant. And while Hogwarts may have changed it's curriculum and established a strict pureblood-only policy, the school has continued to function as just that, a school, and a place for young witches and wizards to learn how to harness the powers of magic.
[YC] Student & [MC] Student (I'm using & and not x because this is not a pairing-intended plot, at least not for any student-aged characters)

Genres and Fandoms I Lack a Plot For: These are genres, settings, and particularly fandoms I'm familiar with, would be happy to role play in/with/around, but have no ideas as towards a plot.
  • Genres and Themes
    • Far-future sci-fi
    • Cyberpunk/dystopian sci-fi
    • Space opera
    • Space pirates
    • Pretty much anything with a medley of distinctly non-human species and faster-than-light travel
    • Post-apocalyptic WITH fantasy
    • Urban fantasy
    • "Medieval" fantasy (my actual period-correct knowledge is... quite poor, hence the quotes)
    • "Victorian" and steampunk
    • Diesel-punk
    • High and Epic fantasy
    • "Wild West" fantasy
  • Fandoms - In all likelihood I will not play a canon from any of these, but rather, would like to use/borrow the setting
    • Books - Some of these I haven't read in a long while but can refresh myself on (authors listed in brackets to disambiguate similarly-named series)
      • Mistborn/The Stormlight Archive/Anything set within the Cosmere [Brandon Sanderson]
      • Wheel of Time [Robert Jordan & Brandon Sanderson]
      • Dragonriders of Pern [Anne McCaffrey & Todd McCaffrey]
      • Sunrunners/The Dragon Prince/The Dragon Star [Melanie Rawn]
      • Dragon Lords [Joanne Bertin]
      • Dresden Files, [Jim Butcher]
      • The Rachel Morgan Series/The Hollows [Kim Harrison]
      • Age of Fire [EE Knight]
      • Anita Blake [Laurell K Hamilton]
      • Griffin Mage [Rachel Neumier]
      • Fire and Rescue [Zoe Chant]
      • The Dragon Temple Saga [Janine Cross]
      • A Song of Ice and Fire [George RR Martin]
      • Dragon Jouster [Mercedes Lackey]
      • Temeraire [Naomi Novik]
      • Honorverse [David Weber]
      • ...and a lot more (ask!)
    • TV
      • Westworld
      • Game of Thrones
      • The Man in the High Castle
      • Avatar The Last Airbender
    • Anime and Manga - Some of these I haven't read/watched in a long while
      • Yu-Gi-Oh!
      • Digimon
      • Pokemon
      • Angelic Layer
      • Hellsing
      • Black Butler
      • The Ancient Magus Bride
      • Kill la Kill
      • Dragon Ball Z
    • Misc
      • Homestuck
      • Unsong
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Still looking for someone for either In the Name of the King or The Price of Power, or anyone with ideas for a Sunrunners role play.
Let's bump it up!
Unwisely bumping just before I leave on an overseas trip...

Edit: sorry mods misread the timestamp, won't do it again.
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Done with my intros backlog; I have some posts I still need to write but I may as well give this a bump in hopes of finding a taker for a intro that someone ghosted on me after...
Between one RP ending, some people ghosting on me, and some other RPs turning out to be far slower than I had expected, I have a slot open. PM me if you want to plot and plan!
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