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Fx Female Ahnyes’ Requests - Updated 4/1


Apr 10, 2015
United States

I am looking for:
- OOC chatter!
- Literacy.
- Quality over quantity, but I hate one-liners.
- A decent amount of plot along with the smut!
- A story-line with adventure, action, and ROMANCE!
- I’m probably looking for one long-term story with several shorter and smuttier affairs to keep a girl happy!

I am not looking for:
- Rape
- Vore
- Gore
- Non-con of any kind
- Anything that should belong in the toilet (with an exception listed below)

My major kinks:
- Incest (any)
- Cheating
- Shower sex
- Multiple orgasms
- Wetting
- Multiple partners
- Risk of pregnancy
- More experienced partners
- Werewovles!


Fandoms: (OCs or Canons)
- Dragon Age
- Mass Effect
- Being Human
- Kingdom Hearts
- Avatar: The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra
- The Last of Us
- Hero Academia

General Pairings:
- Sister/Sister
- Brother/Sister
- Cousin/Cousin
- Mother/Daughter
- Father/Daughter
- Teacher/Student
- Girl/Friend's Girlfriend or Wife
- Ex-Girlfriend/Ex-girlfriend
- Pregnant Woman/Pregnant Woman
- Werewolf/Werewolf
- Werewolf/Human
- Vampire/Human
- If what you like isn't on here, just PM me and ask!


Will We, Won't We? (multiple pairings)
In this one, YC is married to a good man. You've always been a little bi-curious, but never felt any need to explore that aspect of yourself. Then, MC shows up. MC can be a childhood friend, or your character's sister, a coworker, whoever. All that matters is that there is chemistry between YC and MC, and they end up hooking up. Then begins a whirlwind romance, where things take a turn once the husband finds out. Is he okay with this? Does he join? Does he leave? Let's find out!

Phoenix's Ashes (Multi pairings, could be made to include any number of kinks)
This is an involved plot, one that I want to work out with my partner. I'll lay down the basics of what I have in mind here, but its all up for debate and to be discussed and worked on! Its definitely long-term.

MC is a daughter to a wealthy and powerful wizard. Her sister is the Oracle, a special kind of wizard who possesses powerful magic skills and at some point will prophecy some event, before promptly dying and reincarnating. MC lives constantly in the shadow of her sister, and is largely overlooked by the rest of her family. MC finds comfort in her friends.

YC is a daughter to the leader of a nomadic clan of elves, whom are hated across the world. Whenever YC's clan makes camp near the city, she always comes to visit MC. When YC catches snippets of a plot to attack MC's family home, she rushes to save MC. YC manages to save MC, and they escape, taking refuge at the elven camp until the attack is over.

Soon, however, the camp falls under attack by the same mercenaries and our characters discover that the mercenaries are specifically hunting for MC. With the entirety of YC's clan murdered, our characters flee and begin the long and arduous process of figuring out why the mercenaries were after MC and who sent them.

The story should involve multiple characters. We should switch to side characters and have them guide the plot along when necessary. The budding romance between the characters could start in full swing, but fall to the back burner after the attacks, or slowly develop over the course of the story. As written, its more of a fantasy story, but we could easily change it to be an alternate history type thing (your character is a recently freed slave, my character is the daughter to a wealthy family kind of thing) or even a modern fantasy story.

I want to work with you a lot on this, so I left out a lot of details such as how I envision the plot ending and where the characters go. I hope to hear from you lovely ladies on this, and I can't wait to see what we come up with!

Teach Me, Mommy (teacher/student, MD/lg, plenty of kink potential)
MC is the daughter to a single dad, who’s mother died when she was very little. YC is her high school teacher that she looks up to and comes to for anything, who’s never been able to have kids. What happens when something blossoms between the two, and they enter a true Mommy Dom/Little Girl Relationship?

Love Me (Romance, any number of kinks)
Freshmen year of college, we become roommates. Freshmen year of college, we fall in love. Freshmen year of college, we lose each other. Let's fill in the blanks.
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