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Nigri Amnesia (RoleplayMaster x AmeliaRP)


Jun 26, 2013
Grunting softly as he pulled his toolbag backpack over his shoulders, Curtis ensured one more time that the projector screen had been mounted to the wall correctly, before giving his farewells. As an IT technician, he had been into many behind-the-scenes areas in places people never would see in their lives: offices in Police Stations, the insides of Poker Machines, and even the safe compartment of ATMs. Today, he was simply in an office in the back of his local hospital, setting up a projector for video conferences. It was two years ago that he had began this career, basically straight out of school. Now at twenty two years old, he was finally feeling comfortable in his role at the IT Service Business he worked for.

Strolling through towards the exit, a pair of nurses almost bumped into him as they left the room of a patient. Not noticing him enough to even apologise, he was about to complain when he caught what they were saying. "-broken arm, dislocated shoulder, and evidence of concussions to her head. Thankfully she had her belongings, as otherwise we couldn't even tell Miss Nigri her name. Seems to have complete amnesia" The nurse seemed to be with a medical student, explaining everything wrong with the patient they had just visited. But it was the name that stuck out to him. So much so he completely missed the rest of the rundown of injuries. 'Nigri? Like... Jessica Nigri?'

He glanced inside subtly, noticing a blonde woman with a bandage wrapped around her head, staring up at a TV. He was about ninety nine percent sure it was the model he had followed for years. But then his eyes found a sign on the wall, giving the patient's name. He had worked in other rooms before which never had such a sign inside. As he had missed the note about her amnesia, the sign confused him. But as he stood mere metres away from his celebrity crush and idol, he barely put any thought into it. He badly wanted to meet this woman, even if she was in quite a vulnerable state. 'Screw it, she won't mind... right?'

Placing his bag down in the corner of the hallway, out of the way of everything, Curtis wiped his palms on his pants and approached, knocking on the door. "H-Hey, um..." He started to say, but didn't know what he could say. Courage left him almost as fast as it had come, leaving him standing awkwardly at the foot of her bed.
"Will no one change the channel for me? I don't want to watch the news. That's all I done since they brought me here." Her arm ached, her shoulder was sore, her head was throbbing. Jessica was feeling nausea and it was difficult for her to talk. So many people in various designs of white uniforms were flitting around but no one seemed to be really caring for her. They said that she was some kind of celebrity but no one could even decide whether or not the 29 year old blonde had any broken bones. To her it felt that they all could have been.

"You're not my husband, are you? They went to check if I have one." Scrunching up her ebony eyes, she looked at the only person not in medical attire. He didn't seem to be her type but it was hard to tell. It was more likely that he had come to fix one of the monitors she had attached to her wrist which was found not to be working. She was confused about who she was let alone knowing anyone else. All she understood that she was in a hospital.

Despite her various pains, the blonde felt exhausted as she attempted to lay back her head. There were the flashing lights she remembered. At first just clear ones, then blue then amber. The drone noise from the cutting equipment next buzzed in her ears. Such was the shrilling pitch before everything went black. It must have been some operating theatre where they cut off that comic book costume she had been wearing but try as she might it did not have the least significance for her.

What was missing was that there was no one for her to trust. Jessica recognised no one, not even the young man who had appeared out of nowhere. Had he been sent to be her saviour. He had come to rescue her? The blonde celebrity reached out for his hand. She needed him. Who else was there to help her? Tears welled up in her eyes and started to trickle down her face. "Can you take me away, please. Just get me out of here."
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