Fx Any The Sacrifice


Apr 28, 2015
Hi there I’ve had this idea and I was wondering if any or you lovely people would be interested in a role play that would be fantasy based. The basic idea would be about a god like or extremely powerful king/queen that can make things happen with a click of his fingers. To appease the kings wrath people send gifts and sacrifices in the way of slaves for the king to treat however he wishes. This is where my defiant character comes in.
So then they send a cart load. Of new slaves of various ages to become new slaves, some either to cook and clean, other to carry out other tasks, and some who are their for sexual pleasure and torture.

Obviously my character is headstrong and defiant and will fight your character through everything he does to her, even if she is left almost dead she will still take a swing at him even if he degrades her by doing menial tasks only to be made to start again.

PM me to discuss further details.


( here is the first post in case anyone needs a taster.)

It was the sudden jolt that woke her up, tapping her on the side of the head. Groaning she tried to swallow but something was blocking her tounge. A piece of thick fabric was in between her teeth, the cloth blindfold had fallen off during the journey but still gave her limited visibility only being able to see partially out of one of her eyes. As far as she was able to see she was in a long carriage of some sort, either a cart or a bus, the windows were blocked up so only the smallest beams of light came in. The cart was full of people, she was against the window, a person was in front of her a woman a few years older than her who was trembling like mad, she was chained to a person who was resting to the back of her then someone was sitting in front of her so that was four people including her, there was 9 other rows of people that made about 40 people. All split in the middle, half males and half females all varying in ages. She couldn’t move her hands as they were tightly shackled, she had red welts on her wrists where she had struggled against whoever or whatever put her in there.

She couldn’t remember getting into this cart at all, she was certain she was kidnapped but for reasons unknown. The cart came to a screeching halt, sending everyone slamming into the side of the person next to them. The doors burst open and the shackles pulled tight forcing everyone to a standing possition.

“ everyone out! Move!” She was pulled forward, she resisted a little pulling back causing her face to be slapped hard the blindfold falling away properly now, her thick brown hair breezing across her face. They were being led toward a heavily guarded castle, pulling against the chains she tried to loosen everything she could to get away. Being led to a castle could only spell trouble, they came to a courtyard were they were stood in a large line, the stonework stained in blood. “ you will stay here , if you move we hurt you, if you try to escape we hurt you. You are to be selected by his majesty. Some will die others may live” announced a knight.

She watched as everyone’s blindfold and gags was removed, everyone seemed to be in different states of shock, some were crying, most were shaking and the rest were staying as still as they could. As a guard past she slammed her elbow into his chest he moved out of the way and grabbed her arm pulling her to her knees holding her by her hair “ they more you fight the longer your death will be” She growled through the mouth gag as it was tightened around her mouth again, she struggled for a few minutes stopping as the doors opened.
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