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Mx Female Wanna Play? (Updated 7/1/24)


Is that the moon?...Nope...It's aliens...Fuck...
Dec 26, 2018
Hello, and welcome to my Request thread. Let's have some fun, shall we?

First things first, a few rules.

1: All characters engaging in sexual activity must be 18+.
2: No scat or anything related and/or similar.
3: I RP in the PM threads, not forums and not messenger services. I am either not familiar with or do not have various messenger services.
4: No txt tlk! Use your words, please.
5: OOC conversation is appreciated and preferred so that we can discus the RP as it develops. This way if either of us is having trouble due to some form of writers block or any other reasons for difficulty and struggle that we may work together to fix/change the issue and both get our enjoyment from the RP.

With that out of the way, lets get into the specifics. I consider myself semi-literate/literate all depending on which head is doing most of the thinking at the time. My grammar isn't perfect, therefore, I use spell check. I post at least 1-4 paragraphs and will always try to work through writers block to keep the muse flowing, though it's easier said then done sometimes. Don't like one liners as they don't give anything to work with. A nice mixture of both smut and story is preferred however if it leans one way or the other I'm generally alright with that as long as there's something good to play with gong on. If you see anything you like in this thread feel free to PM me and we can work out the details.

Also, if any of these plot ideas inspire something a little different feel free to share the idea and we can make sure there's plenty in the RP for us both to enjoy. It takes two to tango after all.

Most of my pairings come with the intention of at least a 50/50 split between plot and smut. A few are intended for more of a 70/30 smut/plot ratio. This may vary depending on where the narrative/mood is.

*Note* I don't typically keep plots exclusive for a single partner. Too many times in the past I've had many people requesting the same things from my requests threads. So, I leave them up and keep them open for new RP partners. I find that even if the same plot has been used multiple times, it still results in different stories. Different people have different taste. With that said: on with the fun stuff! :)

Fantasy fiction, Medieval era
Two neighboring Kingdoms, one of Humans and the other of Elves, have been at odds for a few generations. They have fought multiple wars to a stalemate and have subsequently gone through phases of uneasy peace and war. Throughout the decades the others kingdoms and feudal civilizations that surround them have also put each kingdom under pressure through means of conflict. Now the two kings, having fought to another stalemate amidst multiple peripheral wars with other territories and in particular the Elven kingdom suffering terrible conflicts along its borders, have come to a decision. Through a mutual respect that each aging king has earned for the other, The Elven Noble king and the Human Warrior King, they decide to make peace. To ensure this peace each king is to offer the hand of their eldest offspring to the other in marriage. The princess of the Elven kingdom and the Son of the Human kingdom. The Elven princess being a young woman of the noble courts, respected in certain noble circles. The Human son a warrior and general in his own right, commanding respect and soldiers in equal measure. The two kingdoms now come together to form peace. The Prince of the human kingdom to be a general of the Elven kingdom and the Elven Princess recognized as a princess of the Human kingdom. They exchange culture, technology and establish trade while helping to defend the Elven borders.

The Elven kingdom is more of a "Medieval European" style kingdom. The human kingdom is more of a "Celtic/Barbarian/Viking" style kingdom. Fantasy elements can be discussed and considered for the purposes of world building. I have several ideas to be discussed in regard to these story elements.
In a world were "superheroes" walk among us, the city of Aegis, the biggest city in the world, boasts the largest population of them. Some choose the life of a hero. Saving people from tragedy, madness and villains of every kind. They form teams or leagues and work as a group or stick with the independent route. Others use their powers for their own gain. Choosing lives of crime in much the same way as their heroic counterparts, either in as a group or alone. There is yet another group that chooses not to join either. Sometimes they hire themselves out as a kind of mercenary for whoever will pay them or whoever has a job that interests them. Some walk the boarders of good an evil. Sometimes they might help someone in need, sometimes they might just feel like raising some hell. While others choose to keep their powers secret still and live normal lives. When many of these "neutrals", as the hero's and villains call them, are discovered they are promptly offered roles in some of the teams of good and evil and even contracts for work based around their powers. Some take up the offers while others refuse, for whatever reason. One such neutral has only lived in the city a few years after "retiring" from being a kind of chaotic hero for a small town on the other side of the country. Now he wants to settle down and give a normal life a try. Maybe even find love. Will he witness a terrible crime that pulls him back into the life? Or will there be a heroine of Aegis that gets him to step out of the shadows?
All "Supers" are OC's. So feel free to create a heroine to your liking with whatever power/combination of powers you want. Or she could be just a regular person, either way is fine with me.
MC is a warrior from a humble village. 5 years ago a sorceress, in a move of passionate vengeance, raided the village. She claimed members of his village had stolen from her and desecrated her home. In truth it was a group of bandits, some of whom had been exiled from the village, but it wasn't the people themselves. Still she attacked and in so doing, killed MC's brother. So he set out on a quest for vengeance all his own to hunt down the sorceress. Leaving behind his lover, YC, with the promise he would return victorious. She, knowing him better than most others, knew she couldn't change his mind and promises to wait for him. Instead he was bested by the sorceress who, instead of killing him, placed a curse on him. Stripping away all the memories of his past, his home, and his love. Leaving him an empty shell of a warrior, wandering from village to village in search of a home he cannot recall. Now he is returning by sheer happenstance to his home only to find that several dangerous groups have moved into the area. Tormenting the small town and the other nearby villages. After so long, will the people of his home recognize him? Will they try and help him regain his memories? Or well they let him continue wandering the great wide world?
The year is 2418. Humanity has spread beyond the boundaries of Earth and colonized Mars. Although human technology has progressed to the ability to explore their home system and Terra-form it's sister planet, many human traditions simply never die. One such tradition is the nature of imperialistic control. Although Mars is home to many colonies spread among two hemisphere's, it is still not recognized as a free and sovereign world. The United Earth Federation holds full governance over the planet, largely using the colonies to supply the empire with resource and it's own economic stability. While there are many loyalists to this cause in the Martian government, there are still many more who would seek freedom and autonomy from Federation control. Independence: the undying dream of mankind.

This plot can embody political, corporate and military themed narratives all while playing around with theoretical technologies and the future of our species. To help understand my inspiration for this: think along the lines of "Red Faction" + "Ghost In The Shell" + "Anything Gundam" = This shit lol.
In ancient times, human life was seeded on earth by extraterrestrials. The human race was used as a slave race to harvest the natural resources of the planet. Some of these resources were the humans themselves. Many extraterrestrial species have used the planet for these purposes or even simply to watch and study the free human population that was left on the planet at the mercy of evolution and their own instincts. Our story focuses on those humans that were kept as pets by these extraterrestrials. The alien races that keep humans in such a way use them for every imaginable purpose. Simply house pets, hunting partners the way humans use dogs and birds, instruments of war and conquest, even for scientific experiments with genetic applications.

This scenario has a WIDE range of applications and I am open to many of them. Imagination is the only real limit here.
*Note: This is not a "BDSM", "Dub-con", "Non-con" RP. The humans are literally pets and well established as such. Here in reality we humans have dogs, cats, birds, etc. In the RP: Aliens have humans for these exact purposes. The humans are not objects of affection for them in any way.
In the distant future, humanity was ravaged by a series of cataclysms then plagued by mysterious new diseases. All of this took a severe toll on the population, dwindling the number of humans to frightening new lows. In an effort to save the human race, MC, a prolific scientist of several disciplines begins conducting experiments and applying radical new modifications to human volunteers. Enhancing their physiology, including breeding capabilities. All in an effort to replenish the population. YC is one such volunteer. A subject within the program, ready to be enhanced and help save humanity. One extreme pregnancy at a time.

More to come...

I often have a wide variety of cravings going all at the same time. Perks of having a delightfully perverse mind . So this section will list those currently on my mind that would peek my interest.
-Size difference
-Huge tits
-Huge ass
-Reverse Gangbang

Here's the link to my f-list. There are options that I did not check off on the f-list because it would be very a redundant list or because the uncheck "kink" relates to something that would be planned out before the RP even starts. Scenes, locations, settings, etc. So feel free to ask me about any topics related to the various "kinks" on my list and chances are I like things that aren't even listed on the f-list.
F-list - Warning

More to come as the inspiration strikes. I'll try to keep this regularly updated as best I can.
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