- Joined
- May 10, 2009
- Location
- The Asscrack of nowhere, WA

Me too, as fate would have it!
But let's break this down into more manageble bits and bobs, Shall we?

I am TheyDontKnowIBurn, but you may call me Burn, Burny TDKIB, or Nano.
(Yes, I'm aware one of those things is not like the other.)
I am 27 years old.
I am Female.
I write.
I draw.
I have been roleplaying for near on 14 years.
I have a family and educational obligations that I will meet before playing.
These are the pertinent things to know.

I want to roleplay.
I want to play MxF, MxM, and FxF
(In order of preference)
I want to play fandoms and original settings.
I want a partner who will put in equal effort.
If we double, I want for my partner to put as much effort into my requested pairing as you put into your preferred pairing.
I will return the favor gladly.
I want a partner who wants to communicate.
Chatting, plotting, even just bullshitting.
I'm greedy like that. I want it all.
I want stories rich with plot.
50/50 is about as high as I'm interested in going with smut, and in order to enjoy it, it needs to be some truly out of this world, mind blowing sex-scene writing.
I'm genuinely not interested in plots that focus strictly on sex.
That being said, I DO want romance.
Reasonably paced, well developed romance.
No insta-love-of-my-life stories here, I'm afraid.
I like my romance like I like my coffee. Sometimes sweet, sometimes dark, but never instant.

Let's move on to the fun bits, shall we?
Kinks? Where I want to play? Who I want to play? What I want to play?
All of it will be found in the following post, so please keep your eyes peeled!

This is a work in progress. I'll add, remove, and improve over time. These are by no means comprehensive. If you have something else, just ask! Worst I can say is no.

My kinks are as follows:
~Pregnancy (M-preg included, but no oviposition, please)
~Risk of Pregnancy
~Taller Partners
~Ageplay (5-20 years, I prefer to play the younger character)
~Dominant partners
~Switch partners
The things I won't do:
Anything involving vore, gore, snuff, rape*, animals, harems, or bodily fluids besides cum.
Also I'm not interested in huge cocks, giant breasts, or other extremes in physique.
Otherwise just ask!
*Rape as a kink is not acceptable to me. It may be used as plot element for tragedy, but I have no want or desire to play out a rape scene. Hard stop. Trying to push one will cause me to immediately discontinue our roleplay, no further warnings or questions asked.

I love, love, love the following non-sexual elements:
~Characters with happy backgrounds and strong family bonds
~Happy endings (harhar, I meant in stories!)
~Well developed friendships between characters

I play over multiple mediums. The list is in order of preference.
~Google Docs
~PMs (you're really going to have to be offering something amazing, because I sometimes don't get notifications, so this is my least preferred method)

I LOVE so many fandoms. I love playing OCxOC in a fandom world. I love playing MyOCxCanon, and will double in return. I am usually willing to play CanonXCanon if I like the idea enough. So let's get down to business (to defeat the Huuuuuuns). If a pairing is hyperlinked, there's a plot or character attached (or will be when I finish this thing), so click if you're curious!
Note: First role is my preferred role
Note 2: I expect all characters to be played at a minimum age of 18+, end of discussion. No underaged stuff here, folks.
Tokyo Ghoul
Ghost in the Shell SAC
-OCxKiawe!!!!!!!! (I want this one sooooooo much!)
-OCxSteven Stone
-MayXSteven Stone!!!!!!!! (Also adore this one!)
Dragon Ball Z
-OCxVegeta!!!!! (I have a story)
Rurouni Kenshin
Detective Conan
Naruto (all stories will be AU as I'm not familiar with Boruto)
Fullmetal Alchemist
-OCxEd (MxF or MxM)
-OCxRoy (MxM)
Attack on Titan
-ErenXLevi (very specific alternate universe plot)
Stardew Valley
Kingdom Hearts
Rune Factory 4:
Harry Potter:
-OCxOC (MxF or MxM)
-OCxDraco (MxF or MxM)

-Coming Soon. It's Christmas, guys. I'm busy ^_^'-

Here, I'm going to post things that are worth noting before you contact me. Often, they'll be things I was reminded I don't have any interest in, or don't want a potential partner to do.
1. Do not come to me with likenesses you want me to play for you. I choose my character appearances. Unless it's just an absolutely lovely picture, I almost guarantee I'm not going to do it. Same goes with celebrities.
2. As an extension of one, do NOT, and I cannot stress this enough, link me to porn sites with GIFs of the character likeness you want performing graphic sex acts. Out of the gate that will tell me we aren't compatible, because as I've said, I'm not here for a predominantly smut filled romp. I won't even entertain a response to you, and I will put your name on a list of people I won't interact with further. It's great if you like smut based rp and porn. There are times when I do too. But this is not one of them.
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